Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 302

"And our overseas business departments and overseas branches all disappeared overnight."

"After investigation."

"I discovered that the reason why our overseas companies disappeared is inextricably related to Saiyan Enterprises."

"When I found out about this matter, I knew that Saiyan Enterprise was beyond my ability to handle, so I quickly told you about this matter."

After Lu Xingye heard Zhao Dawei's words, he was silent for 3 seconds.

Saiyan Enterprises...

What kind of company is this?

Things are getting interesting.


Saiyan Enterprise hopes that you will not disappoint me too much.

Really...Have people forgotten the existence of Suihuo Technology now? All kinds of cats and dogs ran out.


"I already know the matter. As for the matter of Saiyan Enterprise, you don't have to worry too much. Since someone likes to play with us, then we can just play with him as much as we can."

"At this stage, the Suihuo Technology Class will not be afraid of anyone."

"Yeah, okay." Zhao Dawei nodded seriously. With Lu Xingye supporting him, he felt more at ease.

There was a pause.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.

"By the way, Dawei."

"Waiting for you to compile a piece of relevant information about Seiya Enterprise and send it to my email. I want to see who is behind this."

232. Search for Saiyan Enterprise? Alien enterprise?

"Okay, boss."

Zhao Dawei nodded slightly. In fact, he had already prepared information about Saiyan Enterprises.

After hanging up the phone.

He quickly sent the prepared corporate information to Lu Xingye's mailbox.

Lu Xingye became serious for once.

He turned on the computer and checked the information about Saiyan Enterprises one by one.


"Search Saiyan Enterprises globally. Any information about Saiyan Enterprises will be classified and summarized for me. Be sure to find out the information about the mastermind behind Saiyan Enterprises."

Lu Xingye knew that this kind of world-class enterprise was usually controlled by someone behind the scenes. Going head-to-head with Saiyan Enterprises is a thankless task.


Lu Xingye was ready to directly compete with the person behind the scenes.



"Report! The hive is overcomputing and the computing power is insufficient. Please borrow the computing power of other servers."

What Jarvis said about borrowing the computing power of other servers is actually not borrowing, but directly taking it.

Jarvis as a super artificial intelligence.

He is omnipotent on the Internet. To put it simply, he is the god of the Internet.

Borrowing or not is still the norm.

"Agree to borrow."

Lu Xingye agreed to this instruction without any hesitation. It's not that he has done this kind of thing before, but he is doing it more unscrupulously.

No one can limit Suihuo Technology anymore.

As soon as Lu Xingye's voice fell, Jarvis began to issue various instructions. The network commands issued by the artificial intelligence supercomputer are centered on the honeycomb and radiate to the surroundings step by step.

In an instant.

Networks around the world are congested.

Countless computers, servers, hosts, and supercomputers all sprung up and then got stuck uncontrollably.

The red pointers of these computer devices are constantly flashing.

In other words, this is not called a pointer.

The red indicator light is still flashing, the green indicator light indicates that the device is running, and the red indicator light indicates that the device is operating at full capacity.

That is to say.

at this moment,

Electronic devices around the world are running at full capacity, and their only mission is to retrieve relevant information about Saiyan Enterprises.

This is terrifying!

Although on the surface Jarvis only momentarily controlled electrical equipment around the world, secretly more than just electronic equipment was controlled.

There are also monitoring equipment controlled by electronic equipment.

It also fell into the hands of Jarvis.

Countless computers are retrieving information about Saiyan Enterprises, and the monitoring equipment controlled by these computers are also scanning the outside world all the time.

Anything or anyone related to Saiyan Enterprises.

All will be monitored by the outside world.

Immediately after, this is the device under control and all retrieved data will be transmitted back to the hive.

Artificial intelligence Jarvis is responsible for analysis and summary.

Because the amount of data coming back from all over the world was so large, Jarvis couldn't analyze it for a while.

Lu Xingye simply concentrated on studying the relevant information about Saiyan Enterprise.

Wait until the afternoon.

Lu Xingye had read all the information sent by Zhao Dawei several times, but Jarvis had not yet analyzed the relevant information about Saiyan Enterprises.

He simply went to study Saiyan Enterprise's flagship product first.

——Anti-gravity aircraft.

"Hey, Zhao Dawei."

Then, he called his roommate Zhao Dawei's phone number.

"Here I am."

"Director Lu, what's the matter?" Zhao Dawei pressed the phone and spoke calmly.

"That's it. You immediately send someone to secretly purchase ten anti-gravity aircraft. Our laboratory needs to study the products of competitors." Lu Xingye spoke directly without any hesitation.

"Director Lu, we bought it a long time ago, and it is now in the laboratory of a peripheral company. However, we did not send him to the Hive Laboratory without your permission."

"Since you want to do research, I'll ask someone to send it over right away. Remember to ask someone to pick it up later." Zhao Dawei checked the information about the experimental equipment and found that there were fifty more experimental equipment he purchased. Anti-gravity aircraft.

He simply sent all fifty anti-gravity aircraft to the Hive Laboratory.

Anyway... at the level of peripheral laboratories, it is impossible to research anything, so it is better to send it to the hive.

The scientists and experimental equipment in the hive are top-notch.

You are bound to make unexpected discoveries.

at the same time.

the other side.

Lu Xingye came to the bedroom of the bodyguard Long Bingyu. At the moment, he was wearing a white floral skirt, holding his knees with his hands, squatting on the sofa.

While eating melon seeds.

The other side is watching the video carefully.

Ever since she was separated from her father, Long Xingtian, her life had become more enjoyable.

Not only did he become the captain of the Night Watch, he also commanded thousands of super soldiers.

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