Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 307

Now my enemies want me dead.

Do you still want me to be merciful?

Feel sorry! I can not do it.

Lu Xingye's principle in life has always been, tooth for tooth, blood for blood.

If someone else wants his life.

Then he would kill the nine tribes.

Weeds that never burn out and grow again when the spring breeze blows, this situation will never appear in his dictionary.

"starry night."

"How is the situation now?"

"Are we going to die?"

Although Long Yubing stood firmly in front of Lu Xingye, using his flesh and blood to protect him.

But inside I was scared to death.

That soft, boneless body was constantly trembling slightly. Even his voice was stuttering.

The big explosion just now really scared her.

236. Trapped warmth, anxious Lu Xingye

"It's okay. Rescue will be here soon. We just have to trust here and wait for a while."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly. He knew he couldn't panic. The bodyguard was already panicking. If he panicked again.

The originally calm situation will be broken.

Make people who are not afraid become more afraid.

This is not what Lu Xingye wants.

"Really?? We are deep underground now. Will anyone really come to rescue you?" Long Yubing looked a little scared, especially now that the power was cut off and the entire 32nd floor was plunged into darkness.

Only the red emergency lights kept flashing.

In the originally dark environment, coupled with the constant flashing of red emergency lights, it seemed a bit permeable.

The environment, which was not very scary at first, became even more scary under this exaggeration.

Unknowingly, Long Yubing couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and her hands habitually hugged Lu Xingye.

Lu Xingye patted the little bodyguard's back gently.

He once suspected that the little bodyguard's reaction was just an act to prevent him from getting closer to him.

Otherwise, how could a bodyguard show such fear?

Moreover, Long Yubing was a soldier and received very strict training.

Logically speaking, in the face of danger, even in the face of danger, there is a complete set of emergency measures.

There is no way he should be so panicked.

But Lu Xingye glanced at the other person, and his expression didn't seem to be fake.

He didn't know for a moment whether the other person was really scared or fake.

"Of course. I designed and built the hive. Even though everything on the 32nd floor has been destroyed. In fact, the foundation of the hive will not be harmed at all."

"The exterior of the hive is made of military-grade materials that are strong and heat-resistant. It is no exaggeration to say that even if a nuclear explosion occurs outside, it will have no impact on the hive."

"Now the interior walls on the 32nd floor have been destroyed, but there are no problems with the load-bearing walls and the adjacent walls."

"In other words."

"Even if the power system is interrupted now, we can manually open the valve and go out through the emergency exit."

"Of course...if the door can still be opened."


Lu Xingye patted the other person's back again to give him some comfort. Then start trying to open the main control room door.

He walked to the door, stretched out his right hand, and gently held the door handle of the door. The door handle, which was originally extremely cold, is now because it has just experienced a big explosion and a huge energy impact.

There was a scalding heat on the doorknob.

As soon as Lu Xingye's right hand touched the door handle, he let go of it reflexively.

The door handle was too hot.

Lu Xingye frowned.

The main control room is only three or four square meters, which is very small. The space is small and the oxygen content is naturally low.

In such a small place, if the oxygen runs out, they won't last long.

Lu Xingye glanced around and suddenly saw a pair of gloves next to me.

He walked over quickly and put on his gloves.

Then he returned to the door, grabbed the door handle, and exerted force.

To his surprise.

The main control room door cannot be opened.

Lu Xingye guessed that the explosion just now deformed the door and damaged its hinge.

The door cannot be opened.

So in this case.

All we can do is wait for rescue.


Lu Xingye believed that this kind of rescue would not take long.

"Can't the door open?"


Long Yubing seemed to have sensed something, and took quick steps to come to Lu Xingye's side.


"The door can't be opened temporarily."

"The explosion just now has alerted the hive's defense forces. They are now waiting outside the door."

A faint bitter smile appeared on Lu Xingye's face.

In fact, he was right.

There is a pair of robots outside my door now, and they are being urgently repaired.

Among them are demolition robots.

Breaking through the wall.

Because the door was damaged, the elevator inside was also closed.

If the robot outside wants to enter the 32nd floor, it must break through violently.

Although the exterior wall is made of military material.

But with the efforts of a group of robots, it was quickly unloaded into a huge mouth.


Lu Xingye saw a laser on the wall.

This laser kept cutting on the wall at a very fast speed. In a short while, a circular arch was drawn on the wall.

This arch can only accommodate one person standing through...

Immediately afterwards.

The door was pushed hard by the mechanical arm outside and fell to the ground.


Jarvis bursts in with a group of robots.

This is a group of heavily armed warriors. They are also the most powerful and terrifying individual weapons in the hive. Now they are all fully armed and running over.

One can imagine.

The importance they attached to this commander.

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