Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 328

That is, one person out of 100 people proposes a plan.

Then out of 100 plans, one plan can be executed.

among hundreds of thousands of scientists.

There will be hundreds or thousands of possible solutions.

There is strength in numbers.

The power of wisdom is infinite.

After figuring this out, Lu Xingye was very happy, his eyes suddenly opened, he stood up with excitement, and his figure quickly approached Long Yubing.

Lu Xingye couldn't help lowering his head and pecked Long Yubing's face gently.


It was Lu Xingye's action.

Long Yubing's whole body froze. He saw a boy's figure getting closer and closer.

Such pink and hot lips pecked her face.

Even before she could remember what was right, the other party had already left.

Long Yubing's face instantly turned red like a porcelain doll, and he connected his hands together, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

"you you you……"

"how could you do this?"


Lu Xingye didn't quite understand what the other party wanted to say, and he didn't even pay attention to his gentle peck.

In fact, Lu Xingye couldn't help himself.

He was so happy.

There is no intention of taking advantage of the other party.


Afterwards, Lu Xingye didn't know what he had done wrong. He was only suitable for you to express his excitement.

"I'm so happy."

"I really, really thank you."

"You made a suggestion that is very useful to me. I must implement your plan immediately."

"Goodbye for now, wait for me to come back, and we will continue the massage tonight."

Lu Xingye smiled and opened the door directly without waiting for the other party's reaction.

Lu Xingye first came to Jarvis's laboratory and analyzed the feasibility of building a technology center with him.

It turned out that Jarvis also agreed with this plan.

But he added to this plan that if a science and technology center is built in Bee City, a world-famous university will also need to be built.

Only universities and technology centers are combined.

Only in this way can the greatest power be exerted.

Lu Xingye thought for a moment and then decided to accept Jarvis's suggestion. Not only would he build the world's number one technology center in Bee City, but he would also build the world's number one university.

With the help of artificial intelligence.

Lu Xingye quickly completed the cost budget and execution plan. Then he walked towards the headquarters of Suihuo Technology in a hurry.

The Hive is a dark force.

Obviously not suitable for holding on the countertop.


The task of building science and technology centers and universities can only fall on the peripheral commercial aircraft carrier Suihuo Technology.

Lu Xingye couldn't remember the last time he came to Suihuo Technology Headquarters, but this time he felt happy when he saw it here.

About 10 minutes later.

Lu Xingye braked to a stop, and the limited-edition supercar swerved to a stop at the gate of Suihuo Technology Headquarters.

Because these security guards had been trained and knew who Lu Xingye was, they did not stop him.

Lu Xingye walked straight to the general manager's office.

Along the way.

He unexpectedly found a girl following him. The girl was wearing a super short denim skirt.

Her long black hair hangs casually on her shoulders.

A white shirt, a short denim skirt, and a pair of sneakers.

A pair of white legs dangled in front.

Very eye-catching.

"Hi pretty girl."

"I saw you following me. How can I help you?" Lu Xingye stopped and looked at the girl carefully.

The girl carries a schoolbag on her back.

Looks very energetic.

The appearance is also relatively simple.

It seemed that the other party was a recent graduate who had just stepped out of the ivory tower of the university.

In other words: an intern.


"I, I, I... I'm here for an interview." Zhu Xiaonong said with a red face.

"Then why are you following me? You should go to the Human Resources Department for the interview." Lu Xingye said calmly.


"I see you are also relatively young."

"It's different from the employees inside. That's because you are not wearing work clothes. I guess you also came to Suihuo Technology for an interview. I thought you knew the way, so I followed you all the time."

"Classmate, I am an intern at Yan University. Do you know the way? If you do, you can take me there."

"..." After hearing this, Lu Xingye was silent for a moment. Why is this girl so cute?


It is undeniable that the other party is very beautiful, and this level of beauty is not inferior even to that of Zhao Yinyun.

Zhao Yinyun has a gentler and more elegant style.


Zhu Xiaonong has an eccentric character who is not afraid of anything. This can be seen from the fact that she followed him all the way.

"What position are you interviewing for?" Lu Xingye asked the other party instead of answering.

"I'm here to interview the secretary."

Zhu Xiaonong smiled, but his face suddenly turned red for some reason. I don’t know if students who have just graduated from college will blush easily when facing strange men.


Maybe he was too happy.

Zhu Xiaonong's right high-heeled shoe suddenly tilted, and the heel got stuck in the middle of two tiles.

Zhu Xiaonong quickly stabilized his figure and tried twice to pull the heel out of the gap in the tiles, but was unable to pull it out because he was too weak.


"Classmate, why don't you come over and help?"

"Are you just watching your beautiful lady make a fool of herself here?" Zhu Xiaonong didn't give in at all.

254. Lu Xingye found a treasure girl and prepared to recruit a secretary

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment. He had no taboos about anything this generous beauty did.

It's quite to his liking.

"Haven't you ever heard of a saying that men and women cannot be intimate?" Lu Xingye smiled, originally not wanting to help the other person.

But I was moved by the other party's pure appearance.

He stopped and stood in front, looking at each other.

"Haven't you ever heard of the saying that if one side is in trouble, all sides will support it? I'm in trouble now and need your help." Zhu Xiaonong waved to Lu Xingye.

"Okay! As long as you don't mind."

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