Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 357

Lu Xingye took the initiative to search for Saiyan Enterprises in Starlink Laboratory again, but found nothing.

He simply left.

He returned to his room and enjoyed the soft, boneless hands of the little bodyguard. The continuous massage relaxed his body and mind.

In an instant, I felt that all my worries were gone.

Sure enough, women are the best way for men to heal their pain.

time flies.

Soon, it will be a week later.

To put it simply, today is the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the spaceport.

After a week of overwhelming publicity.

99% of the people in the world know about the existence of the spaceport on the Qingtian Plateau.

Some believe the spaceport is the beginning of the true interstellar age of evil.

But there are also many people who don't believe in the space port. They think it is just a gimmick created by Tunnel Fire Technology.

A way to get attention.

The Qingtian Spaceport was very lively today. All the media in the world, as well as some new media news bloggers and anchors, all came to the front of the spaceport.

Although many people do not believe what Tunhuo Technology says.

But Tunnel Fire Technology is still one of the most powerful companies in the world.

There is no doubt that its influence is great.

No media anchor in the world dares not to give Tunhuo Technology face, so no matter what their purpose is,

Everyone came to the square in front of the space port and waited for the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port to begin.

Today Lu Xingye came to the Tunhuo Technology Spaceport Plaza wearing a brand new dress.

Today he decided to host the press conference himself.

Since the release of the Kunlun system, he has not appeared in public for a long time. Firstly, it is because he is worried about threats from the outside world. Secondly, he is worried about being unsafe.

But now Tunnel Fire Technology has grown to this point and is no longer afraid of anyone, so there is no problem in front of the public.

"Commander, it is really a great blessing for our Tunnel Fire Technology that you can come and visit the inspection ceremony of the space port in person."

"Come, let me take you to the lounge next to you first. When the inspection officially begins, I will introduce you to the performance again." Jarvis walked in front, guiding Lu Xingye's direction with his right hand.

Then he took Lu Xingye to the backstage lounge next to the spaceport.

"Jarvis, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Today's inspection ceremony at the space port is very important. You must check the security situation around you again to prevent lawbreakers from sneaking in." Lu Xingye looked at Jarvis and said calmly.

"Don't worry, Commander, I have made a comprehensive arrangement for the surrounding area. No matter it is any corner or any entrance or exit, our robot army is guarding it, so there is no need to worry about safety." Jarvis said firmly. .


Lu Xingye nodded.

Then Jarvis walked out.

He and the little girl Long Yubing were the only ones left in the lounge.

Originally, Lu Xingye wanted to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the spaceport alone, but after thinking about it, he felt that it would be too lonely to do it alone, so he roped in the little girl Long Yubing to come with him.

"Long Yubing, do you want to go to the ribbon-cutting ceremony and say a few words later?"

Long Yubing shook his head. "don't want."

"This is your only chance to become famous. Are you sure you really don't want it? If you stand in front of the camera, the whole world will know you."

Lu Xingye looked at Long Yubing and smiled.

"What's the use of letting people all over the world know me? I only need people I care about to know me, such as you. I don't care what other people say."

Long Yubing is light


Lu Xingye's head suddenly became full of black lines. He was aroused by Long Yubing's words.

What is this?

If someone who didn’t know heard their conversation, they might have thought it was an unforgettable love talk between two people born in 2000.


After Lu Xingye said a few words to Long Yubing, he never spoke to each other again, because now he was away from the spaceport and the reduction ceremony was getting closer, and he was about to sit in the leadership position.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the spaceport was held in the square in front.

Lu Xingye named this square the Roman Forum.

It means that all roads lead to Rome.

Humanity's path to the stars through spaceports.

I saw that the Roman Forum above was already full of people, a sea of ​​people and empty streets. Most of them are reporters from major platforms and some news anchors.

They transcribe the spaceport's talent ceremony in real time in the Roman Forum.

Zhong Yongfeng is a reporter from Today's Daily.

Zhong Yongfeng came to the Roman Forum early this morning, occupied a very advantageous position, set up long guns and short cannons, and conducted a live broadcast of the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port.

"Hello, everyone."

"I am Zhong Yongfeng, a reporter from Today's Daily."

"The location I am currently at is the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port. Next, I will live broadcast the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port for everyone, and lead everyone to watch the first space port of mankind."

As he spoke, Zhong Yongfeng set up the live broadcast camera and pointed it at the space port ahead.

The spaceport ahead was still covered by a huge red cloth.

Can't see the true face inside.

But so!

The space port is so mysterious that it has attracted the attention of countless viewers.

Tens of thousands of people poured into Zhong Yongfeng's live broadcast room instantly. They do not lack some listeners, and of course they are more fans of Tunhuo Technology.

They all wanted to witness the ribbon-cutting ceremony of mankind's first spaceport first.

"Is this the first spaceport for us humans?"

"It looks very big and feels very vast. But why is it covered by a piece of red cloth?"

"I am becoming more and more curious about this first spaceport for mankind."

280. Humanity’s first spaceport is in Kyushu

"Do you think there is a huge spaceship behind the red cloth? Once the ribbon-cutting ceremony begins, the host will pull open the huge red cloth, and then we can see the spaceship inside."

"It's very possible."

"? @Zhong Yongfeng, anchor, go and pull back the red cloth and take a look."

" @Zhong Yongfeng, if you dare to pull back the red cloth, all of us will paint rockets for you."

" @Zhong Yongfeng. "Go and pull the red cloth. I can't wait to know what's behind the red cloth. "

"The spaceport ribbon-cutting ceremony held by Tunnel Fire Technology is one of the most awesome spaceport ribbon-cutting ceremonies in the world. I will not accept any refutation."

Anchor Zhong Yongfeng was deeply silent when he saw the pop-up window in the live broadcast room, and then shook his head suddenly, I am not as stupid as you to lift the red cloth of the space port.

Tunnel Fire Technology was able to put on such a grand display and carry out the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port.

The security must be terrifyingly strict.

I'm afraid that before I even walked up to the red cloth, I was pushed down by the security personnel.

The fans in the live broadcast room are really fucking bad.

He actually encouraged himself to make mistakes.

Zhong Yongfeng directly ignored the fans in the live broadcast room and aimed his spear and cannon at the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port.

At this time, the leader of the spaceport appeared.

The first person to appear was Lu Xingye. He was wearing casual clothes. He walked slowly to the front, then went to the middle leadership seat and sat down.

Then came the young bodyguard Long Yubing, Jarvis and Tony.

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