Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 320

"With your IQ, this body can no longer trap you."

Jarvis smiled and asked:

"Boss, aren't you angry when you see someone slandering you as a thief?"


Lu Xingye was silent for a moment.

to be honest.

He was really lifeless.

Maybe it’s because the realms of standing are different. Have you ever seen humans and ants get angry?



Sister Hong is like the ant that Lu Xingye metaphorically described, a being that Lu Xingye can crush to death at any time. Because you don't care, you won't be angry naturally.

"I don't feel much."

Hearing the commander's words, Jarvis was stunned for a moment, and lines of code flashed in his eyes.

Apparently... he's learning.

"Jarvis, stop talking nonsense there. Come here and do business with me."

Lu Xingye walked to the front of the Starlink control system. In front of it was a giant panoramic screen.


"Are you trying to find the base of the Saiyan Enterprise from the star map?"

"Yes." Lu Xingye nodded.

Since he came up with this plan, he has turned the power of all satellites to the maximum and fully explored the headquarters base of Saiyan Enterprise.

But to his disappointment.

Starlink didn’t find anything.

Now his SkyEye series of satellites can cover the entire globe, and their accuracy has reached the meter level.

Blurred faces can already be seen from satellites.

Lu Xingye thought about it seriously, and he believed that there were only two possibilities for this result.

What about the first one:

Saiyan Enterprises' headquarters base is not above ground. If their headquarters base is not on the ground, the Tianyan satellite will definitely not be able to photograph them. ,

What’s the second possibility!

That is, Saiyan Enterprise has extremely advanced shielding technology, or extremely advanced camouflage technology.

in this way.

Even if the natural satellite has photographed the headquarters base of Saiyan Enterprise, it cannot distinguish it.

Or it can’t be photographed at all.

But no matter what, if it is these two results, it means that Saiyan Enterprise is very difficult.

Suihuo Technology may have encountered its strongest opponent ever.

Suihuo Technology has also come to its darkening moment.

"Still found nothing." Lu Xingye sighed.

Fighting against Saiyan Enterprises is really a laborious task.

Violent dismantling of anti-gravity aircraft.

The anti-gravity aircraft set up a self-destruct device, and the test room on the 32nd floor of the hive was blown up, leaving him trapped there.

I almost lost half my life.

Now I want to find a technician from Saiyan Enterprise to help dismantle the anti-gravity aircraft.

But no matter what, I couldn't find a place to start.

The engineers of Saiyan Enterprise were like playing hide-and-seek and did not let Lu Xingye find them at all.


"If you take a look at this thing, you may find something surprising."


Jarvis waved his hand, and a huge investigation report appeared on the screen in front of him.

The investigation report explains in detail the past and present life of Saiyan Enterprises.

This survey report was compiled by Jarvis by collecting data from around the world, analyzing and summarizing it step by step.

There is a saying that goes well:

As long as you are still active on the Internet, your activity information will inevitably be retained on the Internet, no matter how well you hide it.

After several days of investigation and analysis of the data.

Jarvis finally achieved initial results.

While Lu Xingye was checking the investigation report, he asked Jarvis:


"This investigation report is too complicated. Please briefly tell me the results of the investigation first."

"Okay, Commander." Jarvis nodded.

Then he told Lu Xingye about the investigation results one by one.

"Commander, that's it."

"Although I couldn't trace the server of Saiyan Enterprise through big data, I found an anomaly."


Lu Xingye was very surprised after hearing what Jarvis said.

Jarvis, as a super artificial intelligence, is the god of the Internet.

Generally speaking, artificial intelligence is omnipotent on the Internet, but now there are actually places where Jarvis can't track it.

This is very strange.

"What's going on? Why can't you track the other party's server? Is it because Saiyan Enterprise's clothing is physically disconnected?"

"That's wrong!"

"If Saiyan Enterprise's servers are physically disconnected from the Internet, it will be equivalent to cutting off the link in the Internet world. This is simply impossible."

"Because the official website of Saiyan Enterprise is still active on the Internet."

Jarvis shook his head: "Commander, that's not the case."

"When I invaded the official website of Saiyan Enterprise, I found that the other party's firewall is very powerful and has very high intelligence. I have no way to break through the other party's firewall in a short time. And... once Saiyan Enterprise discovers that I have invaded, what will happen there? Automatically transfer the IP address, or cut off the connection, and want to kick me out of their intranet."

"This is the main reason why I can't break through the other party's firewall."

"I had my doubts."

"Saiya Enterprise has an artificial intelligence no less powerful than mine. Otherwise, the other party's firewall would never be so powerful."

"Is that so?" Lu Xingye was silent for a moment. Now things are getting more interesting and complex.

If Seiya Enterprise has an artificial intelligence no less than Jarvis, does that mean that the other party's technology is very advanced?

It is even possible to have a large number of black technology weapons.

If the opponent has a large number of black technology weapons, then things will become more difficult.

"Saiya Enterprise is really a big trouble."

Lu Xingye murmured, then motioned for Jarvis to continue.

“I discovered an anomaly in my big data analysis.”

"That's right here."

As he spoke, Jarvis stretched out his right index finger and tapped a certain location on the map.

247. The Internet cafe is abnormal and is suspected to be a stronghold for senior executives of Saiyan Enterprises.


"What's unusual about the Internet cafe?" Lu Xingye asked in confusion.

Looking along the map, this is a very ordinary Internet cafe called: Future Internet Cafe.

Lu Xingye checked the Internet cafe's information again.

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