Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 316

【therefore. 】

[I have launched a wanted search across the entire network. As long as anyone can provide information about the man in the photo, I will reward him with 1,000,000 cash. 】

Sister Hong is a popular traffic star with tens of millions of fans on her small video account.

After Sister Hong posted a lot of videos, she was discovered by many netizens who were surfing the Internet.

They clicked on the video posted by Sister Hong and carefully watched the men and women in the photos.

Because Lu Xingye wore makeup and had not appeared in public for a long time, the public did not recognize him immediately.

When fans watched the entire short video, they instantly became angry.

Sister Hong is their goddess.

It's their wives.

Now their wives are being treated unfairly. This is something I can relate to.

" @Sister Hong: What happened to that man? We will avenge you."

" @Administrator: Has anyone set up a battle group? We need to set up a battle group to help Sister Hong search for that man."

" @Everyone. When you come out to work, everyone is looking at you. Have you seen the man in the photo? If you have even a clue, you can send it out."

243. Do you dare to slander an arms dealer? Do you want to die?

" @Sister Hong. Your fans are still there, and we are taking action."

" @Sister Hong. We will definitely help you find that person."

“ @Sister Hong. Although I don’t have much energy, I can forward it for you.”

that's all.

Driven by countless netizens, the Internet instantly became ablaze.

It started as Sister Hong’s small video platform.

Fans began automatically retweeting the video and adding their own indignant comments.

"Everyone, please help find me."

"People nowadays are really getting worse and worse."

"Even if you steal things, I can reluctantly forgive you. But it's wrong for you to steal things and hit people."

"Strongly condemn this behavior of stealing things and beating people."

"Being a thief is about being shameless."

With the likes and comments of countless fans, this video instantly became a hot search topic, with over 10 million likes, over 1 million comments, and hundreds of thousands of reposts.

Media reporters, like sharks smelling blood, wrote press releases one after another about this video.

# /Today’s news:

Is it the loss of humanity or the decline of morality? The thief who stole something was stopped by others, but was beaten by the thief instead.

# /Tomorrow’s news:

Shock! Sister Hong stopped the thief from stealing something, but was thrown out of the door by the thief. Sister Hong offered a reward of one million yuan to capture the person in the human flesh photo.

If anyone can provide useful clues, a cash reward of 1,000,000 will be given.

# /Daily reports:

Sister Hong's fans spontaneously formed a battle group and are looking for the person in the photo all over the Internet. Things got worse and worse.

# /news department:

I suggest that the entire Internet take action. We must expose this kind of immoral thief.

Let him catch him.

Let him be punished by law.

"It's not the bad guys who get older, it's the thieves who get bad."

As the news media continued to report, the incident of Sister Hong became known to the whole people.

Xiao Ming is a technology fan.

She is also a fan of Sister Hong.

He had just finished studying and was about to surf the Internet when a news item popped up on his phone.

The news content is probably like this.

In other words, how was Sister Hong treated unfairly, and how bad the thief was.

We must do our best to catch the thief and make him punished by law.

"What the hell?"

"What's wrong with this world?"

"You stole things and let it go. After someone caught you stealing things, you even beat the person who caught you. What's the point?"

"Is it really the thief who has become evil?"

Xiao Ming was very touched after reading this news.

He also decided to join Sister Hong's battle group and join the human flesh search army. He must catch this thief and let him be punished.

Xiao Ming lightly tapped the screen with his hand to enlarge the photo in the news.


this person?

Why does this back look look familiar to me?

Immediately afterwards.

Xiao Ming enlarged the photo and observed it carefully for a while. He finally had a guess in his heart, but he was not sure yet.

He returned to his room and rummaged through the newspaper about the press conference.

I searched for a while.

Only then did he find the press conference newspaper about Suihuo Technology's Kunlun System from the corner.

Xiao Ming's breathing suddenly became rapid, and he felt a little uneasy.

He hoped it wasn't who he thought he was.

He picked up the newspaper with his right hand and slowly unfolded it. There was a man inside. This man was eighty-nine times similar to the man in the short video photo.


The man in the photo is wearing a little heavy makeup and is not as handsome as he was in the press release.

"Is it really him?"

Xiao Ming murmured, and then shook his head.


"How could the chairman of Suihuo Technology be a thief?"

"There must be something hidden in it."

When Xiao Ming thought of this, he immediately opened the short video posted by Sister Hong and wrote his own opinions in the comment area.

"Dear Sister Hong, hello dear fans."

"I think I know who the person in the photo is, but let me tell you, there is no way the person in the photo is a thief. There must be something hidden."

"I hope everyone can view this matter dialectically."

Xiao Ming originally simply made his comment, but he didn't expect that just such a comment would burn the flames of war to him.

" @Xiao Ming. Are you still human? Although there are clues about the person in the photo, why don't you tell me? I want the other people in the photo, but they are thieves! And they are thief who have turned bad."

" @Xiao Ming. Hurry up and hand over the clues. Let's go to the police now and let the law severely punish the thief who has gone bad."

" @Xiao Ming. What's the secret? Stop covering the thief."

" @Xiao Ming. What's the secret? We only believe Sister Hong. Sister Hong said he was a thief gone bad, so he is a thief gone bad."

Countless people commented on Xiao Ming in the comment area, all with the same meaning, asking Xiao Ming to hand over the thief quickly and stop defending the thief.


It was impossible for Xiao Ming to tell Lu Xingye.

Because he always believed that Lu Xingye would never do such a thing as a thief.

Moreover... he is a technology fan, and the only scientist he admires is Lu Xingye. It can be said that Lu Xingye is his spiritual support.

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