Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 346

"It won't happen now, it won't happen in the future, and it won't happen in the future."

Lu Xingye evoked a mysterious arc. He found that teasing this little girl was quite fun.

With this little girl around, his life is full of fun.


"What did you say?"

Zhao Yinyun's originally happy face suddenly changed and became very ugly. She originally thought that Lu Xingye had confessed to her, but she didn't expect that she would be wrong.

This made her very embarrassed.


"Do you want me to say it again?" Lu Xingye looked at the other party and smiled evilly.

"No. No. No need."

Zhao Yinyun shook her head hastily. She was heartbroken when she heard Lu Xingye's words just now.

She didn't want to hear it again.

Ha ha! …

Lu Xingye looked at the other party and laughed dryly.

"I'm sorry, I was joking just now."


"It's true that I like you, and it's true that I want to send you flowers. It's just that I'm not ready to confess to you yet."

"you do not need to worry."

"You will have all the confessions a girl should have. I will do my best to give you happiness."

Zhao Yinyun was startled and looked at Lu Xingye in disbelief: "Is everything you just said true?"

"of course it's true."

"If I tell a lie, I'll be struck by lightning."

Before Lu Xingye could finish speaking, Zhao Yinyun covered his mouth.

"Don't make random oaths."

"I just need to know that you like me." Zhao Yinyun spoke lovingly.

Lu Xingye nodded: "Okay."


"I have plans to go back to my hometown this weekend and plan to take you back to show my parents. I wonder if you are willing?"

269. Successful and famous, the wanderer returns home.

"You want to take me home?"

"Meet your parents?"

Zhao Yinyun's beautiful eyes moved. Although she didn't expect Lu Xingye to say such words, she was a little surprised for a moment.

Although she had always wanted to be with Lu Xingye, Zhao Yinyun had never thought about being taken home by Lu Xingye to meet her parents so soon.


"What? Don't you want to?"

Just after saying this, Lu Xingye seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly spoke to Zhao Yinyun again.

"Do not worry."

"I don't have any special meaning. You know, I don't have many friends in reality, but I want to go home and visit, so I can only choose from a few of you. If you don't want to, It’s okay for me to go find Long Yubing.”


It was this sentence that made Zhao Yinyun anxious instantly.

Lu Xingye now takes her home to meet her parents, which shows that he plays a very important role in her heart, even more important than Long Yubing.

so what!

What is Zhao Yinyun unhappy about?

on the contrary.

She also wanted to be happy.


"Of course I do."

"How could I not want to?"

Lu Xingye looked at each other, picked up the chopsticks, and prepared to eat.

"That's really great."

"Let's eat quickly. After eating, we will go home."

Lu Xingye's hometown is Yicheng, which is a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Yicheng is more than 1,000 kilometers away from the imperial capital, so Lu Xingye rarely goes home.

But it's different now.

Tony invented the particle teleporter.

Although the imperial capital is still more than 1,000 kilometers away from home, the distance has not changed, but the time has shrunk.

He no longer has to take transportation.


Just use the particle teleporter directly, and then you can teleport back to your hometown from the imperial capital.

The time it took was just a short moment.

"So fast?"

Zhao Yinyun opened her eyes wide and was a little surprised.

Are you going back to see your parents so soon?

what to do?

I was not prepared at all.

Zhao Yinyun is like a girlfriend who is in love. When her boyfriend suddenly takes her home to meet her parents, she will feel hesitant and nervous.

after all.

The other person's parents are also my future parents.

Do you need to dress up?

Do you need to buy some gifts?

And Lu Xingye, what are your parents’ personalities like? Will they like themselves?

These are the areas that Zhao Yinyun should consider.


Lu Xingye suddenly said that he would take her home soon.

Zhao Yinyun was naturally a little panicked.

"How about we go home in a few days? I'm not ready for anything right now."

Zhao Yinyun was a bit coquettish.


Lu Xingye picked up a piece of lean meat and put it in Zhao Yinyun's bowl, somewhat disapprovingly.

"What is there to prepare for?"

"Just go as usual. We don't need to buy anything. We just go back and see my parents."



Zhao Yinyun still had some hesitation. Of course Lu Xingye didn't have to buy anything when she went back by herself, but if she went back without buying anything, she would definitely look a little embarrassed.

Even future parents-in-law.

He will also have opinions about her.

Little did I know.

Zhao Yinyun just got too involved in the drama.

Lu Xingye simply wanted to go home to see his parents and had not thought about this issue at all.

Taking Zhao Yinyun home to meet her parents was also as a friend.

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