Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 356

during this process.

My parents were full of reluctance.

Especially his sister Lu Xiaoman, who has been pestering him. He couldn't tell his brother to leave.

Lu Xingye explained it to his sister carefully before finally agreeing.

Now he has particle teleportation technology.

It only takes a moment to return to his hometown from the imperial capital.

You can go home and visit often in the future.

The space transmission latitude was set on the remote control, and then the particle conveyor was started remotely.

The particle conveyor at the hive headquarters started to activate instantly.

Lu Xingye started teleporting in the distance.

When Lu Xingye opened his eyes again, he had returned to the company headquarters and the particles were transmitted to the laboratory.

"Lu Xingye."

"Actually, your family is quite easy-going and not very xenophobic. I felt very happy when I went to your home. Please take me to your home this time."

Zhao Yinyun turned her head and looked at Lu Xingye, her eyes twinkling as she secretly glanced at him. Hormones in the body are secreted rapidly, which is a biological signal.

It is said that when a phoenix meets the phoenix it likes, it will open its tail.

It is also known as the peacock spreading its wings.

This kind of biological signal is somewhat similar to the biological signal released by humans, but the way humans express love is a little different from that of Phoenix.

"Really? Then I will take you to my house next time."

"As long as you don't mind my family being a waste, it will be fine. Besides, my parents regard you as their future wife, so if you go there two more times, I'm afraid this misunderstanding will get deeper and deeper. You have to be prepared." Okay, lest we both jump into the Yellow River and not be able to explain it."

Zhao Yinyun blushed. : "I'm not afraid, as long as you take me to your home."

"And I kind of like..."

Halfway through, Zhao Yinyun's voice stuttered a bit. Perhaps she was too shy and couldn't say the next words.


Lu Xingye took over the other person's words with a smile. There was a vague smile on his face, with a sense of cynicism.

"You want to say that you like me a little bit, don't worry, just say it loudly, although I may not accept it."

Zhao Yinyun originally meant this, but after hearing Lu Xingye's voice, she suddenly didn't dare to say what she meant.

"I like you, you big devil."

"You are a straight man. Not only do you lack some emotion, but you also don't know how to be considerate."

"Who would fall in love with you? If a little girl falls in love with a straight man like you, then he must be in trouble for eight lifetimes. I won't like you anyway."

Zhao Yinyun turned her head away and tried not to look at Lu Xingye. She is not good at lying, and she is afraid that the other party will see the hidden secrets in her heart.

"Oh, you've been in trouble for eight lifetimes, right?"

"Then you must remember, what you said today, you are not allowed to like me in the future. If you like me, you will be unlucky for eight lifetimes."

Lu Xingye looked at the other person with a slight smile on his lips.

"Only a devil can like you?"

Zhao Yinyun shook her head and definitely expressed that she would not like the other person.

But he added silently in his heart.

If I fall in love with you, I am willing to be unlucky for eight lifetimes.

You are the little luck in my life.

What does it mean to be unlucky for eight lifetimes? ? It's not as important as falling in love with the person you like.

After Lu Xingye said a few more words to Zhao Yinyun, he said goodbye and left.

Because he has been away from the hive for a long time.

He wants to understand the development of the hive in order to coordinate the overall situation.

"Jarvis, come to my office immediately and report to me on the latest work progress."

Lu Xingye spoke to the mastermind of the base.

In fact, the mastermind of the base is analyzed by Jarvis' artificial intelligence, so when he talks to the mastermind, the mastermind will convey his meaning to the artificial intelligence Jarvis.

After about a minute, he was a little helpless in waiting. At this time, the door of the laboratory was opened, and a man in purple clothes walked in from outside the door.

Who else could this be if not Jarvis?

"Commander, the internal development of the company is going well. There is no attack from Saiyan Enterprises, and there are no external enemies. Everything is developing steadily."

"Well, that's good. How is the spaceport's advancement plan?" Lu Xingye nodded to Jarvis, and then asked again.

"Report to Commander."

"The space port promotion plan has now reached 90% progress."

"That is to say, 90% of the people in the world know that we have established a spaceport on the Qingtian Plateau."

"When the ribbon-cutting ceremony of our spaceport and the test flight of the spacecraft begin, everyone in the world will be shocked by the spaceport we have built."

"By then we will be the greatest company in the world."

"Pioneers of the Interstellar Age."

"This title is well-deserved."

Jarvis spoke so excitedly that his mechanical body was shaking constantly, and random codes kept flashing in his eyes. It was obvious that he was so excited that he was a little incoherent.

"Jarvis, as a mature artificial intelligence, can you calm down a little bit?"

"You should learn from my calm demeanor."

"This is how you can be a qualified helmsman."

Jarvis smiled. "I don't need to be a qualified helmsman, I just need to follow the commander."

"You are poor."

"To be honest, you don't want to flatter me all the time. You don't want to ignore the good ones on the Internet and learn all the bad ones."

Lu Xingye patted Jarvis's shoulder lightly.

Then he asked him another question.

"How's Tony going in the lab working on the spatial fluctuation detector?"

Jarvis was silent for a moment, and the codes in his eyes kept flashing. Perhaps he was looking for information about the progress of Tony's experiment.

"I heard that he made a major breakthrough in the laboratory, but still failed to develop a space fluctuation detection device."

"But he seems to have made a major breakthrough in the field of fixed space. He may be able to make a device that locks space. By then we will no longer be afraid of sneak attacks by Saiyan companies."

"Well. We can make the space fluctuation detection device later, but the defense measures of space fixation must be developed first. Wait a minute, you go to Tony's laboratory to see if he needs help coordinating. If you need help specifically If so, you should try your best to help them and be sure to develop a space fixture in the shortest possible time."

Qi Lu Xingye smiled,

He immediately turned around and walked towards Starlink's laboratory.

Starlink has been actively searching for Saiyan Enterprises for several days, and he is going to see if he has found anything.

279. The ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port began, and everyone was shocked


After Lu Xingye came to the Starlink Laboratory and observed it, he suddenly felt a little disappointed.

There was no difference as usual, the Starlink SkyEye satellite found nothing.

It was as if Sanya Enterprise did not exist in this world, and no matter how hard we searched, we could not find any trace of it.

This made his head grow bigger and bigger.

"It's really getting more and more difficult."

"The alien civilization of Sanya Enterprise is like a mouse, always hiding in the dark places of human beings. No matter how hard it tries to find it, it cannot be discovered."

In fact, it was the unknown that made him feel so oppressed.

If Saiyan Enterprise is put on the table and we fight against each other, he won't be so scared.

The problem is that Saiyan Enterprises is an idiot.

He didn't fight with himself at all.

Instead, he started to live in obscurity again.

I don’t know which corner of the world I’m hiding in and growing slowly. But he has extremely strong strength.

Staring at Tunnel Fire Technology in the dark.

This made Lu Xingye a little exhausted.

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