Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 288

Because the product specialists of Suihuo Technology unanimously believe that nano-treatment is an excellent product, and it is also a product that is urgently needed in the world. No matter how high the price is, there will be no worries about selling it.


Some people also suggested that one gene therapy would cost 200,000 yuan.

But it was rejected by Lu Xingye.

Suihuo Technology is now not short of money, and his desire to become the world's richest man is no longer so urgent.


He doesn't care much about making money anymore.

If a person has too much money to spend, it is really just a number. What does it have to do with how many digits are more or how many digits are less!

Suihuo Technology has developed into a world-famous enterprise now.

Blooming in both arms and commerce.

Countless amounts of money are coming in all the time.

There is really no point in raising the medical price of gene therapy and harvesting the wealth of ordinary people.

At his stage, he can see far and stand higher.

I take names relatively lightly.

Suihuo technology has developed to this point, and it is already very difficult to go further.

It's better to give up a little favor.

Earned countless good reputations.

Sometimes a good reputation is also a talisman for Suihuo Technology.


Only then did Lu Xingye price gene therapy at 2,000 yuan.

This price is basically cabbage price.

The most important thing is that everyone can afford it.


Close to the people.

This is the second step in Lu Xingye's development.


Within a few days.

Dongfang Hospital has cured hundreds of thousands of patients, and most of them are well-known patients from all over the country.

Most of these patients suffer from incurable diseases.

In other words: called terminal illness.

But no matter what disease the patient suffers from, as long as he goes to the Oriental Hospital, no matter what disease he has, he will be cured within half an hour.

This made countless people applaud.

Cities across the country are asking Oriental Hospital to set up branches in their cities.

Oriental Hospital also expressed its gratitude.

As long as it is a city in Kyushu, they have promised them that they will establish branches in each city as soon as possible.

As for some other overseas places.

Oriental Hospital always refused.

What are you going to do to build a hospital there?

Excuse me!

We have our hands full here.

Do you want treatment?

Excuse me!

Come to Oriental Hospital!

We will not accept you from other places.

This made some overseas compatriots hate him, but they had no choice but to bite the bullet and return to the imperial capital for treatment.

at the same time.

Those hospitals and pharmaceutical companies that were previously unwilling to cooperate with Suihuo Technology suddenly suffered huge losses.

Because they suppressed Suihuo Technology before.


Suihuo Technology is not cooperating with them now.

Now they are not even given soup.

There were no patients in each hospital for a long time, and all the doctors inside were so idle that they fell asleep.

As for pharmaceutical companies.

They are even worse.

Countless medicines that cost a lot of money to produce are now unavailable. Some hospitals that have already placed orders have even chosen to return the medicines despite high penalties.

Some drugs that were highly sought after before.

Now no one cares.

I have to say it's really ironic.

Less than a month.

Countless pharmaceutical companies and hospitals have chosen to declare bankruptcy or choose to transform.

Originally, they thought Suihuo Technology was just a small ant that could be easily manipulated.

I didn't expect it to be a towering tree.

And this big tree is so big that all pharmaceutical companies cannot shake it with all their strength.

222. The Medical Association awarded the banner to Hua Tuo, the person who eradicated the disease.

at the same time.

Medical associations are also paying attention to gene therapy.


The presidents of the Red Cross and the Medical Association were all sitting in the conference room, and they were focused on only one issue, and that was gene therapy.

Gene therapy announced by Suihuo Technology.

Ever since Suihuo Technology announced gene therapy, they have been paying attention, from doubts at the beginning to belief now.

And then to shock.

Outsiders cannot imagine the shock of those working in the medical system.

Among them, sitting in the chair of the conference room was a middle-aged man who was calm and powerful.

This middle-aged man’s name is Deng Wei.

Deng Wei is the president of the General Association of Medical Associations. He is wearing a white suit and looks a bit prestigious.

The whole person sat there, a bit calm and intimidating.

At first glance, he looks like a person who has been in power for a long time.

Next to Deng Wei is the vice president of medicine, a big figure in the medical field, and a member of the Red Cross.


There was only one topic they discussed: whether to use gene therapy to completely replace traditional medical treatment.

"Now everyone has seen the benefits of gene therapy. It can cure all diseases. No matter what the disease is, as long as you lie down in the treatment chamber, it is guaranteed to be cured."


“The price is not expensive.”

"What do you think about using gene therapy to completely replace traditional medical care?"

At this time.

The vice president next to him was silent for a moment when he heard this, and then shook his head.

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