Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 319

"A video is attached as proof."

After Wang Zhihong finished speaking, he publicly apologized online, saying that he did not come out to clarify the facts at the first time, which caused the matter to get worse and worse, and eventually developed in an uncontrollable direction.

As a witness, he did not receive much public attention.

on the contrary.

Netizens on the Internet were shocked when they learned the truth.

"I told you, if you just take our classes, you will never become a thief."

"Now the secret of the matter has finally come out."

“What about those who denigrate our tech icons?”

"Stand up and apologize."

Things are becoming clearer.

Those who had slandered Lu Xingye now all took the initiative to post apology posts online.

" @Lu Xingye. I think I owe you an apology. I shouldn't disbelieve you. You are our technology idol and will always be. We will support you."

" @Lu Xingye. I'm sorry."

" @Lu Xingye. I'm sorry."

" @Sister Hong. Why do you publicly slander our technology idol? What you do is immoral."

" @Sister Hong. We will never forgive you. You are a bad person with no bottom line."

" @Sister Hong. From now on, you are no longer our fan. Don't let me see you when you go out, otherwise I will beat you every time I see you."

All kinds of things.

There are more and more comments like this on the Internet, but all of them support Lu Xingye and disdain Sister Hong.


The incident attracted the attention of relevant departments.

The Internet police quickly dispatched and invited Sister Hong to have tea, and then launched an Internet cleanup operation, blocking all keywords related to Lu Xingye.

A 404 page appears.

That's the end of it.

At the same time, Jarvis, who was watching the play on the other side, felt a little regretful, because he was just in the middle of watching the play and the matter ended.

He hasn't even joined the game yet!

The commander still doesn't know what happened.

"what a pity!"

"It ends like this. Sister Hong is cheap."

Jarvis felt that if he ended up personally, Sister Hong would probably be worse off than dead.

the other side.

Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun finally finished their meal. Although they were a little unhappy at the beginning, their mood gradually improved later on.

have to say.

The private cuisine at Imperial Plaza is truly outstanding.

When eating here, you can feel like an ancient emperor, whether it is the service or the taste of the dishes.

"How about it?"

"Have you enjoyed your meal?"

"Hmm... I want to come here to eat next time." Zhao Yinyun said with a smile.

Go out to the door.

Lu Xingye was about to check out, but was told: they were exempted from the bill.


He also became a black gold card member of Private Kitchen and ate here for free for the rest of his life.

Lu Xingye still felt a little strange. During the meal before, the waiters at the private kitchen were relatively cold. Why did they suddenly become so enthusiastic now?

And they also give you a Heixin membership card, which gives you free meals for life.

Although Lu Xingye couldn't understand it, he accepted the black gold membership card with peace of mind because he was a bastard and didn't take advantage of it.

As everyone knows:

This black gold membership card is an apology gift from Private Kitchen.

Sister Hong's slander against the richest man has caused such a big fuss, and the private chefs are also extremely scared. They are afraid that Lu Xingye will settle the score in the future.


After discussion, the world's only black gold membership card was launched.

There is only one black gold membership card in the world.

Free meals at Private Kitchen for life.

This apology gift is so sincere.


Now our protagonist, Lu Xingye, has no idea what happened.

After buying clothes with Zhao Yinyun, he drove his modified sports car - Monster. He rushed towards the hive as fast as lightning.

Originally, he thought that he would be in danger if he left the hive.

After all, there are so many big guys in the world staring at me.

But in fact nothing happened.

What he didn't know was that Suihuo Technology had gradually grown into a towering tree that no one could shake.

Others were just scared when they saw Suihuo Technology, and they dared to cause trouble for him.

Lu Xingye returned to the hive, said goodbye to Zhao Yinyun, and then returned to the Starlink Laboratory. He wanted to see if the satellite had detected Saiyan Enterprise's headquarters base.

As soon as Lu Xingye opened the door to the laboratory, he found Jarvis sitting inside the laboratory. When the other party saw him coming in, a vague smile appeared on his face.


"You are finally back."

"A very interesting thing happened on the Internet just now, and it has something to do with you. I wonder if you are interested in knowing about it?" Jarvis asked with a slight smile.

246. Anomalies were discovered in Saiyan. Is there an artificial intelligence?

"What's going on?" Lu Xingye asked curiously.

As an artificial intelligence, Jarvis has very few things that can attract the other party's attention.

Now that Jarvis calls it interesting, it will definitely be a long time.


"look by youself."


Jarvis handed over a tablet computer. The computer screen showed the process of him being slandered as a thief and then being forced to clear his name.

The whole process is full of twists and turns.


"Sister Hong, this star is really good at seeking death." Lu Xingye chuckled.


"Don't you humans have an old saying, as long as you don't seek death, you won't die."

"This Sister Hong is really a model of committing suicide."

Jarvis walked in with a smile. In fact, he came here to report about the Saiyan Enterprise. But now that he saw Lu Xingye, he couldn't help but feel lonely in his heart, so he chatted with him.


"Jarvis, you have made a lot of progress. You are so familiar with the functions of everything that is so unsophisticated as a human being. And you apply it just right."

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