Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 355

Lu Xiaoman felt that he should take the blame for his brother.

"Of course it's true, brother, you know I'm willing to do anything for you."

"What a silly sister."

Lu Xingye couldn't help but stretched out his arm and gently scraped the road. Shaoman's nose and eyes were full of doting. Although my sister walks a little crookedly, she is still very cute.

Lu Xingye felt that through this incident, he had regained his sister's values ​​a little bit.

If my sister can study seriously in the future.

He really burned incense and worshiped Buddha.

"Do not worry."

"I didn't leave any evidence. As long as you don't tell me and I don't tell anyone, no one will know."

"Both of us can live happily together."

"Really?" The girl Lu Xiaomeng looked at her brother, her eyes full of hope.

"Of course it's real, more real than pearls."

"Okay, let's hook up."

"It's good to pull the hook and hang yourself. It won't change for a hundred years."

Lu Xingye suddenly stretched out his hand and his sister's hand like a child, and gently pulled the hook.

Then a stamp was stamped.

It's like two little kids playing together and making promises to each other when they were little.

After a while.

After Lu Xingye dealt with this matter, he suddenly returned to the sports car with his sister.

"Let's go, let's go back now."

"If we don't go back, our parents will be worried."

"But you mustn't let anything slip when you go back."

"Remember, you went to the amusement park with your brother and haven't come back until now. You have never seen any yellow hairs, and you have never been to the top of Huangganling."

Lu Xingye warned his silly sister again. He felt that his sister was a bit silly and cute, and if he didn't warn her twice more, the other party might spill the beans.

"I know, I know, brother, you are so fucking verbose, more annoying than my mother."

Slow down on the road, Xiaozui. After hearing that he would not go to jail, his face returned to joy.

It’s really worthy of being a student.

Everything is carefree and there is no need to think about the consequences.

About half an hour later.

Lu Xingyue drove her supercar and took her sister back home.

When he returned home, he found that a table full of dishes had been cooked.

My mother and Zhao Yinyun held hands and talked and laughed together.

This scene looks very harmonious.

It's very much like a mother-in-law talking to a future daughter-in-law.

"Mom, my sister and I are back."

"Wow, what did you cook again? It's so delicious. Let me have a taste first."

Lu Xingye said.

He walked to the dining table and took a piece of braised pork in his right hand. I threw it into the water and stirred it gently, and the fragrant smell immediately hit my taste buds.

That's a familiar smell.

My mother’s hometown dishes are something I never get tired of eating.

"You little greedy boy."

"Don't you know how to use chopsticks when eating secretly? Your hands are unhygienic. Don't do this again."

Facing his mother's teachings, Lu Xingye laughed dryly.

In the company, although he is the chairman and the highest being, at home he is still a child and needs to be educated by his parents.

"Mom, I know, I will pay attention to it in the future."

"You say you will pay attention every time, but you don't change every time. If you behave like this in the future, I won't allow you to eat, and you will bring your sister down."


Lu Xiaoman, who was next to him, suddenly became a little unhappy when he heard his mother's voice.


"I'm different from my brother. I've always used chopsticks to pick up food. I've never tried using my hands."

"Humph, you brothers and sisters are enough to support you. You were quickly assimilated by your brother." Lu Xingye's mother laughed dryly.

Finally all the dishes were served.

Because his son brought his daughter-in-law back.


Lu Xingye's mother specially went to the vegetable market to buy a lot of vegetables, and prepared carefully for an entire afternoon before making this table of exquisite dishes.

"Hurry up and call your dad over, get ready to start dinner."

"Okay, as ordered."


Lu Xingye went to the second floor to ask his father to come down for dinner. At this time, his father usually plays games on the second floor. Elderly people always have some hobbies.

at the same time.

Lu Xingye's mother began to question Lu Xiaoman.

As a qualified mother, she has very strict control over her daughter. He must know where his daughter went in the afternoon and whether she got along with any strangers of the opposite sex.

Although Lu Xiaoman went out with his brother today.

But Lu Xingye’s mother also needs to understand.

"Lu Xiaoman, let me ask you a question. Answer me honestly. Where did you and your brother go to play this morning? Did you come into contact with any strangers?"

"No. Today, my brother and I spent the entire afternoon playing in the playground, and we didn't meet any strangers."

Lu Xiaoman's eyes kept darting away as he spoke, obviously feeling a little guilty.

How could Zhou Feiyan not know about her daughter's situation?

My daughter never lies on the road.

Once the other person lies, his eyes will move involuntarily.

Of course Zhou Feiyan, a mother, knows this little trick.

So Zhou Feiyan could tell at a glance that her daughter was lying.

"Is this really true? If I find out where you and your brother have gone, and you don't tell me, be careful..."

When Zhou Feiyan was about to ask fiercely where Lu Xiaoman went this afternoon.

Lu Xingye happened to come down the stairs on the second floor.

Seeing his mother questioning Lu Xiaoman, Lu Xingye shouted inwardly that it was not good.

Your own sister's silly appearance may not be able to withstand my mother's cross-examination.

"Mom, what did you say?"

"Lu Xiaoman and I have been playing in the amusement park this afternoon. If you don't believe it, I can take you to the amusement park to check the surveillance."


Zhou Feiyan was silent for a moment after hearing this.

Finally, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand and knocked on his son.


"You always turn to Lu Xiaoman for everything. He is spoiled by you."

"Take a look for yourself, how is your own sister being pampered by you now? She doesn't study when she should, and hangs out with a bunch of social youths all day long."

Lu Xingye smacked his lips: "Mom, I know, I have already educated my sister. I believe my sister will change for the better."

278. Returning to the hive, Jarvis reports on the progress of the spaceport

After Lu Xingye finished eating in his hometown, he said goodbye to his parents and prepared to return to the hive.

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