Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 335

How do you build a rocket on a completely alien planet?

How do you know that this strange planet has the conditions and scientific basis for you to build rockets.

This is the biggest drawback in space navigation.


Now that Lu Xingye has developed a particle transmission machine, this shortcoming can be easily solved.

The way to log in to the planet has also become very convenient.

By directly activating the particle conveyor, humans can be landed directly from the spacecraft to the surface of a strange planet.

To put it simply:

Just send it directly.

The same goes for returning to a spaceship from a strange planet.

Directly activate the particle conveyor remotely.

It is possible to remotely transport humans back to the spacecraft.

This saves a lot of trouble.

The advantages are self-evident.


Based on this effect, Lu Xingye even felt that the particle conveyor was a necessary technology in space navigation.


"In that case, I'll try it myself." Lu Xingye said with a smile.


Lu Xingye's bold voice scared Tony.

Lu Xingye is the commander of the hive.

Although he can guarantee that there will be no accidents in particle transmission, what if it happens?

Particle teleportation is scarier than an air crash.

Once something unexpected happens.

Even gods can't save him.


"Your safety is more important."

"You don't have to try."

"Just let me be the first person to transmit particles." Tony smiled.

His emotional intelligence is very high.

In this way, not only the opportunity of teleportation is seized, but also the commander is given a step down.

It won't make the commander uncomfortable.


"Tony, it's rare to encounter such a fun toy. You said let me do it. I have full confidence in you about the particle conveyor you are researching. There will be no accidents with the particle conveyor."

The reason why Lu Xingye said so definitely.

I don't completely trust Tony, nor do I trust the particle conveyor completely, because no matter how foolproof this thing is, there will still be a certain chance of accidents.

It's just that the chance is so small that it can be ignored.

People say that flying is the safest mode of transportation, and it is actually true.

So many people have flown on planes throughout history.

The chance of an accident is very rare.

It is much smaller than cars, high-speed trains and so on.


Lu Xingye was not afraid of this small and negligible accident.

If the probability is small enough, it is equivalent to an event that is impossible to occur.

Let’s take a step back.


Even if something unexpected happens to the particle conveyor, he will

""There is a perfect strategy.

That's the time machine.

Lu Xingye has bound the time machine to himself. Once something unexpected happens to him, the time machine will automatically restart time and space.

Allow yourself to travel back in time.

Start all over again.

Tony said a few more words to Lu Xingye, but Lu Xingye insisted on experiencing the particle conveyor by himself.

There was nothing Tony could do.

We had no choice but to leave it to Lu Xingye.


He also knew that the time machine had been bound to the commander.

Even if the commander has an accident, he can start over.

Under Tony's guidance, Lu Xingye walked into the particle conveyor transmission area with a control bracelet in his hand.

This control bracelet is a tool for remote control of the particle conveyor.

After he teleported out.

I can only rely on this bracelet to remotely control the particle teleporter and teleport it back.


"Help me enter the spatial dimensions."

"The first stop on the particle teleportation tour is the Eiffel Tower." Lu Xingye said with a smile.

260. The wonder of the world, dancing on the top of the iron tower

Tony entered the spatial dimensions into the transmission machine, and then gave his commander a few notes.

After everything is ready.

Tony, you have the final question: "Commander, are you ready? If you are ready, I will start the teleportation."

"Tony. I've been prepared for a long time. Remember to use satellites to track my whereabouts later. If there is danger and I don't have time to react, remember to teleport me back. Although we have the ultimate weapon, the time machine, we can't When it is absolutely necessary, we should not activate the time machine. After all, if the flow of time is caused, we will be lost in other time and space forever." Lu Xingye warned Tony.

"no problem."

"Do not worry."

Lu Xingye and Tony looked at each other, and then Tony pressed the start button.

After the particle conveyor receives the signal, it produces a special reaction under the linkage of a series of components.

The reaction device bursts out with a powerful current.


Lu Xingye was standing inside the transmission machine, and the surrounding space was flashing.


His figure became blurry.

There is a sense of distortion similar to that of Maxwell.

Under the action of the transmission machine, Lu Xingye's body began to convert into photons and electrons.

After the body completes the conversion into photons and electrons.

Lu Xingye's body completely disappeared.

This feeling is very strange.

I clearly know that my body is there, but I can't see or touch it, and my thinking is very clear.

Then the transmission machine produced some special changes, enhancing the current output and instantly transmitting the photons and electrons that Lu Xingye had converted.

This is not difficult to understand.

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