Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 308

After breaking through the outer wall, the wall in the main control room is much simpler.

The robot put no effort at all and could only violently break open the door.

"Commander, what happened?"

Jarvis hurriedly rushed to him, his pupils flashing red light.

Jarvis is an advanced android.

There is no difference between him and humans at all. At this moment, his bionic eyes, which are the same as humans, turned red.

The indicator light keeps flashing.

This shows that Jarvis has become extremely angry. Now he no longer cares about human disguise. Jarvis has entered a fighting state.

Who dares to touch his commander.

That would be equivalent to being at odds with the entire hive and Jarvis.


"When I was dismantling the gravity aircraft just now, there was a reaction power device inside and it suddenly exploded."

"Nothing special happened."

Jarvis felt relieved when Lu Xingye said it was an experimental accident.

He heard a huge explosion just now and thought something was happening inside the hive.

It is now being destroyed inside the hive.

Then I thought about it.

Jarvis was still very angry.

"Who pulled this anti-gravity aircraft in? It almost killed our commander. Check it thoroughly for me..."

Jarvis spoke angrily.

Sudden! Lu Xingye shook his head and stopped Jarvis' order.


"I asked Zhao Dawei to bring this anti-gravity aircraft in. There is no problem with it."

"The person in question is the anti-gravity vehicle, or rather the manufacturer of the anti-gravity vehicle."

After listening to Lu Xingye's words, he paused his actions, and then spoke angrily:

"Then I will bring some super soldiers now to destroy the Saiyan Group."

What Jarvis didn't expect was that Lu Xingyexin waved his hand to stop him again.


"We have an old saying in Kyushu that a gentleman's revenge is never too late."

237. Cleaning up the remains of the laboratory, Lu Xingye releases the pressure

"Now that we finally have an opponent, we can't cripple them all at once."

"You must have a pig's heart to kill someone."

"And the mastermind behind Saiyan Enterprise has not surfaced yet. I have a hunch that even if you summon the night watchmen to destroy the opponent now, you will only be able to destroy some small shrimps."

"I have no idea what is behind the scenes."

"It doesn't make any sense at all."

Jarvis hesitated for a while and felt that what his boss said made sense.

The red light in the eyes kept flashing.

Then the red light kept getting lower, perhaps adjusting his emotions.

About ten seconds passed.

Jarvis returned to his normal appearance.


"Let's get out of here first."

Lu Xingye nodded without any pretense. She had been here for a long time just now, and her clothes were in some tatters.

This made him extremely unseemly.

He eagerly returned to his room and put on a decent set of clothes.


Lu Xingye nodded slightly, then seemed to think of something, and suddenly wanted to speak to Jarvis:


"Help scan the situation in the laboratory on the 32nd floor."

"Although there was a big explosion in the laboratory, there will still be some residues inside. Your goal is to find these residues and conduct comprehensive testing."

"I have to know."

"What exactly is in these remnants? Or in other words, what exactly is the anti-gravity device made of?"

"Okay, boss. I will immediately organize scientists to collect samples. I believe the experimental analysis results will be available soon." Jarvis recorded this message and sent it to the corresponding era laboratory.


Lu Xingye left.

He hugged Long Yubing and left the laboratory, returning to his room.

Originally he thought something would happen.

But nothing happened.

Lu Xingye and Long Yubing went directly to their rooms, which had separate bathrooms.

In novels, it is often said that such ambiguous events do not occur in reality.

Lu Xingye took a shower and changed into a comfortable, loose coat.

Then in the room, light a cigarette.

A lot of the troubles in my heart disappeared in an instant, and the unhappiness caused by the explosion just now disappeared without a trace.

What a sober world!

Lu Xingye picked up a glass of iced drink next to him, and as soon as he drank it, the icy feeling flowed down his throat and into his stomach.

This feeling is very comfortable.


He then saw that the little bodyguard had come out.

The other party was wearing a set of red one-piece pink dinosaur pajamas and a pair of furry dinosaur shoes on his feet.

In addition to looking beautiful, it also shows your personality.

Lu Xingye couldn't help but take a second look.

This Xiaoni is really becoming more and more charming. She used to wear pink hollow pajamas, but now she sleeps in dinosaur pajamas.

Lu Xingye felt a little ready to make a move.

In addition to being real and cute, dinosaurs also give people a vague sense of conquest.

"How's it going? Is it better?"

"I'm much better. But now that I think about it, I'm still a little scared." Long Yubing didn't know what he thought of, so he patted his mouth and answered.

"Are you afraid of a big explosion? Don't worry! I promise you, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future." Lu Xingye said swornly.

However, what he didn't expect was what Long Yubing said next.

"I'm not afraid of explosions."

"And I'm afraid of being your little experimental assistant. It's too dangerous. It can explode at every turn."

"I still want to live a few more years."

"If you ever try something like this again in the future, you should find someone else to be your little assistant."

Long Yu spoke coldly. Looking at him like that, he might be educating Lu Xingye.


Lu Xingye didn't know that the other party was just worried about himself, with a knife-like heart and a tofu heart.


"Then I will find other beauties as experimental assistants in the future, so don't be jealous."

Lu Xingye originally thought that he could easily control the opponent with a single harsh word.

What I never expected was.

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