Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 339

"Yeah." Zhao Yinyun nodded lightly.

When Tony saw Lu Xingye like this, he thought the commander was still angry, so he quickly apologized sincerely.


"I really teleported you to the top of the iron tower accidentally."

"This was a mistake on my part."

"I'm willing to accept any punishment."


Lu Xingye glanced at the other person and realized that he had actually forgiven Tony a long time ago.

After all, humans are not grass and trees, so how can anyone be without fault?

Sometimes it is normal to make some mistakes at work, which is worthy of forgiveness.


"Tony, I have forgiven you a long time ago."

"You didn't mean it."

Lu Xingye smiled.

Then, he couldn't help but give Tony a burst of praise.

"Your particle conveyor is really good. I tried it just now and it felt really great."

"Commander, is it true?" Tony's eyes lit up.

after all……

He is a scientific researcher, and the happiest thing in his heart is when he makes something with his own hands and is praised by others.

"Of course it's true."


"Can you set it up as a particle teleporter that can teleport multiple people at once?"

When Zhao Yinyun heard Lu Xingye's words, her eyes lit up, and she suddenly stretched out her little head and interjected.


"It would be even better if it could be made into a particle conveyor that can transport multiple people."

"Let's travel around the world together."

Tony was silent for a moment after hearing this, as if he was thinking for a while.

About half an hour passed.

His faint voice came through.

"This shouldn't be very difficult."

"I'll go back and modify it. I should be able to teleport multiple people."

When Lu Xingye heard this, he couldn't help but give the other party a thumbs up:


"I see that you have been busy in the laboratory just now. What are you busy with? I want to ask what type of product you are developing?"

263. Check the Saiyan information, and the bodyguard helps peel the grapes


Tony slapped his head and seemed to think of something. He suddenly walked over to a square device, stretched out his right hand and introduced it to Lu Xingye.

"Report to Commander."

"I play drums for such a little thing."

"Didn't we invent the transmission machine?"

"When you were transmitting just now, I suddenly discovered that there was a certain amount of space fluctuation next to the transmission machine."

"The fluctuations are very noticeable."

"Therefore, I am boldly speculating that you use space fluctuations as a standard in an attempt to find an instrument for space fluctuations."

"As I expected, by following this line of research, I made a major discovery. The square device in front of me is an instrument I made based on space fluctuations."

"Now this spatial fluctuation detection instrument can detect spatial fluctuations within a hundred meters radius."

Tony paused, picked up a water glass with his right hand, put it to his mouth, and took a sip.

My throat became much moister.

Zaicai continued:

"I think that as long as we use the square device in front of us as a standard, we can continuously expand the detection range of spatial fluctuations. In this way, we can create an ultra-long-distance spatial fluctuation detection instrument."

"In this way, our spatial fluctuation detection is created."

"Yeah. Good job. If you need any help with technology, feel free to ask Jarvis. I give priority to scientific research requirements."

"Okay, thank you boss." Tony nodded slightly.

After Lu Xingye inspected Tony's laboratory, he felt a little bored and went directly back to his laboratory.

Now he has arranged all scientific research work.

Become a great idler yourself.

There's not much to do at all.


"Long Yubing... come to my office."

Lu Xingye was sorting out information related to Saiyan Enterprises when something suddenly occurred to him and he quickly called the bodyguard.

Long Yubing is practicing yoga.

Suddenly, he heard the ringing tone of Lu Xingye's phone.

Lu Xingye is her special person, and she designed a special ringtone. So when the phone rang, she knew it was Lu Xingye calling.

Long Yubing's eyes lit up.

When she saw the boy she was attracted to calling, she quickly put down what she was doing, happily picked up the phone and put it to her ear.

"Lu Xingye."

"Why did you call me?"

There was a hint of joy in his voice.


"I'm a little thirsty now." Lu Xingye smiled.

Long Yubing "..."

"Then go find some water to drink!"

Lu Xingye: "I want to eat grapes."

Long Yubing: "Then go and eat it!"

Lu Xingye: "I want to eat the grapes you peeled..."


"Give me two minutes...I'll be right back."

Long Yubing hesitated for a moment, but agreed to Lu Xingye's unreasonable request.

For those who don’t love.

Eyes full of rejection.

But what if it’s someone you love!

Then your eyes will be full of loving people.

Long Yubing quickly changed into a set of loose home clothes and picked up two bunches of grapes from the refrigerator. Because she didn't know whether Lu Xingye wanted to eat green grapes or red grapes... She even specially brought these two flavors of grapes.

About ten minutes or so.

Long Yubing carried the grapes and came to Lu Xingye's laboratory, her face slightly red. She felt that as a girl, this was too proactive.

Too proactive.

It doesn't seem very good.

Originally she thought she still had the courage to pursue love, but after coming here!

She suddenly realized that she was not as brave as she thought.

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