Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 338


Lu Xingye suddenly took a step forward, walked to the edge of the tower, opened his hands, and embraced the space.


The whole person jumped vertically down.

Under the influence of gravity, Lu Xingye began to fall rapidly, so at the same time, he also gently pressed the remote control that had been adjusted to the new space dimension.

on the remote control emits a remote signal.

This remote signal was transmitted back to the hive's particle transmission machine. The particle transmission machine started working instantly, and an invisible force enveloped Lu Xingye.


As Lu Xingye was descending rapidly, a mosaic-like distortion appeared on his body.

262. A mysterious miracle appears

Immediately afterwards.

Lu Xing's night training transformed into electrons and photons and disappeared without a trace.

On Tower Square.

When everyone saw such a magical scene, everyone forgot to close their mouths and looked ahead in stunned silence. If a mysterious man appears on the top of the iron tower, they can barely accept it.

after all……

This can be explained by science.

There are so many ways for humans to climb to the top.


Now what the hell are you jumping off the top of the tower?

After jumping down, you disappeared directly?

This was originally a scientific world, but it was suddenly transformed into a fantasy world by you.

Even if Newton saw it, he would jump out of the coffin board.

"What happened just now? What happened?"

"Just now I seemed to see the staff member on the top of the tower suddenly jump off the tower. Halfway through the jump, the person suddenly disappeared."

"Is it my imagination or something?"


"It's not your hallucination, because we also saw it. Just now, a person jumped from the tower and then disappeared."

"I'm a professional photographer."

"I also filmed the scene just now."

"Wait a minute and I'll send it to you."

Lu Xingye disappeared directly from mid-air, causing a sensation. Even more amazing than him appearing from the top of the tower.

This mysterious incident occurs.

Quickly shift people's attention from Santa to the staff.


The photography enthusiast posted the video online.

"Oh my God!"

"Is that person a god?"

"How could it disappear from mid-air?"

"I have always been a person who believes in science, but when I saw this video, my heart was shaken."

Lu Xingye's appearance on the top of the iron tower quickly spread on the Internet.

It became a hot search within just half an hour.

At this time.

Lu Xingye had returned to the hive.

Zhao Yinyun's charming figure suddenly appeared, looking at Lu Xingye as if looking at her idol.

I was very excited inside.

"Lu Xingye."

"I saw your figure just now, it's really cool. When can you take me to take a look?"

"My dream was to travel the world unscrupulously."

"But because the cost of transportation or other aspects of time is too high, this dream has never been realized. But now that I see you using the particle conveyor, I suddenly know that this dream can be realized."

"The particle conveyor is really a good thing."

"It can move from one place to another instantly. Perhaps in the eyes of others, this is a rare strategic weapon. But in Zhao Yinyun's eyes, this is a tourist artifact."

Cough cough cough…

Lu Xingye glanced at the other party.

"Can you please stop looking at me with such admiration? I will drift off."

"Hey..." Zhao Yinyun was silent for a moment.

"I don't care, anyway, you have to equip me with a particle conveyor. I want to travel around the world in my free time."

"Don't worry! Of course you are indispensable."

"When the time comes, I will ask Tony to build a multi-person particle teleporter, which can transport two people. Then the two of us can travel together."


"Lu Xingye, you are so great. If I can travel with you, it will definitely be the happiest day in my life."

Zhao Yinyun jumped up happily and gave Lu Xingye a gentle hug.

His brows relaxed slightly, and his mood quickly improved.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the happiest day since she came to Blue Star.

At the beginning!

Lu Xingye was still a dull person.

She is very lacking in emotions. No matter how much she hints, the other party cannot understand her thoughts.

Lu Xingye didn't respond at all to the love he gave.

At that time, Zhao Yinyun was very tired.

But now...

Lu Xingye began to gradually change. His emotional module seemed to have recovered, and he became more flesh and blood.

Know the warmth and coldness, know how to advance and retreat.

This is simply the Prince Charming that girls dream of.


What's more important is that Lu Xingye has begun to respond to her love.

Just now Lu Xingye said that he wanted to travel around the world with him.

This is……

This is really great.

"Hey! You are all my family. If I don't treat you well, who will I treat well?"

Lu Xingye smiled.

He immediately walked to Tony's laboratory, and Zhao Yinyun followed closely.

After passing through several corridors.

Lu Xingye came to Tony's laboratory.

At this moment, Tony was studying the spatial fluctuation detector when he suddenly heard the sound of the laboratory door opening and quickly turned his head to look in the direction of the door.

He watched his commander and Zhao Yinyun walk in side by side.


"You came."

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