Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 312


"Why go outside to buy clothes?"

"Wouldn't it be great if you gave Jarvis a call and asked him to contact some of the world's top designers and ask them to come to our hive and tailor-make clothes for you?"

"We are not short of money."

Lu Xingye smiled and replied that this was a normal straight man's thinking, but he didn't understand the other half of women's thinking at all.

Women are emotional.

Sometimes it’s said to be buying clothes.

Actually it was an excuse.

What they wanted was to go shopping, but it was a pity that Lu Xingye didn't realize this.

"The clothes designed by those designers are not very good-looking. I want to go out for a walk. This is one of the fun things for us girls. Will you accompany me or not?" Zhao Yinyun said coquettishly.

240. Appearing in the Imperial Capital Square and encountering an actor


"Of course I'll accompany you."

Lu Xingye felt that he owed the other party too much. The other party followed him to the real world after all the hard work, but he did not even agree to this request, which was a bit too cold-blooded.

"Where do you want to go shopping?" Lu Xingye asked straight to the point.

Since he knew that the other party wanted to go shopping, he had no reason to refuse.

"I want to go to Imperial Plaza."

"I've been in this world for so long, and I haven't even been outside for a walk." Zhao Yinyun said coquettishly.


"Meet all your requirements."

Lu Xingye looked at the other party, his heart softened, and he agreed to the other party.

Although going to Imperial Capital Square would put them in certain danger.


A prosperous place like Imperial Capital Square generally does not pose much danger.

Lu Xingye simply stayed with Zhao Yinyun.


"Our disguises will not allow us to recognize our current identities. Otherwise we will be in trouble." Xu Shi suddenly thought of something, and Lu Xingye whispered to Zhao Yinyun.

"of course."

"I know this better than you."

"Since taking the elixir of life, my body has become more and more beautiful. If I don't disguise myself and appear in public with this identity."

"Can you imagine that?"

"What kind of temptation does this body of mine have on those old perverts?"


Lu Xingye's face turned red.

Now that Zhao Yinyun has grown in a way that is visible to the naked eye, Lu Xingye, a person with a relatively cold personality, was greatly moved when he saw it.

If other LSPs read it, what's the point?

Only you can appreciate this world-class work of art.

Lu Xingye couldn't bear to let others see Zhao Yinyun's beauty.


He secretly decided in his heart that he must disguise himself. Make the other person look ugly so that no one can recognize him.

Go to the dressing room.

This was Lu Xingye's first time seeing a girl's dressing room, and he was quite curious.

His gaze is like that of a curious baby.

Look east.

Look west.

But I have to say that a girl’s dressing room is like a treasure. There are all kinds of cosmetics in it, and they are very expensive.

Lu Xingye had already seen several cosmetics worth over 10,000 yuan on the other party's dressing table.

Girls are really high-spending animals.


Lu Xingye didn't say anything to the other party. Now he has plenty of money.

Money that can't be spent.

Since they like to buy cosmetics, let them spend it.

It doesn’t cost much anyway.

While in disguise, Lu Xingye went into battle himself.

He has made up his mind to make the other party look ugly.

This way, others don't have to see their beloved wife.


Lu Xingye kept putting makeup on Zhao Yinyun according to his own aesthetics. Sometimes it would be redder, and sometimes it would look whiter and more pink.

Erasing her makeup in a moment.

Anyway, the purpose of his makeup on Zhao Yinyun was to make her look ugly.

after all.

No one expects a boy to know how to put on makeup, right?


I don't know if Zhao Yinyun is naturally beautiful or something else, but Lu Xingye helped her put on makeup, which made her even more beautiful.

"This is unscientific!"

Lu Xingye kept sighing, she is really beautiful, no matter how much makeup she puts on, she is not ugly.

He almost thought of throwing a lump of black ink on Zhao Yinyun's face.

It would be too unsightly if it wasn't like this.

And if Zhao Yinyun would fight her to the death, Lu Xingye would really want to do this.

It was Zhao Yinyun's turn to help him put on makeup.

With just one change, Lu Xingye became several points uglier.

Sharp edges and corners.

Mature and generous.

Looks super manly.

Lu Xingye looked a bit ugly, but Zhao Yinyun said he was very good-looking.

Lu Xingye estimated that the other party's makeup was based on his inner appearance.

I guess Zhao Yinyun just likes herself like this.

Wait until all the makeup is done.

Lu Xingye set off for the Imperial Capital Square. Of course, he was driving his special sports car.

Along the way.

Nothing unexpected happened.

Lu Xingye took Zhao Yinyun for a walk around the Imperial Plaza and bought everything he could.

I already have big and small bags in my hands.

They are all Zhao Yinyun's clothes.


Zhao Yinyun was also very considerate, not only choosing a few sets of clothes for herself, but also choosing a few sets of super manly clothes for Lu Xingye.

Walked all morning.

Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun were both tired, and their stomachs were growling a little.

"I'm so hungry."

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