Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 347

That's not as a girlfriend.

"No need but."


"Let's go back like this. My parents will definitely like you very much. You don't need to buy anything to go back. I have everything at home."


All right!

Zhao Yinyun replied helplessly.


They finished their meal, and the remaining food waste was left to the cleaning robot to clean up.

"Let's go."

"Let's go home."

Lu Xingye took Zhao Yinyun to the particle transmission laboratory and set all the parameters on the side.

Now Tony has improved the particle conveyor.

Not only can he teleport a single person, but he can also teleport multiple people.

To put it simply.

Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun can be bound to the teleportation machine together and then teleported home directly.

"I have adjusted the transmission parameters."

"Let's go straight there."

"Do not worry."

"No accidents will happen. Even if an accident occurs, we still have the last resort - a time machine."

"When the time comes, just restart time and space."

"Yeah." Zhao Yinyun nodded slightly like a chicken dotting rice.


She felt even more uneasy.

Following Lu Xingye to the particle conveyor room, the two held hands and waited for the transmission countdown to arrive.

Although Zhao Yinyun did not prepare any gifts, he changed into a set of home clothes, which looked more relaxed.

Originally she had wanted to wear a dress.

But later I felt it was too formal, so I didn’t continue wearing it.


Zhao Yinyun wanted to wear a skirt again. After all, girls wearing skirts would highlight their beautiful figures.

But he was rejected by Lu Xingye.

Lu Xingye's hometown, Yicheng, is a small city, or a rural area.

People in rural areas dress more conservatively.

Zhao Yinyun is pretty enough now. If she wears a skirt again, it will definitely bring disaster to the country and the people.

This level is too high-profile in rural areas.

This is not what Lu Xingye likes.

Lu Xingye planned to go home in a low-key manner.

Not attracting anyone's attention.

at this time.

The counting of the particle conveyor has begun.

The transmission countdown is 10 seconds.






As the countdown ended, a high-power current suddenly burst out from the particle conveyor. Under the conversion of the special device, the bodies of Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun suddenly changed.

A special factor enveloped them.

Immediately afterwards.

Their bodies felt blurry like a mosaic.

Then it's all converted into photons and electrons.

Just for a moment.

When Lu Xingye and Zhao Yinyun regained consciousness again, he had already appeared at their home.

In order to prevent his parents from being frightened by his sudden appearance.

Lu Xingye deliberately set the teleportation address to his own room.

after all.

The two elderly people in the family are already of a certain age, and they are most afraid of this kind of sudden shock, if something happens to them, it will be bad.

"You're back home now?"

"You have this amazing feeling."

Zhao Yinyun opened her eyes and glanced at herself. In fact, the first time she made a particle teleporter, she was still a little scared. She was worried that her body would be missing some part after being teleported.


"You coward."

"The first time I used the particle teleporter, it wasn't as bad as you showed."

Lu Xingye smiled and suppressed Zhao Yinyun appropriately.

"You are a coward." Zhao Yinyun stuck out her tongue.


"Let's stop talking nonsense here and go out to meet our parents."

270. Something happened to my sister Lu Xiaoman and grandma Lu Xingye.

"Why don't you go out and say hello to your parents first, and then I'll come out later." Zhao Yinyun blushed and felt a little embarrassed. After all, this was her first time meeting the man's parents.


Lu Xingye agreed directly without thinking.

Then he held the door in his right hand and pushed it gently, and the door opened.

Lu Xingye's bungalow is a duplex structure, with a spiral elevator running from the first to the second floor.

Walk to the second floor corridor.

He lowered his head and glanced down.

My parents were not at home either, so it was empty.

The living room was empty.

"Come out, our parents are not at home."

He shouted in the room, and then Zhao Yinyun, wearing pink clothes, walked out of the room.

"Where have our parents gone? Why aren't they at home?"

This sentence seemed to be a question, but Zhao Yinyun was secretly relieved. At least I don’t have to face the male parent suddenly.

"I don't know, maybe I'm busy with work."

Lu Xingye spoke helplessly.

"But it doesn't matter. The two of us can just live together at home. Can you cook? If you can cook, you can prepare a table full of dishes in the kitchen. When my parents come back, everyone will Then we can have dinner together''"

Suddenly Lu Xingye came up with this idea.

"I should know a little bit, but not much." Zhao Yinyun, let's go see what other dishes are in the kitchen first.

"Why don't you go to the kitchen to see if it's okay? Go to the refrigerator to see if it's OK''"

Lu Xingye led Zhao Yinyun to the first floor and to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator on Monday and found that there were not many things in the refrigerator, only some overnight dishes from last night, some chicken, pork and duck.

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