Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 321

I found that apart from the fact that it had been established for a long time, this Internet cafe was unremarkable and had no other notable features.

The registrant is a Chinese.

At this time, Jarvis smiled faintly and complained to the commander.

"I couldn't have discovered it originally."

"But haven't I been collecting big data in the past two days? Then I search based on the big data and continue to search for information on Saiyan Enterprises."

"And I stumbled upon it."

"People often use the administrator rights of the Saiyan Academy official website in their home businesses."

"In other words, there are administrators of Saiyan Enterprises haunting here."

"And here's something even weirder."


Jarvis smiled, obviously trying to impress the commander. But Lu Xingye didn't take it seriously because he had been considered by Saiyan Enterprise for a long time.

Now he wants to investigate the mastermind behind Saiyan Enterprises every moment.

"What's so strange?" Lu Xingye asked calmly.

"I have investigated that the IP address of the administrator of Sanya Enterprise is in the Internet cafe at home, and I can even find out which computer it is on, but I have not found out that the computer user goes in and out of the Internet cafe."

"What do you mean??" Lu Xingye asked doubtfully.


"It's a little hard to understand."

"How about this."

"Commander, you will understand everything after watching this video."


Jarvis pressed the remote control button, and the foreground screen in front of him was instantly split into two. The left side showed investigation reports and other information, and the right side showed the surveillance video of the future Internet cafe.

This surveillance video is data obtained by Jarvis by intruding into the network and wiping surveillance cameras.

This camera is facing the Internet cafe to No. 5

"Ask" the private room.

Logically speaking, there are no blind spots in the field of vision.


Jarvis fast-forwarded the video, from one day's video, directly from morning to evening. In other words, what was just played was a full day of 24-hour surveillance.

Most of the repetitive parts have been quickly skipped by Jarvis.

"Commander, what did you find?"

"During this day, no one came in or out of Private Room 5. Nothing unusual happened." Lu Xingye said calmly.

"In fact, there is no abnormality, which is the biggest abnormality."

"What do you mean:? Explain to me in detail."

"Is such that."

"We just watched a surveillance video, and there was nothing abnormal in the surveillance video. But my big data detection showed that someone used the super administrator rights of Saiyan Enterprises in Room 5 on this day."

"To put it simply."

"On that day, the super administrator of Saiyan Enterprise appeared in Private Room 5 of the Internet cafe."

"Then why didn't we see anyone entering or leaving private room No. 5?" Lu Xingye asked.


"Good question, that's the problem."

"Why is it that no one comes in or out of Private Room No. 5 in the Internet cafe, but someone uses super administrator privileges in Private Room No. 5?"

Jarvis paused here, changed the topic, and continued to speak.

"I guess there are only two possibilities."

"The first one is: there are entrances and exits in Private Room No. 5 that we can't see. The super administrator of Saiyan Enterprise passes through and enters and exits that we don't know about. In this way, we can't discover the existence of the super administrator."

"The second possibility is:"

"It's possible that a senior executive of Saiyan Enterprise lives in private room No. 5 of this Internet cafe. There is everything in private room No. 5, which can be used for him to eat, drink, and have sex, so the super administrator user of Saiyan Enterprise does not have to go in and out. It’s private room No. 5.”

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment, pacing back and forth in the laboratory, leaning his right thumb on the table and tapping continuously.

This is his habitual action.

Whenever he was thinking seriously, his fingers would unconsciously hit something. The sound of fingers tapping objects, ticking...

The sound helps him think.

It will make his thinking clearer.

"Is there a surveillance camera inside Room 5?" Lu Xingye suddenly asked Jarvis.


"The interior of the private room is private and surveillance is not allowed." Jarvis shook his head. If there were surveillance cameras in Private Room No. 5, he wouldn't be so distressed.

"It's really strange."

"By the way, I would like to ask, is there any pattern in the appearance of the Saiyan company executive who appears in the Internet cafe in the future?"

Lu Xingye asked.

In fact, he was thinking about a problem. The biggest difficulty now was that he could not find the attack entrance of Saiyan Enterprise at all.

If he could catch a senior executive of Saiyan Enterprise.

Then we can tear through a line of defense from the impregnable Sanya enterprises, and things will become much simpler.

However, capture the top executives of Saiyan Enterprises.

There will be a dilemma.

That is, he doesn't know when the senior executive of Saiyan Enterprise will come online in Room 5. If he controls the surroundings in advance, it will easily arouse the other party's alert.

If there is no control, there is a high chance that this high-level person will not be caught.

Jarvis was silent for a moment, and blue codes kept flashing on the foreground screen. Apparently he was investigating the so-called appearance pattern.

After a while.

The code on the screen disappears.

Seeing that the code was no longer displayed on the screen, Lu Xingye knew that Jarvis had the result and quickly asked:

"What is it like? Is there a pattern?"

What disappointed Lu Xingye.

There is no pattern in the appearance of top executives of Saiyan Enterprises.

Sometimes it happens once a week, sometimes it happens once every two weeks, sometimes it happens once every few months, and sometimes it doesn't even happen at all for a year.

This investigation result made it even more difficult to arrest Lu Xingye.

"How about this."

"You use super authority to unlock all robot companion restrictions near the future Internet cafe, and let them disguise themselves nearby and monitor the Internet cafe 24 hours a day. Once the top executives of Saiyan Enterprises appear."

"We will arrest him immediately."

Jarvis nodded. Although he knew that this plan was not the best, there was no other way now.

They had no choice but to deploy controls around them.

Wait patiently.


Jarvis's eyes flickered, and the entire mechanical body froze for a second. Maybe he made some amazing discovery, or maybe he got some amazing news.

"Commander, the fish has appeared."

"? You mean the top management of Saiyan Enterprise?" Lu Xingye asked uncertainly.


"On the Internet terminal, I clearly detected that someone was using Saiyan Enterprise's super administrator rights in Room 5 at this moment."

248. Preparing to break into the Internet cafe, the night watchman is dispatched

"Is this true?"

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