Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 286

He is a mature artificial intelligence and obviously does not have the same violent mood swings as humans.

220. What do you want to say to millions of patients: Gene therapy can cure terminal diseases.

Jarvis waved his hand.

Walking up to Lu Tie, he gently lifted him up with a faint smile on his lips.

"Actually, you don't need to thank me."

"I didn't invent nanobots."

"I'm just a user."

"If you want to thank, then thank the inventor of nanorobots!"

When Lu Tie heard this, his body froze for 2 seconds.

"Whether it's you or the inventor of the nanobots, I want to thank you."

"What you do is beneficial to the country and the people."

"This is a very meritorious thing."

"Whatever you want." Jarvis said lightly.

There was no emotion on his face, as if he was not a real person.

But he can obviously imitate humans perfectly.

For some unknown reason, Jarvis did not appear to have a fragrant mouth.

He glanced to the side without trace, and suddenly his eyes stopped for a second on Lu Xiaoyu's live broadcast device.

His eyes were quite surprised.

Jarvis's letter suddenly gave birth to a particularly bold idea.

"Are you broadcasting live?" Jarvis asked uncertainly.


"I'm sorry."

"Without your permission, I only broadcast the live broadcast privately. I will turn off the live broadcast. If you want any compensation, I can also give it."

Hearing Jarvis's voice, Lu Xiaoyu thought the other party was blaming him for broadcasting live without permission.

After all, this kind of medical scene may need to be kept confidential.


Jarvis laughed dryly. Seeing that the other party had misunderstood him, he quickly explained:

"Ms. Lu."

"it does not matter."

"You don't have to turn off the live broadcast."

"In fact, your live broadcast of our gene therapy is also a kind of promotion for us."

"We really want you to live broadcast! How can we ask you to turn off the live broadcast?"

Lu Xiaoyu thought about it carefully and felt that Jarvis

Ahem... That makes sense. He immediately stopped his hands that were about to turn off the live broadcast.

"What do you mean, doctor?"

Lu Xiaoyu asked with some confusion.


"Is such that!"

After a period of ice-breaking, Jarvis finally revealed his true colors. His cold disguise was torn off, and his sweet-smelling personality began to show.

"Didn't your father just say that he wanted to thank me?"

"Then can I make a small request?"

Lu Xiaoyu: "What is your request?"

Jarvis smiled faintly:

"Contribute to the medical cause."


This time it was Lu Tie's turn to be embarrassed.

They are ordinary people who don’t understand medicine, so how can they contribute to the medical industry?


"I understand everything you said."

"Although I also want to contribute to the medical industry, I don't have the ability."

"I'm just an ordinary person."


Seeing that Lu Tie wanted to say something more, Jarvis quickly interrupted them.

"Mr. Lu."

"Don't worry, it's all very simple."

Jarvis was silent for a while, then spoke calmly:

"As the first person to recover from our gene therapy, you only need to say a few words in the live broadcast room."

Hear the words.

Lu Tie and Lu Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief.

So that’s what happened.

You should have told me earlier!

It made everyone nervous.

To promote gene therapy, they would actually take the initiative even if Jarvis didn't say anything.


Lu Tie knew that he was thinking wrongly, and his face immediately turned red.

Immediately confirm the opening of the ticket:

"Do not worry."

"I'll take care of this little thing."

As his voice fell.

Lu Xiaoyu also cooperated very well. He turned the live broadcast equipment with his hands and pointed the camera at his father:

"Hello, everyone."

"I am your anchor Lu Xiaoyu."

"I know that everyone is very concerned about gene therapy, so...I will turn the camera to my father next. My father is the first person to recover from gene therapy. He has the most intimate experience of gene therapy."

"Let him tell us that it will be easier for us to understand gene therapy."

Immediately afterwards.

An old man in his sixties appeared on the live broadcast screen.

This person is really Lu Tie.

However, after gene therapy, Lu Tie's body underwent significant changes.

From the beginning, there were two bottles of intravenous drip hanging on his body, and two medical staff followed him.

Now I can stand up.

Although he still looks very weak, his body has become much rosier and he no longer looks as sick as before.

Lu Tie appeared in front of thousands of fans.

The old man, who was over fifty years old, was a little nervous for a while. It was the first time for him to give a speech in front of so many people.

Lu Tie waved to everyone in the live broadcast room:

"Hello, everyone."

"I'm Lu Tie."

“The first person to recover from gene therapy.”

After saying that.

Lu Tie was silent for a few seconds, perhaps a little nervous and stammering when speaking.

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