Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 289

“Both conventional treatments and gene therapies are important assets in the market.”

"Although gene therapy has great advantages now, traditional medical treatment cannot be forcibly eliminated."

"We cannot interfere artificially."

"In the foreseeable future, these two medical methods will coexist for a period of time, and then the market will be screened to finally find the appropriate treatment method."

"Or...just gene therapy."

"Or...gene therapy and conventional treatments coexist."

That's all they are.

We have been discussing it in the conference room for a long time, but we have never come up with a solution.

But one thing is indelible.

That is the contribution of Suihuo Technology.

Suihuo Technology has developed gene therapy, which directly eliminates the disease from the root. This is a matter of immeasurable merit.

If there were a Nobel Prize in medicine.

This award belongs to none other than Lu Xingye.



There are no Nobel Prizes in medicine.

But... after discussion, the Medical Association decided to do something.

after all……

Suihuo Technology has made such a great contribution to the entire medical system. If they do nothing, it will be too little.

One million medical bonus.

A pennant.

This is the final result of Deng Wei's negotiation.

After the medical association came to this conclusion, they started preparing bonuses and banners non-stop.

the next morning.

Deng Wei took the members of the association and set off for Suihuo Technology.

A group of five people.

President Deng Weizheng.

The other two are vice presidents.

There are also two entourage.

Taking a box of cash and a banner, he walked towards Suihuo Technology.

It was about ten o'clock in the morning.

They arrived at the Hive Headquarters and arrived at the Eastern Building under the guidance of a line of robots.

Hear the announcement from the Hive Mastermind.

Lu Xingye, who was having nothing to do, decided to meet the president of the Medical Association.

Although this group of people is not engaged in business, they have considerable influence in the medical field.


He has nothing to do now, so he might as well meet them.


As the chairman of Suihuo Technology, it would be too shameless for Lu Xingye to meet them alone.

So...he ran to the laboratory again and found Long Yubing and Zhao Yinyun.

Let these two play their secretaries.

With two beautiful beauties as his secretaries, his quality suddenly improved.

Lu Xingye came to the living room for a while, walked up to Deng Wei enthusiastically, and shook his hand gently.

"You must be Deng Wei, the president of the Medical Association, right?"

"I am Lu Xingye, the chairman of Suihuo Technology."

Lu Xingye was very kind, and now he was much more tactful, not as sharp and sharp as before.

"Nice to meet you……"

Deng Wei also shook hands with Lu Xingye warmly.

Immediately afterwards.

Then they sat facing each other.

Long Yubing and Zhao Yinyun were also good at playing the role of secretaries. After they sat down, they poured each of them a cup of Pu'er tea.

Then he stood respectfully behind Lu Xingye, as if he was at your command.


Lu Xingye also put a lot of thought into allowing the two women to play his secretaries with peace of mind.

They agreed to some unequal conditions.

"I wonder, President of Medicine, why are you here?"

Lu Xingye asked modestly.

At this time.

Deng Wei scratched his head and showed a faint smile.

"To be honest, we are here to learn."

"You produced nanorobots and released gene therapy, which really shocked us old guys."

"Where is it..." Lu Xingye knew there was something in the other person's words and quickly said modestly.

"Classmate Lu."

"The gene therapy you developed has virtually eliminated the disease. This is a matter of immeasurable merit."

"You did what our medical association wanted to do, but couldn't."


"You invented gene therapy and there will be no more diseases in the world."

At this time, the vice president next to him also nodded in agreement:


"You young man has made a great contribution to mankind."



"So...we made some pennants and gave you a little token of appreciation."

Deng Wei said.

He patted his palms gently, and then an assistant behind him brought a banner.

Hold the upper end of the pennant in your left hand, and the lower end of the pennant in your right hand. Then let go of your left hand, and the pennant will unfold automatically.

【Hua Tuo is alive in this world. 】

【Today’s Living Bodhisattva. 】

[Modern Buddha. 】

Authorizing unit: Medical Association.

There is also a seal of a powerful organization at the back, which shows the weight of this banner.

If an ordinary company gets this honor, it may last them a lifetime.


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