Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 358

After all the leaders were seated, Jarvis began to preside over the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Jarvis stood in the center of the podium, holding a microphone and looking at everyone.

Then a faint voice came.

"Dear friends, distinguished guests, and leaders, good morning."

"I'm Jarvis."

"You can call me Xiao Jia, the intelligent assistant of Chairman Lu Xingye of Sihuo Technology."

"I will hold the ribbon-cutting ceremony for humanity's first spaceport today, and everyone will applaud and welcome it."

along with.

Jarvis's voice fell, and a deafening sound suddenly came from the scene.

The sound was so loud that everyone's eardrums ached.

"Jarvis, please quickly lift the red cloth behind your back, we can't wait any longer."

"Jarvis, tell us honestly what is behind the red cloth? Is it our first spacecraft?"

"Manager Jia Dong Jia, does it mean that our establishment of the spaceport means that mankind has entered the interstellar era, and we can travel to various planets in the world anytime and anywhere?"

The scene was very lively, with everyone shouting and asking questions. For such a major event as the establishment of the spaceport, every reporter is full of interest in him and hopes that his questions can be answered.


Jarvis was not prepared to answer anyone's questions at all.

Jarvis raised his hands and pressed down gently from mid-air. Everyone stopped whispering when they saw this action.

Then what!

In just a few seconds, the whole place fell silent.

Jarvis looked at the whole place again, and when he saw that no one spoke anymore, he nodded with satisfaction.

The faint voice came again faintly.

"Okay, everyone will stay in this state for a while."

"Don't you guys say anything, okay?"

"Because there are tens of thousands of people here. If you all talk, you can't hear my voice alone. And I only have one mouth, so I can't compete with tens of thousands of you."

"So if you want the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the spaceport to go smoothly, please shut your mouth and listen to me carefully."



Jarvis's humorous voice, with a hint of dominance, made everyone burst into laughter.


Only Jarvis had the strength to speak in such a domineering voice.

If someone else had used such overbearing luck to speak to reporters.

There will definitely be smear stories in tomorrow's news headlines. .

But the person speaking now is Tunhuo Technology.

Now Search Technology has completed the transformation from a first-class enterprise in the country to the first enterprise in the country, and is not even far away from the first enterprise in the world.

Faced with this kind of giant, reporters can only try to please.

Let alone smear it, it’s too late to even say good things!

However, Jarvis's humorous words also successfully stabilized the atmosphere at the scene. All reporters and some onlookers shut their mouths and did not dare to say any more words.

For a moment, Jarviston's voice spread throughout the audience.

"Okay, fellow reporters and fellow viewers."

"Although everyone is so cooperative with my work, I declare that the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port has officially begun."

"First of all, please allow me to introduce to you the original intention of the establishment of the space port."

"As the resources on Blue Star become increasingly depleted, it is impossible for us humans to huddle together in Blue Star. We need to live, survive, and develop, so we need more resources."

"We need resources, but there are no resources on Blue Star. What should we do?"

"I've been thinking about this question for a long time."

"In the end, I can only think of two ways. The first way is for human beings to wage war against each other for resources and beat our mother to pieces."

"As for the second method!"

“That’s what we’re doing too!”

"That is to establish a space port and allow mankind to enter the interstellar age. Space is infinite. If we can enter the interstellar age, it means that we have the opportunity to obtain endless resources, so that the contradiction of resource shortage will not exist."

"This is our original intention of establishing the spaceport."

"This process was very difficult. We even thought about giving up. We had no technology and no relevant research examples. We relied on our scientists to explore everything step by step. Fortunately, we succeeded in the end."

"Humanity's first spaceport, the Tunnel Fire Spaceport, has been completed."

"Our first spaceport in Kyushu has been completed."

"The world's first spaceport city was built."

As soon as Jarvis's voice fell, the audience above suddenly burst into deafening applause. The applause this time was all done voluntarily by them, without any pretense.

Our first spaceport has been built.

The only spaceport in the world is in Kyushu.

What a proud thing.

Countless descendants of the dragon's blood boiled when they heard Jarvis's words, hot blood flowed in their veins, and their hearts beat violently.

Why do I have such violent outbursts of emotion?

Because I love this land so deeply.

281. It is impossible for Tunnel Fire Technology to develop a spacecraft

"Salute to Suihuo Technology."

"Suihuo Technology is our number one technology company in Kyushu. I will not accept any refutation."

"Tunnel Fire Technology single-handedly supports the development of the entire aerospace industry, builds a spaceport for mankind, and allows mankind to enter the interstellar age."

"No one can erase this contribution, and it will be recorded in history."

"I like Suihuo Technology so much. At the beginning, they released the Kunlun system, allowing us to break the iOS monopoly, and then released the nano battery, leading the revolution in the entire new energy industry, and then they invented all kinds of black devices. science and technology."

"The most popular technology may not have any new products released now, but the spaceport he built is the most outstanding existence of us humans."

At this time, Jarvis raised his hands again and looked at the group of reporters below with a slight smile. Within a few seconds, the reporter realized his gaffe and quickly stopped talking.

The scene returned to calm.

At this time Jarvis showed a faint smile.

"You just forgot again and kept quiet. This is very bad. I hope it won't happen again."

Jarvis's domineering words suddenly changed the entire audience.

But none of the reporters in the audience dared to speak to refute.

This is caused by the strong influence of Tunnel Fire Technology.

If it were replaced by an ordinary company, I am afraid that reporters would have drowned the host above with saliva.

Seeing that no one spoke anymore, Jarvis continued to speak.

"Okay, our chairman Lu Xingye has been invited to come on stage to give a speech and conduct a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the space port."

As soon as Weiss's voice fell, the reporters below gave a burst of warm applause. They had not seen the chairman of Tunhuo Technology for a long time.

Lu Xingye, the chairman of Tunhuo Technology, is a legendary young man.

It only took a few years for an ordinary person to build a trillion-dollar group.

This kind of deed can only be described as a legend.

Looking at this world, there is no one more awesome than Lu Xingye.

without any exaggeration.

Lu Xingye's appearance was more shocking than the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the spaceport.

Compared with the spaceport, people are more looking forward to seeing Lu Xingye and hearing Lu Xingye's voice.

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