Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 317

How could Xiao Ming report his spiritual support?

Xiao Ming secretly decided to go to the private kitchen to investigate in person and clear Lu Xingye's name.

Dahai waited for half an hour.

Sister Hong's fans immediately became angry when they saw Xiao Ming didn't reply.

If you have any clues about the thief gone bad, why don't you tell them?

Are you the thief?

Or what is your relationship with that thief?

You are covering up!

" @Xiao Ming. I'm looking for your address. You'd better pray that I don't find your address, otherwise you won't blame me for torture. I have to find clues about the thief who has gone bad, even if I do whatever it takes .”

" @Xiao Ming. Although you won't tell us the clues about the thief, then don't blame us for being cruel."

" @Xiao Ming. I have called a few big guys and am now walking towards your home."

When Xiao Ming saw the crazy fans' replies on the Internet, he suddenly panicked.

How can you do this?

I'm just protecting an innocent person.

Why are you all pointing the finger at me?

Xiao Ming was very panicked now.

He even thought about exposing the clues about the person in the photo, but he couldn't get past his conscience.

"what to do?"

"what to do?"

Xiao Ming paced back and forth in the room.

at the same time.

As the artificial intelligence Jarvis, seeing Sister Hong's sexy operation, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

Who gives you courage?

Who gave you the courage to slander an arms dealer boss?

Liang Jingru?

Are you really not afraid of death?

"Interesting." Jarvis murmured, watching the show from the side. He was now thinking about how angry the commander would be if he knew the news.

244. Finally someone knows the identity of the person in the photo

But the truth will never be buried.

It just depends on when the truth emerges.

After a day of fermentation, except for Xiao Ming, no more and more people discovered the clues.

Although the man in the photo has special makeup, he can still be recognized by comparing it with previous photos.

"This person is Lu Xingye, the chairman of Suihuo Technology."

I don’t know who it was, but after discovering this clue, he was not as persistent as Xiao Ming.

Directly expose Lu Xingye online.

As soon as the exposure post was published, thousands of buildings were built, and countless netizens commented below.

" @Owner. Are you here to make fun of me?"

"How can that thief be our idol? Lu Xingye is our technology idol. He has countless wealth in his life, so there is no way he could be a thief."

" @Owner: I'm afraid you're going crazy because you want to get the bounty! Do you think you can get the bonus by just making up a random person?"

" @Owner. You are really funny. Who are you making up? If you insist on slandering our technology idol, you will never die."

at the same time.

Several big men leaked Xiao Ming's address, and they all went to Xiao Ming's address.

They wanted to use force to make Xiao Ming hand over the clues of everyone in the photos.

Little did I know.

Jarvis had already known their situation.

Xiao Ming's behavior of supporting the commander was obviously affirmed.

He had already sent two patriotic robots.

Squatting in front of Xiao Ming's house, as long as these people come to make trouble, they will definitely be taught a lesson they will never forget.

Finally the big men came.

They arrived at the door of Xiao Ming's house, and after being beaten up by the Patriot robot, they suddenly became honest.

One by one, they rolled back in disgrace.

Nothing like that tough look when he came.

Truth is not just in the hands of a few.

A small number of netizens actually visited and searched after reading the exposure post. They did exactly the same thing as Xiao Ming.

First, find the newspaper where Lu Xingye was at the press conference.

Then use the profile picture in the newspaper to compare with the photo sent by Sister Hong.

The result was a surprising discovery.

The person that Sister Hong mentioned is really likely to be the chairman of Suihuo Technology.

"Dear fans."

"I just took a look at the photo of Lu Xingye, chairman of Suihuo Technology, when he released the Kunlun system at a press conference."

"by comparison."

"I found that these two people are really very similar. No, it should be more accurate to say that they are the same person."

"Although there are two different photos, one of which has obvious makeup, but by comparing the bones and facial contours, it can still be clearly concluded that the thief that Sister Hong mentioned is Lu Xingye."

The person who posted this comment is Liu Yingxiang.

Liu Yingxiang is the administrator of Sister Hong's battle group and a die-hard fan.

When die-hard fans made this comment, it immediately attracted the attention of some people.

after all.

Liu Yingxiang is Sister Hong’s administrator.

His speech still has a certain influence.

More and more people began to search for the newspapers of Lu Xingye's previous press conference, and then compared them with the photos sent by Sister Hong.

I found out that this was really a person.

"What's happening here?"

"It turns out to be my idol Lu Xingye."

"How could my idol be a thief? Is there something hidden in this?"

"What's the secret? Who said rich people can't be thieves?"

"I don't care. Anyway, it's impossible for my technological idol to be a thief."

"There must be something hidden in this."

along with.

More and more clues were discovered, and fans who supported Lu Xingye and fans who supported Sister Hong immediately started arguing on the Internet.

The public is right.

My mother-in-law said that she was right.

Anyway, no one is allowed to do this.

Fans from both sides were at loggerheads online.

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