Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 295

Tony nodded in understanding.

"I don't know what to do, how about building a space elevator?" Tony asked with a smile.

The corresponding database he consulted.

There are no examples of space elevators in either the real world or the movie world.

In today's world, although there is the concept of a space elevator, it is just a concept.

No one can make the finished product.

No one has even done experiments on this.

It all starts from scratch.

All beginnings are hard.

Tony felt that as long as his boss could give him a direction to think, he would be sure to create a space elevator.

Lu Xingye had long expected that the other party would ask this question.

So give the USB flash drive prepared in advance to Tony first.

"Inside is the younger generation's conception of a space elevator."

"You can check it out."

"I wrote down the specific ideas for building a space elevator in it, but you still have to refine the specific details slowly."

"I wonder if you have the confidence to call it a space elevator?"

When Tony heard this, he was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly:

"Of course no problem."

"Okay. You are indeed a good employee of mine." Lu Xingye couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

"Although this is the case!"

"Then I will appoint you as the chief engineer of the space elevator, responsible for all matters related to the construction of the space elevator."

"Promise to complete the task." Seeing how strict his boss was, Tony made a serious promise.

After appointing the chief engineer of the space elevator.

Lu Xingye was about to leave when a question suddenly occurred to him. That's the question of where to build the space elevator.

There is no problem building a space elevator.

The question is where to build a space elevator?

He thought about it for a moment, but couldn't think of any answer.

He quickly turned his head and asked Tony:


"Given your current geographical environment, do you know where it would be better to build a space elevator?"

After hearing this, Tony frowned and his mind fell into deep contemplation.

About 2 minutes passed.

His brows slowly relaxed.


"I think a space elevator can be built on the Qingtian Plateau."

"It is the highest altitude place, and it is relatively simple to build a space elevator. Moreover, there are relatively few people there, the population density is relatively low, and there is enough industrial land for us to use."

Hearing this, Lu Xingye was silent for a while, feeling that what Tony said was very reasonable.

"There are indeed great benefits to building a space elevator on the Qingtian Plateau."

After a moment of silence, he suddenly thought of another question.


To be precise, Tony thought of another question, and the raising of this question made the space elevator plan more complete.

"Boss, I have a bold idea."

"What do you think?" Lu Xingye asked.

"Instead of us wasting time and effort building a space elevator base, it would be better to build the sky and the sky directly in one step."

"The air and space base can comprehensively develop space business."

"After the successful construction of the space elevator, people can also enter space tourism through the space elevator. Traveling to the moon and Mars will no longer be a dream."

"At the same time, air and space bases must also have their own defense capabilities."

"It's just that these defense forces are generally aimed at space."

"at the same time."

"We can also build spaceships in the space base."

"It is no exaggeration to say:"

"If we successfully build the envisioned space base, our Suihuo Technology can directly enter the interstellar age..."

"Okay, okay..." Lu Xingye nodded slightly.

After shouting three times, he couldn't help but give the other party a thumbs up with his right thumb.

This idea is very good.

Establish an air and space base in one step.


It not only solves the problem of space elevators, but also solves the problem of how to enter the space age in the future.

What a great kindness.

Lucky star!

Lu Xingye laughed inwardly and immediately gave Tony an order.


"Just do what you want. Let's just jump to a space elevator base and build an aerospace base."

“Let’s not be afraid of spending money either.”

"No matter how much money you ask for, I will approve it."

"The priority of the space elevator project is the serial number, which is ranked behind the gray fog civilization project."

“Everything takes the air and space plan as priority.”

227. Lu Xingye visited the space base in person and went for a ride on the plateau.


"Thanks to the boss's respect, I promise to complete the task."

Tony assured his boss loudly.

After appointing the chief engineer, Lu Xingye left.


Tony's words.

He also put down what he was doing and took a special helicopter to fly to the Qingtian Plateau.

He is an extremely strict person.

The first step in establishing an air and space base is to select a specific location.

This is also the most critical step.


Tony is planning to go to the Qingtian Plateau to investigate in person.

time flies.

About a month passed.

Tony has found a suitable space base address and has flown in thousands of robots from the hive, most of them industrial robots.

They are responsible for the construction of air and space bases.

In addition to industrial robots, there are also combat robots.

For example: T800

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