Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 309

Long Yubing didn't seem to accept this.

"Then you go find other beautiful little experimental assistants."

"I'm not jealous at all, I'm even a little happy."

A hint of cunning flashed in Long Yubing's eyes.


Lu Xingye really picked up the phone and pretended to make a call.

"Hello, Zhang Dawei??"

"I'm short of lab assistants here."

"Help me recruit some experimental assistants."

"What? You asked me what are the requirements for recruiting experimental assistants?"

"My requirements are very simple. There are only three points. The first point is: If you don't give in, the other party must be a beautiful woman. The second point is: the other party must have a good figure. And the third point! That is, you must be considerate. Be considerate, considerate and obey my instructions.”

"You asked me when I will need a lab assistant?"

"Of course the sooner the better."


Before Lu Xingye finished speaking, he saw Long Yubing's body was full of anger and his mouth was open wide.

Say nothing.

Long Yubing quickly snatched the phone from Lu Xingye's hand.

"Zhao Dawei."

"Your boss doesn't need lab assistants anymore. You don't want to recruit any more."

"I am your boss's experimental assistant."

After saying that.

Long Yubing's mouth was pouted. Looking at Lu Xingye, his face was a little red and unnatural.

Look like that.

It's like a couple in love who are jealous at the moment.

Or rather flirting.



Lu Xingye laughed dryly, with a smile on his face. He looked like he was convinced of the other party.


"Didn't you say just now that you don't want to be my experimental assistant? Then why can't I recruit a new experimental assistant now?"


“If I say no, it’s no.”

"From now on, I will be your full-time experimental assistant. You are not allowed to find other beauties."

"Or else...else..."

Long Yubing was a kind-hearted child. He originally wanted to say a few harsh words, but in the end he didn't know what to say.

"What else would happen to you?" Lu Xingye looked at him with a smile.

"Or I'll bite you."

"Hum hum……"


Lu Xingye fell into deep thought as he listened to this word. As we all know, the articulation can sometimes be read separately, not as one word, but as two words.


I’m so scared when you say that!


Lu Xingye originally wanted to say something, but in order to prevent Long Yubing from going berserk, he ultimately did not say anything teasing.

It was just a symbolic retort.

"Do you care who I find as an assistant in the experiment?"

"You're not my wife?"


Lu Xingye stared at the other person intently, taking in all the other person's expressions.

238. The headquarters of Saiyan Enterprise is in the sea? The cradle of aliens in the sea?


Long Yubing was speechless.

To be honest, if she thought about it seriously, she really couldn't imagine that she had anything to do with him.

The only relationship is:

Lu Xingye is the boss.

She is the boss's employee.


Can a boss’s employees question the boss’s words?


Can the boss's employees take care of the boss's life?

That seems impossible.

For a moment, Long Yubing could not think of any words to counterattack.


"I was just joking with you, please don't take it seriously. With a closed laboratory like the hive, is it possible for you to recruit other experimental assistants?"


"So only you can be my experimental assistant."

After listening to Lu Xingye's words, Long Yubing felt warm in his heart.

As a boss, although he can be a bit bad sometimes and loves to joke, he is still quite good at coaxing people.

At least I made myself happy.

Hum hum……

"I'm going to bed."

"I don't want to care about you anymore."

Long Yubing raised his eyebrows and walked to his room.

Lu Xingye didn't take it seriously and turned to look at his iced drink, which was almost finished.

Immediately went to the freezer.

Got myself another cold drink.

I lay in the swimming pool and took a hot bath for a while until my body relaxed.

Lu Xingye finally recovered.

Take the big elevator to the 37th floor.

The 37th floor is now a temporary laboratory, responsible for researching anti-gravity aircraft and the anti-gravity engines inside.

Lu Xingye had a premonition.

There must be something you want in the recoil engine.

Saiyan Enterprises packaged the anti-gravity device so well that it was basically impossible to disassemble it for normal use.

It can only be dismantled by force.

But violent disassembly will trigger the self-destruction device inside the black box.

This problem is very difficult to solve.

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