Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 294

"But in the end I thought about it and decided not to do it."

"Say it."

"You hurt my hand like this, how are you going to compensate me?"

Long Yubing took the paper towel distressedly and gently wiped the other party's wound.

"Is it enough to be your little bodyguard for the rest of your life?"


Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

After experiencing the roller coaster ride, the two of them had no intention of playing anymore and drove directly back to the base camp.

Originally, Long Yubing wanted to follow Lu Xingye into the laboratory and help him bandage his wounds.


But he was rejected by Lu Xingye.

He can do such small things by himself.

The key is that a new idea was born in his mind, which broke the idea and established the plan.

In the laboratory, after simple treatment, the wound on the arm was treated.

Lu Xingye turned on the computer and wrote down the thoughts in his mind on the computer.

This is an idea called a space elevator.

As everyone knows.

If humans want to explore space, such as exploring the moon, building a space station, or even exploring Mars.

The first thing is to launch Mars into space.

Using rockets to launch is not only inefficient, but also transports very limited items.

If we only rely on rockets, humans will not be able to quickly transport materials from the earth to the space station.


What if there was a space elevator?

People can continuously transport materials to the space station through the space elevator.

Not time consuming.

Save effort.

There’s a lot more to transport.

Therefore, the space elevator is a good thing.


How to build a space elevator?

Lu Xingye began to think divergently.

Geostationary satellites in the sky can run synchronously with Blue Star and have the same angular velocity.

In other words:

Since the synchronous satellite and the blue star rotate at the same speed, is it possible to think of the two as relatively stationary?

It is basically impossible to build a space elevator on two objects that move with each other.

But what about two stationary objects?

This impossibility becomes possible.

If multiple space elevators are built by then, humans will not only be able to quickly transport materials into space, but also be able to directly land on the moon and travel to and from the moon every day.

Space elevator.

The space elevator is truly an interstellar weapon.

If a space elevator can be built, Lu Xingye can build a space station in space and even develop space-based weapons.


It is imperative to develop a space elevator.

226. Appoint Tony as the chief engineer of the space elevator and establish the Tianfeng Plateau

After finalizing the space elevator plan.

Lu Xingye showed a faint smile by the water, and it could be seen that he was quite happy.

The plan to build a space elevator was officially launched.

He walked out of the lab.

Eating to the 108th floor, Tony's laboratory.


Tony was facing a big guy in the laboratory, wearing a full experimental suit, and he didn't know what he was doing.

As Lu Xingye came in.

Tony raised his head and glanced at the other person, quickly put down his work, and greeted warmly:


"How did you come?"

"I have nothing to do. I passed by your laboratory and came to see you." Lu Xingye smiled slightly.

Immediately afterwards.

Then he asked:

"Tony, you are so busy, what are you inventing?"

"I'm studying quantum technology. Aren't we preparing to go into space? I'm thinking that in space our thermal weapons will not be so powerful, so it is necessary to develop a quantum weapon."

"Not bad." Lu Xingye patted the other party's shoulder lightly.

In fact, he knew it all along.

Since Tony came to reality from the movie world, he has been working very hard, either in research and development or on the road of research and development every day.

New weapons are developed basically every week.

Such high productivity speed.

Even Lu Xingye was sweating blood.


After thinking about it, no one in this world would dislike his hard-working subordinates.

"How about this."

"Tony, please put your work aside for a moment. I have something more important for you to do."

"What's the matter? Boss." Tony was silent for 3 seconds after hearing this.

The boss Lu Xingye has always been elusive.

Normally he wouldn't be told to do any work.

So...Tony was freeing up most of the time.

"Is such that."

"I'm going to build a space elevator on Blue Star."

"Right after."

"We use the space elevator to continuously transport Blue Star's materials into space. The next step is to build our space station."

"And then build space-based weapons on the space station."

"Okay! Boss. This is also what I plan to do in the next stage. I didn't expect the boss to think about it before me." Tony touched his chin and laughed dryly.


"The position of your butt determines your head."

"If I don't think ahead, how can I be your boss?" Lu Xingye laughed dryly.

He made a rare joke with the other party.

"That too."

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