Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 293

225. With the launch of a space elevator project, lunar tourism will no longer be a dream

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Lu Xingye didn't respond, Long Yubing quickly stretched out his hands and scratched them in front of Lu Xingye.

It was rare that she, who had always been indifferent, could make such an intimate gesture.

Lu Xingye was not angry when his thoughts were interrupted by the other party.

This was originally meant to bring the other party to play.

Playing comes first, and work matters come last.

Lu Xingye Momo kept the idea of ​​a space elevator in his mind, returned to the laboratory, and built a model to demonstrate boldly.


"I was thinking about something just now."

"So I accidentally became a god, I'm sorry."

After saying that.

Lu Xingye paused for a moment, then corrected the other party's statement.


"I want to correct something."

"My surname is Lu, my given name is Xingye, and my full name is Lu Xingye."

"It's not about feeding or not."

"If you call me next time, please say my name."

Lu Xingye felt offended.


"The name is just a code name."

"You didn't ask me to feed you just now, and I didn't even care about you. Now you are starting to care about me."

Long Yubing slightly stuck out her tongue at Lu Xingye.

This scene looks very cute.


Lu Xingye fell into rare silence.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment, both of them were silent, and no one spoke first.

But soon...

Then they heard the sound of a flute.

The sound of the flute resolved the awkwardness.

The sound of the flute is the sound of the sea roller coaster starting. Passengers who hear this whistle should quickly board the roller coaster, and then in about two minutes, the sea roller coaster will start.

Lu Xingye and Long Yubing looked at each other.

No one cared about what happened just now and walked towards the roller coaster.

They got lucky.

They happened to be the first ones to arrive at the front of the roller coaster. Viewing the scenery from this location is the most beautiful and also the most exciting.


Lu Xingye didn't care, he was looking for excitement and a challenge.

As for Long Yubing, she didn't care.

Because she can be with the one she loves.


The roller coaster has just started.

Let them experience it, instantly wearing the clouds, instantly sinking to the bottom of the sea, instantly fishing for the moon in the haystack, instantly making eighteen bends...

Long Yubing screamed in excitement.

She firmly grasped Lu Xingye's hands with both hands.

It seemed that these hands were her life-saving straw. Only by holding on to the life-saving straw tightly could she feel a sense of security. ,

Lu Xingye didn't feel much about this scene.

This little trick doesn't scare him.


Long Yubing scratched his hand and it hurt.

Girls' nails are long and sharp.

In addition, the other party was now unconsciously using all his strength to dig his fingernails into Lu Xingye's flesh.


Lu Xingye didn't move at all.

There was no intention of breaking away from the other party at all.

Because Lu Xingye knew that Long Yubing could only feel safe if she held her arm. If he let go of her hand, the other party would be frightened.

About 15 minutes later.

The roller coaster finally landed smoothly.

After Long Yubing unbuckled his seat belt, he suddenly ran to the garbage basket nearby and vomited continuously.

Lu Xingye walked next to her.

He patted her gently to help her breathe easier and prevent vomiting.

His force was gentle.


Long Yubing's vomiting finally slowed down.

Only then did Lu Xingye take back his hands.

"That's how brave you are."

"You dare to ride a roller coaster? I promise I won't scare you to death."

Lu Xingye laughed and teased next to him.



"I'm just not used to it for a while. You can't say I'm timid."

"If you say I'm a coward again, I'll bite you."

Long Yubing looked at the other party with a fierce expression. Look like if you say anything again I will pounce on you and bite you.

Lu Xingye didn't care about the other party.

He took out a tissue from his pocket and gently wiped the blood on his arm.

Lu Xingye felt that he had to be disinfected after returning.

To prevent the wound from expanding.

The other person's fingers were too hard just now, and the nails dug into the bottom layer of his skin.

in this location.

People's defense capabilities are very low, and Lu Xingye does not doubt the possibility of the wound becoming infected.

"what happened to your hand?"

At this moment.

Only then did Long Yubing notice the phenomenon in Lu Xingye's arm.

"It's not because you pinched me hard."

"Just now you were holding on to my arm like a madman on the roller coaster. At that time, I really wanted to throw your hand away."

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