Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 296


These combat robots are also on standby at the air and space base.

When establishing an aerospace base, security issues are very important.

Since industrial robots work 24 hours a day, the project progresses very quickly. In just one month, an airstrip has been established on the Qingtian Plateau.

Large transport aircraft and some combat aircraft can now dock at the air and space base.

Everything is developing for the better.

the other side.

Lu Xingye also stayed in the laboratory to study the space elevator. During this month, he also conducted several experiments in the laboratory, and the experiments were very successful.

If we say that there was only half a chance of finding a space elevator before.

Now, he can only use the space elevator normally in 90% of his classes.

As for the other 10%.

That's left to the unexpected.

Because no one knows who will come first tomorrow.

After completing the space elevator research and development experiment, Lu Xingye was a little bored.

Now most people's scientific research projects are distributed to other engineers.

He has very few scientific research projects to carry out of his own.


Lu Xingye is relatively free most of the time.

Now he is more concerned about the aerospace base project on the Qingtian Plateau, and the plans related to the Gray Mist Civilization.

Originally, he was planning to restart time and space some time ago.

But later I thought about the construction of an aerospace base.

Establishing an air and space base is a matter of crossing the river by feeling the stones, and no one has experienced it.

Therefore, he planned to restart time and space after the aerospace base was established.

Because in this way, he can have experience in aerospace bases.

The first time you establish an air and space base, you may not do it well enough.

But what about the second time?

You can definitely do better the second time by learning from the lessons of the first time.

It's because of this.

Lu Xingye just postponed the plan to restart time and space.

"starry night."

"I'm a little bored lately, how about you go out with me to relax?"

At this time.

At some point, Zhao Yinyun had opened the laboratory door and came behind Lu Xingye.


She wanted to conduct a sneak attack.

Hug Lu Xingye directly.

But she hesitated for a moment and still didn't dare. After all, the two of them haven't confirmed their relationship yet.


Zhao Yinyun arrived just in time. Usually, if Lu Xingye was doing experiments, he would usually ignore him.

The experiment has just been completed now.

Plus he was a bit bored.

He immediately agreed to the other party's request.

"all right."

"I happen to be a little bored too, let's go for a drive." Lu Xingye laughed dryly.


Zhao Yinyun's face showed a hint of joy.

The little girl Long Yubing went out for a ride with Lu Xingye last time, and she whispered in her ears every day... which made her envious for a long time.

Go for a drive.

How could such a romantic thing not happen to me!

Zhao Yinyun struggled for a long time, and even wanted to use the unequal conditions to ask Lu Xingye out to play.

But she never found a suitable reason.

Zhao Yinyun followed Lu Xingye obediently, and followed him to the elevator entrance. She saw that the other person pressed the elevator up, not down.

There was some doubt in my heart.

Immediately he asked the questions in his heart.

"Lu Xingye."

"Aren't we going for a ride? Why aren't we going to the underground garage?"

"What if we go up instead?"

Lu Xingye laughed dryly and pressed his right hand on the top floor of the elevator.

"you guess?"

"Do you want me to guess or not?"



"Okay! Then I'll tell you the truth."

"It's true that we are going for a drive, but when will I tell you that we are going for a drive?"

"You mean?" Zhao Yinyun's eyes lit up, perhaps thinking of something exciting.

"You're right."

Lu Xingye answered affirmatively.

"Oh yeah!"

"Oh, buy Kan, this is great."

Zhao Yinyun was so happy that she circled around Lu Xingye, jumping up and down. When she came to the real world, maybe this was the first time she laughed the most.

Zhao Yinyun had actually guessed why Lu Xingye took her for a ride.

There are only three modes of transportation that can be used to go for a ride.

The first type of driving.

The second type is sailing.

There is also a third type of flying airplanes.

Judging from Lu Xingye's traveling route, it is impossible for the following two situations to occur.

Therefore, there is only one real answer: take a plane for a spin.

Zhao Yinyun was extremely happy.

Ever since she was little, no one has ever taken her for a ride in an airplane!

"Where should we fly to?" Zhao Yinyun asked with a smile.


"Go to Qingtian Plateau Air Base."

Lu Xingye replied calmly.

Since the construction of the aerospace base began, he has never been to an on-site inspection.

I just have some free time now.

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