Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 303

And he is also a ninth-level authority in the hive.

It is no exaggeration to say that one person is inferior to ten thousand people.

"What video are you watching? You are so serious." Lu Xingye walked behind the other person and asked with a smile.

Originally, he had an impulse to hold the other person in his arms.

But in the end he endured it.

Because he and the bodyguard only have an employment relationship, not a couple relationship.

This is a bit inappropriate.

"Watching a video."

"It's a romantic costume drama, and the scenes in it are so sweet. I like it very much."

Long Yubing answered without looking back.


She seemed to realize who had come in. His face was a little red, showing a shy look.

Then he took the initiative to turn down the sound on the TV.

"Xingye, you're here."

The sentence "You are here" expressed the waves and excitement in Long Yubing's heart.

In fact, compared to the beautiful TV series, she longs for someone to pamper him in reality.

In other words, she wants to find a partner.

And Lu Xingye is undoubtedly the best candidate.

He has been secretly in love with each other for a long time.

But Lu Xingye had always been lukewarm towards him, and he didn't know what his attitude was.


Now that Lu Xingye comes to see her, she will naturally stop watching TV.

Compared to the sweet love in the TV series, she longed for Lu Xingye to accompany her.


"Fifty anti-gravity aircraft were sent to the laboratory just now. I want to take them apart and study them."

"But with the four big guys in the anti-gravity aircraft, I need an assistant to help. The only one who cares a lot about me in the hive is you, so I want to ask you for help."

"I wonder if you would like to be my experimental assistant?"

Lu Xingye looked at the other party with innocent eyes, and sincerely extended an invitation to the other party. In fact, he never thought that Long Yubing would refuse, he was just showing respect to the other party out of politeness.

233. The aircraft actually has an anti-gravity engine

"Of course I do."

Just as Long Yubing finished speaking, Xu suddenly thought of something and quickly turned his head to look at Lu Xingye.


"I don't know much... I can only help you with odd jobs."

Long Yubing had a smile on his face, his brows slightly spread, and he was obviously very happy.


"It would be nice to be able to help with chores."

Lu Xingye didn't mind either. He knew the level of the other party. The little bodyguard was on the physical path, which was different from those like them who were on the scientific research path.

One is a general.

One is a great scientist, and the two take completely different routes. He didn't dare to expect the other party to provide him with any help.

It would be nice if I could help myself with odd jobs.

You can chat with yourself in your free time.

"Okay. Your dearest experimental assistant is already online. Let's go to the laboratory and set off."

Long Yubing changed into a more casual outfit.

The whole body is white and relatively loose.

This set of clothes is what he usually likes to wear. Although it is not particularly good-looking, it is somewhat similar to sportswear.

It can perfectly show off the curves of her body.

Long Yubing felt that this was also her biggest highlight. Compared to beauty and temptation, she couldn't compare to Zhao Yinyun.

But compared to the figure.

Her figure is a few miles ahead of her.

The body should be as convex as it should be, and as concave as it should be, without any trace of fat.

To an inch too much.

An inch less is too little.

It can be said to be a devil's figure.

Long Yubing believed that no one could resist the temptation of wearing sportswear.

It is human nature to love beauty.

It was also the first time for Long Yubing to dress like this, and she looked a little shy.

He only dares to dress like this in front of the people he likes.

Other times he would not dare to dress so sexy.

Originally, he thought Lu Xingye would drool, but he was unexpectedly disappointed by Lu Xingye's reaction.

Lu Xingye was like a dumbfounded man, not reacting at all to his sexy clothes.

"Have you changed your clothes?"

"Then let's set off quickly."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly, with no expression on his face.

Although he looked very calm on the outside, he was anything but calm on the inside.

He has gradually recovered emotionally now.

With gradual conditioning, he became more and more like a normal person, with all kinds of emotions and rich expressions.

Seeing Long Yubing's sexy look, Lu Xingye felt restless in his heart.

It was just that he was holding back his composure.

Because Lu Xingye knew that he couldn't make a fool of himself in front of the other party.

If the other party sees that he is tempted, the domineering CEO persona he has always maintained will be broken in one second.

This is not what Lu Xingye wants.


Lu Xingye had to endure the restlessness in his heart and present a calm feeling to the other party.

This is in line with his personality.

"Oh well."

"You are really a piece of wood, the kind that doesn't understand women's thoughts at all." Long Yubing complained.

Lu Xingye did not give positive feedback.

He had no choice but to follow step by step.

Come to the laboratory on the 32nd floor.

The 32nd floor is vacant. Apart from experimental equipment, no other scientists are stationed here.

There is a certain degree of closure inside.

It can cut off external signal transmission and the spread of some biochemical viruses.

To put it simply.

The 32nd floor laboratory is like a relatively independent closed laboratory.

Even if something happens to the 32nd floor laboratory.

It will not affect the operation of other parts of the hive.

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