Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 311

Plus make some assumptions.

If the Gray Mist Civilization is not behind the Saiyan Enterprise, then there must be a behind-the-scenes instigator behind it.

The mastermind behind the scenes is hiding behind the scenes.

Continuously control Saiyan Enterprises.

Saiyan Enterprise is like a puppet, constantly controlled by the mastermind behind it.

So this situation is more serious than the Gray Fog Civilization directly controlling Saiyan Enterprises.

This means that unknown opponents have entered the game again.

The situation is getting more complicated.

This is not what Lu Xingye wants.

"Speed ​​up the analysis of world-class data and be sure to find the base headquarters where Saiyan Enterprise is located." Lu Xingye said with a stern face.

"Commander, I have tried my best to analyze it. But the amount of data is too large, and it may be difficult to find the results for a while."

"That's no problem. We can spend this time with Saiyan Enterprises. As long as the other party continues to act, there will definitely be clues one day."

As soon as Lu Xingye finished saying this, his body stiffened, and he suddenly thought of a question.

Now Suihuo technology is developing rapidly.

The Starlink project has been completed, so can we continuously scan the world through satellites?

So, how to find the headquarters of Saiyan Academy?

The more Lu Xingye thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible.


"Starlink satellites are operating at full power from now on."

"Detect everything around the world."

"The main detection range is the sea. If there is any abnormal movement on the sea, please report it immediately."

"Okay, boss." Jarvis nodded.

After issuing these orders, Lu Xingye became an idler again.

His scientific research work has been arranged by other scientists.

In terms of business matters, Zhao Dawei is in charge, so there is no need for him to be busy.

The spaceport is also under construction in an orderly manner.

He doesn't really have much to do.

When Lu Xingye came to the Interstellar Laboratory, he suddenly thought of a question. People said that in the 21st century, the most important thing in modern warfare is information warfare.

So can I start an information war with Saiyan Enterprises?

Lu Xingye weighed it and felt that he had been too kind before.

Now that Saiyan Enterprise has been regarded as an enemy.

Then just destroy it at all costs.

Lu Xingye turned around to look at the endless rows of chassis next to the Starlink laboratory.

If you are fighting an information war with others.

No one can beat me, right?

After all, he has a star chain, a strategic weapon.

"Jarvis, what do you think about us engaging in an information war with Saiyan Enterprises?"

"That's very good." Jarvis nodded.

Immediately afterwards.

Looking at Lu Xingye, he pondered for a moment and suddenly wanted to speak.

"We know nothing about Saiyan Enterprises now."

"But our information is everywhere on the Internet. Maybe our enemies already know us well."

"Therefore, I support information warfare."

For unknown enemies, we must be the first to test them.

Every confrontation is an exchange of information.

As long as we have enough information, we will not be afraid of Saiyan Enterprises.

"That makes sense."

Lu Xingye nodded.

"Jarvis, this job will be left to you. You are responsible for coordinating the information security experts of our hive and have them all arrive."


"In three days, we will fight an information war with Saiyan Enterprises."

"Copy that, boss." Jarvis nodded and immediately left the Starlink Laboratory.

He went to do his own thing.

Lu Xingye stayed in the laboratory for a while, constantly observing the changes in the comparison star map.

Trying to find some clues from the star map.

About half an hour later.

He was a little disappointed.

Nothing changes on the star chart.

In other words, the star map has changed, but he didn't notice it.

Lu Xingye left the Star Map Laboratory bored.

When he just went out, he suddenly saw Zhao Yinyun passing by, and Lu Xingye's eyes suddenly lit up.


Zhao Yinyun became more attractive than before.

Especially after taking the elixir of life, her skin became white and shiny.

As tender as milk.

The collarbone on the shoulder blade is pink and as beautiful as a rose.

The facial features on his face are becoming more and more refined.

From a distance, she looks like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world, very elegant and graceful.


"It's so urgent, where are you going?"

Lu Xingye said hello casually.

But he was thinking in his heart whether he should let the little bodyguard take the elixir of life.

after all.

The little bodyguard is no longer an outsider.

The other party can also be regarded as one of his appointed concubines.

Since you have already decided that you want to stand on the top of the world with the other person, why not give the other person the elixir of life?

Lu Xingye asked himself a question.

Suddenly I figured it out.

Without immortality, everything is empty.

He needs a little bodyguard to become more beautiful, with supple and supple skin, and very delicate facial features, just like a little fairy.

Only in this way can you truly be sexually happy.

Do whatever you want.

After a while, Lu Xingye decided to drag the bodyguard into a small dark room tonight and feed him indescribable drugs.


"I feel like my body is growing now, and my clothes are a little tight now. I'm looking for you everywhere. I want you to go out with me to buy some clothes."

Zhao Yinyun turned her head and looked at Lu Xingye with tenderness.

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