Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 318

" @Sister Hong: Please come out and explain the situation. What is going on? How could our technology idol do such a thing?"

" @Sister Hong: Are you mistaken? It is not a good thing to slander a technology idol."

" @Sister Hong: We will always believe you, please tell the truth. We are determined to make that thief punished by law."

“ @Sister Hong…”

As the fans became more and more violent, more and more people joined in the insults.

There are also more and more people questioning what Sister Hong said.

after all.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this.

As the richest man in Kyushu, how could Lu Xingye become a thief?

So...some fans are already doubting the authenticity of what Sister Hong said.

at the same time.

Sister Hong’s agent also got the news.

He saw increasingly unfavorable remarks about Sister Hong on the Internet, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

And now things are out of his control.

Sister Hong’s agent can no longer manage this matter.

The agent quickly walked over and knocked on Sister Hong's door. He wanted to tell Sister Hong about this.

"What happened?"

"Coming in in such a hurry?"

When Sister Hong saw the agent, she opened the door and came in, frowning. His agent refers to a mature and stable person, why is he so indifferent now.

"Sister Hong. Something big happened."

The agent spoke hurriedly, with some urgency in his voice.

"What's the matter? Tell me in detail."

"It's about that little video you posted online."

The agent said, handing over the tablet in his hand. What was displayed on the tablet screen was a war of words between Sister Hong's fans and Lu Xingye's fans.

"what happened?"

Sister Hong looked at it, her face suddenly darkened.

Is the man in the photo the chairman of Suihuo Technology?

How can it be?

Absolutely impossible.

Sister Hong murmured, and then he also saw the comparison of the two photos sent by fans.

After she took a second look.

His face suddenly turned ashen.

Although he is a popular A-list star, A-list stars cannot compete with capital.

Many times, A-list celebrities become the playthings of capital.

So Sister Hong has always been afraid of capital.

She never expected that one of her unintentional moves would anger the chairman of Suihuo Technology, the largest capital in Jiuzhou.

Sister Hong felt that her good days were over.

Is it too late to apologize now?


Sister Hong wants to cry a little now.

"what to do?"

"Agent, what should I do? My future won't be ruined, right?"

Sister Hong grabbed the agent's arm and spoke in panic.


At this moment, his agent was like a headless fly, not knowing what to do.

"I don't know what to do either."

"It's not because you're trying to die."

"If it weren't for you seeking death, so many things wouldn't have happened now."

245. Lu Xingye, a technology pioneer, we owe him an apology.


"I want to end the relationship with you." Suddenly the manager seemed to have thought of something and said coldly.

Clear the relationship?


"What are you going to do? How could you do this?"

When she heard her manager say that she wanted to cut off the relationship with her, Sister Hong suddenly panicked. Although she is a popular star, he has never had many friends due to personality problems.

It can be said.

My only friend is my agent.

Now her agent is leaving her, and one can imagine her fear.


"If I don't let go of my relationship with you, will I wait to die with you?"

"Ever since you offended the richest man, it's been a dead end."

"As your former manager, I will give you a piece of advice now, that is, you should immediately issue a notice and publicly apologize to Lu Xingye."

"Strive for the other person's forgiveness."

"This way you might still have a chance."

After saying that.

The agent ripped off the name tag hanging around his neck and threw it to the ground.

"Sister Hong."

"From now on, you will walk your sunshine path, and I will walk my single-plank bridge. We are not related."

"From now on...we will be clear."

After saying that.

The agent immediately slammed the door and walked out.

Sister Hong watched the other party leave with no expression on her face, or she once had an expression, but now her expression was numb.

at the same time.

On the Internet, the trend of public opinion has changed again.

It turned out to be the manager of the private restaurant in Imperial Plaza, and he saw that the situation was not good. As a two-faced tiger, he immediately decided to sell Sister Hong.

Private Kitchen Manager Wang Zhihong publicly explained what happened online.

"Hello everyone."

"I am Wang Zhihong, the manager of Private Kitchen in Imperial Plaza."

"He is also a witness to the thief incident, one of the main witnesses."

"Recently, large-scale rumors have appeared on the Internet. Our technology idol Lu Xingye was slandered by the popular star Hong Jie."

"This is probably what happened."

"Lu Xingye ate in our restaurant first. Then this celebrity lady came over and savagely tried to occupy Lu Xingye's seat."

"But Lu Xingye has no reason to give up his seat."

"I drove Sister Hong out immediately."

"Everyone knows what happened next."

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