Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 334

"Then I reluctantly believe you."

"In other words, you brought me here to let me be your secretary?"

Zhu Xiaonong's eyes widened as he thought of something.

"You can say that."

"Didn't I screw up one of your interviews?"

"So, how about giving you a new opportunity to speak to the chairman's secretary? Are you surprised or surprised?"



Zhu Xiaonong was silent.

There was no expression on his face, and others could not tell whether he was happy or sad.

About a quarter of an hour passed.

Only then did Zhu Xiaonong hold back that sentence.

"You old man!"

"You'll do whatever it takes to chase girls."

"Do you think you can win my heart by hiring me as your secretary? I'm telling you, don't even think about it."

"You are the boss."

"But I am a pure female secretary and I will never fall into your clutches."

"Noisy!" Lu Xingye couldn't help but interrupt the other party. Originally, he liked this girl a little, but now he suddenly didn't like her that much.

Zhu Xiaonong saw things too thoroughly.

This is very bad.

"Do you still want to be my secretary? If you still want to be my secretary, please shut up and I will take you to go through the entry procedures now." Lu Xingye frowned and said.


Zhu Xiaonong was silent again.

"Of course I'll be your secretary."


Zhu Xiaonong followed Lu Xingye to Jarvis's laboratory and asked him to take Zhu Xiaonong to go through the entry procedures.

The contract signed is for life.

Now that we have come to the hive, life and death depend on each other.

Life is like a bee hive, death is like a bee hive.


As the chairman of the board, Lu Xingye, the process of recruiting secretaries is of course not that simple. In addition to signing a contract, there is also half a month of training and a loyalty test.

Whether it’s substandard training or lack of loyalty.

They will all be asked to leave on the spot.

Lu Xingye has already given the other party the opportunity. Whether the other party can become his secretary depends on the other party's luck.

Although he unintentionally ruined an interview opportunity for the other party.

But he gave Zhu Xiaonong a bigger opportunity.

This is considered even.

After finishing all this, Lu Xingye returned to his room, ready to start watching science fiction movies.

259. The particle conveyor was successfully developed and is so close to us

About a week has passed.

Lu Xingye never went out again and stayed inside the hive.

During the day, he was in the laboratory, working with Tony to develop the particle conveyor.

and a spatial fluctuation detection device.

I stayed in my room at night and studied science fiction movies with Long Yubing.

Life is lived to the fullest.

During this week, nothing special happened. The Saiyan Enterprise did not arrange revenge, and the Gray Mist Civilization was still huddled in the deep sea.

The spaceport is under construction in an orderly manner.

The holy land of science and education is also being built at full speed.

It can be said!

Everything is developing rapidly.

this day.

Lu Xingye came to Tony's laboratory as usual, but got a shocking news.

The particle conveyor may have been successfully built.

Tony's face was full of joy. Seeing Lu Xingye walk in, he couldn't help but have a silly smile on his face.


"I think I should research the particle teleporter."

"I really didn't expect the particle conveyor to be so simple. It's exactly as I imagined. The time machine is a higher-level existence of the particle conveyor."

"During the transmission process of the time machine, the spatial dimension and the time dimension must be input."

"The particle conveyor only needs to input the spatial dimensions."

"To put it simply:"

"He did not research the emergence of new technology. Instead, he modified the time machine and eliminated the time dimension, thus obtaining the particle conveyor."

Tony danced around the starry night.

Lu Xingye didn't mind either, because he knew that as a researcher, scientific research was their life, and there was nothing more satisfying than successfully developing one's own product.

Tony developed the particle teleporter.

It's normal to be a little excited.

"How confident are the particle conveyors?" Lu Xingye pondered for a while and then asked.

"One hundred percent."

"After careful debugging, there is no possibility of the particle conveyor failing." Tony replied proudly.

The particle conveyor is a machine that converts tears into particles and electronic signals, and then transmits them from one place to another.

This theory is flawed.

But this mistake that Tony improved made the particle transmission machine foolproof.

"That's really great."

Lu Xingye clapped gently.

The particle conveyor is of great significance to him.

Not only can it help him pursue Saiyan Enterprises.

And it can also be used in space.

As we all know, a spacecraft is an ultra-long-distance navigation machine, and it can only dock in near-Earth channels outside the earth's surface.

You cannot land on the planet in person.

Then there is a problem.

How do humans teleport from the infinite spaceship to the surface of the planet?


According to current technology, it is very likely to use rocket round-trip technology. But this technology has too many drawbacks.

For example:

Your spaceship has arrived on a strange planet, but you have no better way to log in. You can only use a rocket and return capsule to land.

You will have no problem landing on this strange planet.

But here comes the problem.

How do you return to your spaceship from this strange planet?

Build a rocket and launch it back?

Then the problem comes again.

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