Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 287

“It’s my first time doing a live broadcast on my own.”

"Maybe some people don't know how to do it. Please bear with me."

"As a patient of horror, let me briefly describe my feelings."

Speaking of which.

After Xu entered the state, Lu Tie spoke much more casually and no longer stuttered.

"To put it simply, gene therapy measures can be summed up in three words: I'll blow it up."

This old man, who is over fifty years old, has no idea where he learned the Internet words.

Although it is not very correct to use it here, it is very appropriate.

"The situation of gene therapy and Suihuo Technology press conference are exactly the same, there is no difference at all."

"First: fast."

"As you can see, I only entered the medical bay for half an hour, and the disease on my body has been completely cured. I don't have to suffer or be affected. This is simply good news for us."

"The whole process was painless."

"It's like you lie on the medical bed and take a nap. When you wake up, you will be given a healthy body."

"Second: the price is cheap."

"I just checked with me about Dongfang Hospital's quotation."

"No matter how big or small the terminal illness is, or whether it's a major illness or a minor illness, Dongfang Hospital charges a unified fee of 2,000 yuan per treatment."

"This is simply a cabbage price!"

"Although for some minor illnesses such as colds and fevers, the cost of treatment is a bit expensive."

"But for some terminal diseases, the price is just cabbage. For example, cancer: treatment of terminal diseases such as cancer costs hundreds of millions, and in many cases it cannot be cured, but can only alleviate symptoms."


"The gene therapy of Suihuo Technology is different. It can cure everything."

"And the price only needs to be 2,000 yuan."

"Personally, I directly praise the gene therapy of Suihuo Technology. If you have any disease, please go to Dongfang Hospital for treatment. There are just a lot of people queuing up."

“May there be no more sickness in the world.”

After saying that.

Lu Tie also raised his hands and made a cross on his chest.

221. If you are poor, you can benefit yourself; if you are rich, you can help the world.

"Holy shit! The price of gene therapy is actually the same? Whether you have an incurable disease or cancer, it's all two thousand yuan?"

"This is really..."

"It's so damn cheap."

As Lu Tie's voice fell, the live broadcast room completely exploded.

I don’t know since when, seeing a doctor is difficult and expensive, which has become something that people hate extremely much.



Suihuo Technology has actually brought down the price of medical care.

Do you need tens of millions to treat cancer? No. I only need 2,000 for gene therapy.

It costs hundreds of thousands for you to undergo chemotherapy? No. I only need 2,000 for gene therapy.

Is your congenital genetic disease incurable? No. My gene therapy package is cured, and it only costs 2,000 yuan.

Is there no cure for your AIDS?


I use gene therapy to cure AIDS easily.

This huge advantage is naturally understood by countless people. In fact, everyone has a scale in their heart, and they can evaluate the quality of something.

Especially with the advent of gene therapy.

It has simply pushed traditional medical treatment to a desperate situation. It is estimated that people will give up traditional medical treatment completely before long.

Gene therapy is the general trend.

Nothing can be stopped.

the most important is:

Gene therapy is a technology that only Suihuo Technology has mastered. In other words, Suihuo Technology alone absorbs the profits of the entire medical industry.

This cash cow is scarier.

There is no company in the whole world that can eat up the profits of an industry like Suihuo Technology.

"Originally, I was worried that gene therapy was unsafe, but after watching your live broadcast, I instantly felt that I was wrong."

“Where is gene therapy unsafe?”

"Traditional medical treatment is not safe, okay? It's the medicine that contains three parts of the poison. No matter how powerful the drug treatment is, it will make people suffer."


"Gene therapy is the most suitable."

"What you said upstairs is right. I will take the old man to Oriental Hospital."

"I will only perform gene therapy from now on."

“With gene therapy, dogs don’t undergo traditional medical treatment.”

"Times have changed."

"Unfortunately, the hospital and pharmaceutical companies still wanted to jointly suppress Suihuo Technology before?"

"This kind of thing is inevitable."

“The emergence of new things will inevitably replace old things.”

at the same time.

Dongfang Hospital operates 24 hours a day, with 500 treatment rooms operating at full capacity.

Except that the first patient was followed by Jarvis throughout the entire process,

But other medical projects are followed up by doctors and nurses in the hospital.


Jarvis taught them how to use the treatment chamber in advance, and it was not difficult to use, so there were no treatment accidents.

Calculated based on treating one patient in half an hour.

All five hundred treatment warehouses are open.

The Oriental Hospital can treat five hundred people in half an hour.

24,000 people can be cured in one day.

Based on the treatment cost of 2,000 per person, the daily income is 4.8 million.

Plus the cost of nanorobots is very low.

So low that it can basically be ignored.


This 4.8 million is basically net income.

In addition to the cost of treatment, the medicines provided by the health care product service provided by Oriental Hospital have begun to sell well.

Because every patient who uses gene therapy needs to take certain health products for physical recovery.


Prices of medicines such as health care products have skyrocketed.

Let Dongfang Hospital and Suihuo Technology make a lot of money.

In fact, the initial price of gene therapy was 20,000 yuan.

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