Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 310

Now that Lu Xingye has recovered, he is going to the laboratory to study the remains of the black box experiment and see if he can find anything in the residue.

"Jarvis, have all the remaining materials in the black box been collected? Is there anything found inside?"

Lu Xingye asked eagerly as soon as he entered the door.

"Report to Commander."

"Nothing has been discovered yet."

"According to your order, I have collected all the experimental residues and obtained the black box residues through classification and screening."

"But we have no hatred for what was found in the residue."

"Whether we use water dissolution, heating, pressurization, or other methods, we cannot characterize the characteristics of the black box residue."

This is a bit difficult to do.

Lu Xingye nodded and frowned instantly.

On the one hand, there is no way to dismantle the recoil engine, and on the other hand, the remains of the black box cannot be analyzed.

For a while, he had no other good ideas.


"Do you have any good ideas? Or any suggestions?" Captain Jarvis of Lu Xingye asked.

As an artificial intelligence, Jarvis's disk records have exceeded 10 Gigabytes.

In many cases.

He is like an old man who has seen a lot.

Often give him a reasonable suggestion when he is at a loss.

At this time, Lu Xingye also hoped that Jarvis could give him a suggestion.

as expected.

Jarvis did have a good idea in his mind.

Even though Lu Xingye's brain is already the strongest brain in mankind, it is still inferior to artificial intelligence in some aspects.

Because artificial intelligence can perform tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of calculations in one second.

This is something the human brain can never do.

But the human brain has advantages that artificial intelligence does not have.

For example, in emergency incident handling and emergency incident handling.

and the judgment of some complex matters.

Artificial intelligence will no longer be able to make accurate judgments.

Moreover, there are certain differences between artificial intelligence and human emotions. The way artificial intelligence thinks is not exactly the same as that of humans.

This leads to the fact that artificial intelligence is not as good as the human brain at some point.

Jarvis hesitated and came up with constructive suggestions at 2:00.


The trouble should end it.

Since the black box was manufactured by Saiyan Enterprises, Saiyan Enterprises still needs to solve this problem.

The simplest way is to:

We can capture a senior engineer from Saiyan Enterprise, and then we will have all the technologies.

Let the senior engineer unpack the black box.

Or directly ask the other party to provide you with the manufacturing technology of anti-gravity devices.

What about the second one:

The second point is almost the same as the first point.

They all achieve their own goals by infiltrating senior researchers of Saiyan Enterprises.

However, the methods used are different.

Lu Xingye thought for a while and decided to adopt the first option. After all, the first option was more reliable.

And the first plan.

Relatively simple and easy to achieve.

"Jarvis, I asked you to collect information about Saiyan Enterprises. How is the collection going now?" Lu Xingye asked calmly.


"How can I find it again so quickly?"

"You have to know that we are searching on a global scale now, and the amount of global network data is terrifying. It cannot be analyzed in a moment." Jarvis complained.


Because he used a lot of computing power to analyze Saiyan Enterprise's data. Therefore, Jarvis is stuck every day now.

Usually chatting will freeze.

What a tragedy this is for an advanced artificial intelligence.

"Did you not notice anything at all? Tell me what you have analyzed so far." Lu Xingye's voice was a little cold.

The black box cannot be dismantled.

Plus... he had just experienced a big explosion and was feeling a little upset.

He had to catch something and let it out.


Saiyan Enterprises must be retaliated against.

"There are no actual findings yet. There is only a speculation."

"I analyzed one-tenth of the world's data and came up with a rough guess that the headquarters of Saiyan Enterprises is not on land."

"It could be at the bottom of the deep ocean. It could also be on an island in the ocean."

In the sea?

After hearing these words, Lu Xingye was stunned for 2 seconds.

It's the sea again.

What is there in the sea?

The Gray Mist Civilization was born in the sea, and the Saiyan Enterprise was also born in the sea.

Is the sea really the cradle of aliens?

What kind of monsters and monsters are coming out of it?

"Are you sure that the headquarters of Saiyan Enterprise is in the sea?" Lu Xingyezhao asked with a frown.


Jarvis shook his head.

"Report, Commander."

"This is just my speculation based on big data. There is currently no actual evidence that the headquarters of Saiyan Enterprises is in the sea."

"What are the chances?" Lu Xingye asked.

"It's probably a 50-50 split. There's a half chance that Saiyan Enterprise's headquarters is in the sea, and a half chance that it's a wrong guess."

239. Fighting information war? I own the Star Chain, and I have never been afraid of anyone.


When Lu Xingye heard this, he fell silent.

He sensitively felt that the Saiyan Enterprise might be inextricably related to the Gray Mist Civilization.

But no evidence could be found.

Things suddenly got complicated.

First of all, let’s assume that if Saiyan Enterprise has something to do with Gray Mist Civilization, then all this would make sense.

Why do Saiyan companies have so many black technologies?

Why Saiyan Enterprises Can Grow Like Cheating.


Because gray fog civilization is behind all of this.

There is an alien civilization standing behind the Saiyan Enterprise, so it is possible for the Saiyan Enterprise to produce any kind of black technology.

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