Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 279

The voices of a thousand night watchmen gathered together to form a deafening sound.

The sound was so loud that it made the glass next to it flicker.

for this scene.

This was also the first time I met Long Yubing.

She is also a rookie captain.

Then he turned his head and looked at Lu Xingye with pleading eyes, as if asking what to do next? I should say something.

Lu Xingye naturally saw her embarrassment.

He raised his hands in the air, and then all the night watchmen looked over.

Regarding positions:

Lu Xingye is the commander.

Bigger than Long Yubing.

Therefore, when Lu Xingye issues an order, the night watchers will be the first to execute Lu Xingye's order.

"Everyone disband where they are."

"Follow the training instructions given by the base mastermind and start exercising individually."

"Everyone must become familiar with their body in one day."

"after one day."

"Gather here."

"We are going to a secret base for high-tech training."

"Everyone of you, prepare."

"Roger. Commander." The night watchmen heard another deafening voice right after.

After dealing with the guardian's affairs.

Lu Xingye left.

As for Long Yubing, he stayed where he was.

Because she is the captain of the Night Watch, she stays to train with the soldiers, which will help improve their cooperation.

Or also called tacit understanding.

After Lu Xingye left the training room.

Found Jarvis.

Although the nanorobot manufacturing plan has been completed, another plan has not been completed.

That is - the genocide plan of the gray fog civilization.

The initial plan is as follows:

Shoot a movie with a background similar to reality. In the movie, they have discovered the existence of gray fog civilization long ago.


Concentrate the efforts of all mankind to develop genocide drugs for the gray fog civilization.

at the end of the movie.

Humanity finally succeeded in developing a genocide drug.

Four planes dropped the genocide in the gray fog area, causing the entire gray fog civilization to become extinct.

that's all!

Human civilization defeated the gray fog civilization.

Jarvis has been in charge of this genocide plan since its inception.

Because Lu Xingye was following up on the nanorobot research and development plan, he didn't quite understand how the genocide plan was progressing until now.


"How did the last movie I asked you to shoot go?"

Now Jarvis is no different from a human being.

Whether it is micro-expressions or human habitual behaviors, after this period of learning, Jarvis can perfectly play humans.

When Jarvis heard Lu Xingye's words, a faint smile appeared on his lips. He still liked to spit out fragrance so much.

"Of course... the filming was successful."

"With me, Jarvis, personally following up, what can't be done for a long time?"

"Speaking of which."

"Boss, I think you should thank me."

"If it weren't for me, where would you have such a handy assistant?"

When Jarvis looked at Lu Xingye, he began to speak sweetly and eloquently.


This artificial intelligence is a chatterbox. Once it starts talking, it can't stop.

"Thank you hammer."

"Have you forgotten? Who gave you a new life? Who made this body for you?" Lu Xingye asked with a smile.


"Isn't that you, boss?"


"Then let me thank you."

There was a flash of resentment in Jarvis's eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense to me here."

"Now that the movie has been successfully shot, you can quickly copy it for me."

"If you keep talking nonsense to me here."

"I don't mind letting you go back to the drawing board."

Lu Xingye straightened his face, pretending to be serious.

"Ah... don't."



When he heard the words "rebuild", Jarvis was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and his hair suddenly exploded.


"I was wrong, why not!"

"I will never talk nonsense again."


"Don't ever let me reinvent the wheel."

"I'm your cutest smart assistant! How can you let me go?"

Hearing that Jarvis was eloquent again, Lu Xingye quickly made a pause gesture.

"Stop, stop, stop..."

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will destroy you now."

At this time.

Only then did Jarvis become completely quiet.

This artificial intelligence just needs a beating. It spits out sweet things unconsciously every time, but it has to be threatened to stop.


"I have transferred the film to your personal computer."

"Just go up and check it out yourself."

"If nothing happens, I'll leave."

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