Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 327

Lu Xingye's heartbeat couldn't help but beat a little faster.

"Little bodyguard."

"You are actually still in the mood to practice yoga. I am almost worried to death. I have been worried about the invasion of Saiyan Enterprises all day long, as well as coordinating the overall situation and formulating scientific research plans."


"Isn't it because you are here?"

"You will protect me, right?"

"With you by my side, I won't be afraid even if the sky falls." Long Yubing said with a smile, full of affection.

"Just be poor."

"I've been so worried lately."

Long Yubing was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled, perhaps thinking of something, and suddenly stood up from the yoga mat.

"Lu Xingye."

"I recently learned a massage technique. It's very comfortable. Do you want to try it? I guarantee it will relax you."

Lu Xingye smacked his lips: "You don't want me to be a guinea pig, do you?"

Long Yubing gradually stood up and walked to Lu Xingye.

"Do you think I am such a person?"

"I don't know how many people outside want to be my little white rat. You still look disgusted. Why don't you forget it? I don't want to give you a massage. If I hadn't seen that you are too tired , I wouldn’t have said that just now." Long Yubing pretended to regret.

"That's okay."

"Come and try!"

"Take care of this body of mine."


Ha ha……

"How should I do it? Should I lie down?" Lu Xingye asked with a smile.

lie down?

"No need to lie down."

"I don't know how to massage while lying down. Even if I know how, I won't do it for you." Long Yubing smiled faintly.


He walked to a foldable sofa and stretched out his hand towards the sofa:

"You sit here!"


Lu Xingye walked to the sofa generously, sat down, and relaxed his mind.

Immediately afterwards.

He felt a soft, boneless hand gently pressing on his forehead.

The intensity is just right, not too strong but not too weak.

It gave people a very comfortable feeling, and Lu Xingye quickly calmed down, thinking nothing in his mind.

how to say?

Is it just a feeling of Taoism and nature?

Be in harmony with nature.

This is a very enjoyable process.

"How's it going? I told you it's very comfortable, right?"

"Not bad. How about you massage me for an hour every day from now on?"

"That's too much! I really don't know how thick-skinned you are to make such an exorbitant request."


Lu Xingye said something sarcastic. He did not continue this topic because he found it a bit ambiguous and not suitable for an in-depth discussion with a girl.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

Neither of them spoke.

At this time, Long Yubing, who was massaging Lu Xingye, suddenly spoke:

"Lu Xingye, you just said you were worried. What are you worried about? Tell me and see if I can help you."

"It's not about Saiyan Enterprises." Lu Xingye smacked his lips.

Then, he continued to speak: "I don't know how this alien company has such a huge black technology background. Now I have the most advanced technology in the world, but I am overwhelmed by the other party."


After hearing this, Long Yubing fell silent for a moment, apparently thinking seriously about Lu Xingye.

Fair face.

His brows furrowed slightly.

He half-closed his eyes in thought, looking particularly charming.

"Lu Xingye."

"Although I can't help you much in terms of scientific research, because I am just a rough person, and all I have been exposed to since I was young is training."

"Aside from his ability to protect people, he doesn't know anything about scientific research."

"But I know one thing. There is strength in numbers. The reason why our hive is so troubled by the so-called Saiyan Enterprise is not because we haven't caught up with it in terms of technology."

"If we also have particle transmission machines, space fluctuation detectors, and space fixed defense weapons, then we will never be overwhelmed by the opponent. We may even directly counterattack the gray fog civilization."

It was undeniable that what the bodyguard said made sense, but after Lu Xingye thought for a while, he still didn't quite understand what Long Yubing wanted to say.

"So?" Lu Xingye asked lightly.

"So we need to improve our technology and quickly climb the technology tree. Although our hive technology has led the world, we have not gathered the wisdom of the world."

"If we build a world-class scientific research center, bring together the most intelligent scientists from all over the world, and then find ways to get them to work for us."


"Our hive's technology will definitely make further leaps. Blue Star's basic technology will also rise rapidly. No matter how powerful an organization is, it is not as powerful as the wisdom of the entire civilization."

Long Yubing expressed her inner thoughts while massaging Lu Xingye.

253. Go to Suihuo headquarters again and meet a secretary who is about to be interviewed.

Lu Xingye felt the other person's soft, boneless hand gently brushing his forehead, and his whole body felt like an electric shock.

The soul screams with pleasure.

But at this moment, he was not in the mood to feel the softness on his forehead. All his mind was attracted by the other party's words.

"Concentrate the wisdom of the entire civilization?"

"Create a science and technology center so that scientists from all over the world can be used by me?"

These two sentences are extremely shocking.

Lu Xingye was touched by the other party for a moment. It was you who was thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

The more he thought about it, the more feasible this plan became.

Suihuo Technology is not short of money now, nor is it short of space. As long as you are willing to spend money, you can definitely attract scientists.

He immediately enters the interstellar age.

In the interstellar age, any scientist is a precious treasure, and their wisdom can lead civilization forward.

If I hit the tech center right now.

So all the scientists from the entire civilization are trapped here?

It is difficult for an organization to deal with the Saiyan civilization.

But if a civilization deals with the Saiyan civilization, it may become very simple.

For example:

Particle conveyor.

If we rely solely on the research of Hive scientists, it may take 20 days and a half at the fastest to come up with it.

But what if the technology center is completed?

There are thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of scientists in the science and technology center. With thousands of scientists all working for themselves, everyone is thinking about how to develop a particle conveyor.

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