Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 345

"I'll bring in the takeout first, and then we'll start dinner."

"Yeah." Zhao Yinyun, I'm going to wash my hands first.

This little girl thought that Lu Xingye just invited her to have a meal, and she didn't expect this surprise at all.

268. Belated love, Zhao Yinyun was moved

When Zhao Yinyun heard that the takeaway was coming, he ran into the bathroom and washed his hands. As a doctor, she has developed a good habit of washing hands before meals.

Or maybe it's her occupational disease.

at this time.

Lu Xingye had already gotten the takeout and brought in the roses. The flower shop owner was very attentive. When delivering the roses, he also specially sent 18 light candles.

This candle thing...

Very good for setting up the atmosphere.

Lu Xingye used it after just one glance. Is there anything more romantic than two people having a candlelight dinner together?

He took out the candles, placed them on the table, and began to decorate the place with a romantic atmosphere.

Just for a moment.

He finished decorating the place.

At this time.

Zhao Yinyun hasn't come out of the bathroom yet.

"Zhao Yinyun, the takeout is ready. Come out quickly." Lu Xingye shouted into the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll be right away."

Zhao Yinyun responded.

Just at this moment.

The power to the entire laboratory was suddenly cut off, and the entire laboratory was plunged into darkness. Since the laboratory is an underground laboratory, once the power system is interrupted, the inside of the laboratory becomes invisible.

Besides being high, it’s still black.

A wave of panic spread instantly.

"Lu Xingye."

"What's going on? What happened? I was washing my hands just now, and it seems that the power suddenly went out. Now I can't see anything. How is it outside?"

"If possible, could you bring me a flashlight in?"

After hearing the other party's voice, Lu Xingye smiled. How could he go in with a flashlight? The reason why the power system was interrupted was because he took the initiative to pull down the gate.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity.

Give the other person a surprise.

"I'm here."

"I can't find a flashlight and there's a power outage outside."

"After you wash your hands, come out quickly. I'll wait for you outside." Lu Xingye smiled, then took a piece of cloth from the side and I covered everything on the table.

He was ready to wait for the moment Zhao Yinyun came out.

Light all candles instantly.

"Oh well."

"I can't see anything right now. I'm trying to walk out in the dark."


Zhao Yinyun began to rely on her memory of the laboratory to explore the outside step by step.

Probably a moment passed.

Zhao Yinyun finally came out of the laboratory in the dark.

"Lu Xingye, are you there?"

"Dear, I'm always here." Lu Xingye smiled.

"Where are you? Can you come and help me? Why is the power outage? Can you check the lines?"

Lu Xingye smiled mysteriously, then turned around, picked up the black cloth with his right hand, and lifted it up.

The faint light of the candle inside instantly illuminated the entire laboratory.

There were 18 candles temporarily placed on the table, and all 18 candles were lit together to form a heart shape.

It makes the atmosphere extremely romantic.


When Zhao Yinyun saw this scene, she was so excited that she covered her mouth with her hands. For a moment, he even forgot that he still had the ability to speak, and stood motionless.

Watch the other person's reaction.

Lu Xingye knew about this carefully prepared romance.

It has hit Zhao Yinyun's heart.


Women are all romantic creatures. As long as you are willing to give him a little romance, he will give his whole body and mind to you.

"Like it???"

"This is the candlelight dinner I carefully prepared for you."

"Yeah... I like it." Zhao Yinyun opened her eyes wide and looked forward, her face flushed.

"come on."


Although Zhao Yinyun had already answered verbally, the other party still did not take any action, as if he had forgotten that he still had the ability to move.

Lu Xingye walked over directly and put his hands around the other person's waist.

He instantly picked up the opponent by the waist.

Zhao Yinyun naturally hooked her arms around Lu Xingye's neck and looked at him with eyes full of affection.

"Since you won't move."

"Then I'll carry you over." Lu Xingye said domineeringly.

Zhao Yinyun kept looking at each other, and he felt that his two hearts were already close together, bump bump...

My heart was beating very hard.

Lu Xingye put the other party on the stool and sat down, then suddenly took out a bouquet of roses from behind and placed it in front of Zhao Yinyun.

"These 99 roses are for you."


Zhao Yinyun shed tears excitedly.

She followed him from the movie world to the real world, and why?

Just to be with each other.

Now this wish is finally coming true.

Zhao Yinyun was very happy.


"Don't think that if you send me flowers to express your love to me, I will agree to your confession. I have high standards unless you give me another ring."

"..." Lu Xingye fell silent for a moment after hearing the other party's words.

Is this little girl too into the drama?

Everyone is an adult.


Why take it seriously?

Moreover, Lu Xingye never said that he wanted to confess to the other party.

He just sent 99 flowers.

Can you please stop making trouble for yourself?

"Do not worry."

"I know you have high demands, so I didn't prepare to confess my love to you. I just gave you a bouquet of flowers."

"As for the ring and all that."

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