Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 336

This is a bit like a mobile phone signal. Through the particle transmitter, humans are converted into mobile phone signals, and then slowly emitted.

After transferring to the specified destination.

These photons and electrons are transformed into human form.

at the same time.

On the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

Today is their big holiday, Christmas.

It's night here, and the neon lights of various buildings on the streets are shining, and the streets are full of tourists and cars with double license plates.

People drive over to the Tower Square to shop and do business, or come to play, eat and watch shows.

A huge Santa Claus was placed in the center of the square by the program crew.

Santa Claus is very kind in the square.

Snow is falling.

But the people here are not cold at all. They are all full of joy. Most of them are wearing Santa Claus suits and Christmas hats.

But this time.

What no one expected was that such a magical scene appeared on the top of the tower.

A sense of blurred mosaic distortion came through.

This time is a bit like the black and white TV we used to have when we were children. When receiving the TV signal, the TV signal was not good and snowflake shapes kept appearing on the screen.

A huge sizzling sound of electricity came.

This is the transmission machine that sent Lu Xingye's signal here. Now these photons and electrons are undergoing some special changes and are reuniting into human form.

First the brain...

And then the torso…

Then the body, limbs...

Finally, a complete human being appeared on the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

This is Lu Xingye.

Just as Lu Xingye stood still, a gust of breeze came from mid-air. He staggered and almost fell from the tower.


He finally fell to the ground and grabbed one of the iron bars. Only then did he stabilize his voice.

But this also frightened Lu Xingye.

"what happened?"

"Didn't I teleport to the Tower Square???"

"What transmission is on the top of the tower?"

You must know that the height of the iron tower is more than 330 meters.

This height is already considered very high. Lu Xingye stood on the iron tower and looked down at the entire city.

"What's happening here?"

"A little scared inside?"

what happened?

As soon as I teleported here, I was on the top of the iron tower. Now that the strong wind is blowing, I may fall down at any time.

Then here comes the problem.

How should I get down from the top of the tower?

Lu Xingye lowered his head and looked down at the Iron Tower Square. Human beings had become as big as ants, and everything around him had shrunk a lot.

It's like walking into a villain's world.


"Commander, how are you doing now?"

Because when the transmission machine was transmitting just now, it was converted into photons and electrons, which interfered with the magnetic field nearby, causing the communication between them to be interrupted.

Communication has just been restored now.

Tony connected to Lu Xingye's wireless headset through the Sky Eye satellite.

"how's it going?"

"You have the nerve to ask me how I am doing. Don't you know what good things you have done?" Lu Xingye looked unhappy.

Anyone who encounters such bad luck will be unhappy.

after all……

Being trapped on a tower is no fun.


"What happened?"

at this time.

Although Tony had restored communication, the satellite was still in the process of turning and Lu Xingye was not photographed trapped on the tower.

"You still have the nerve to ask?"

"look by youself."


Lu Xingye took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, and started recording video. As the video was transferred to Tony's hand, Tony touched his beard awkwardly.

This is……

Tony was shocked when he saw Lu Xingye's current position.

How was it transmitted to the top of the iron tower?


No matter what, as long as there is no accident with Commander Lu Xingye, it is the best news.

Tony laughed dryly and apologized quickly: "Commander, I'm really sorry."

"When I was setting up the spatial dimension transmission just now, I didn't set the transmission location accurately to meters."

"What do you mean?" Lu Xingye was silent for a moment, not understanding Tony's words for a while.



Tony, an old man, turned a little red again.

"To put it simply."

"This is where I set your transmission location on the Tower Square, but I didn't specify which point it was on the Tower Square."


"The particle teleporter is teleported to the middle of the Tower Square by default. And the middle of the Tower Square is right on the top of the Tower."

"That's why this little accident happened."

"..." Lu Xingye fell into deep silence after hearing this.

Although this was a small mistake by Tony, Lu Xingye still couldn't forgive him.

Some mistakes can be forgiven.

But there are some mistakes that cannot be forgiven.

Just like this time!

This is a matter of life and death.

Immortal wouldn't have betrayed him if he hadn't brought Tony out of the movie world himself.

Lu Xingye thought that the other party had betrayed him, or that he wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of him.

261. Dancing on the top of the tower, a sensational Christmas


"Go back and give me a good review. With your intelligence, you shouldn't have made such a mistake, but you just happened to make it."

"And this mistake is fatal."

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