Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 359

Lu Xingye didn't even have half of it. After listening to Jarvis's words, he stood up from his seat, walked slowly to the front of the stage, took the microphone from Jarvis's hand, and smiled softly at the audience below. laugh.

"Hello everyone, I am Lu Xingye, the chairman of Tunhuo Technology."

"We haven't seen each other for a while. I don't know if anyone still remembers me."

"If no one remembers me, that's okay, because you will remember me next."

"Before the ribbon-cutting ceremony begins, I would like to ask everyone a question. Do you believe that our Tunnel Fire Technology can really build a spacecraft?"

Lu Xingye smiled and then randomly selected a reporter to answer his question.

"Just you."

"You answer my question."

The reporter was so excited when his name was called that he even forgot to take the microphone and just stood up.

Only later did he remember to pick up the microphone when the staff reminded him.

"Hello, Director Lu."

"First of all, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to speak. I once thought that an ordinary person like me would never be able to speak to a big shot like you, even just one sentence."

"I never thought it would come true now. I want to cherish this opportunity."

Lu Xingye: "Then you are lucky."

At this time, the reporter paused while holding the microphone, and the faint voice came over again.

"Director Lu."


"I am the reporter of today's scandal, Zhao Jianming."

"I will start to answer your questions now. First of all, I think Suihuo Technology can build a spaceship."

"As for the reason! It's very simple, because I am a fan of Tunhuo Technology. In my opinion, technology is omnipotent."

Ha ha……

As soon as Lu Jianming's voice fell, a burst of warm smiles suddenly broke out from below.

"This Lu Jianming's words are too funny."

"The answers to the questions are highly personal, so Mr. Lu should not click on them to answer the questions."

Lu Jianming's answer obviously did not satisfy everyone.

At this time, Lu Xingye asked another reporter to answer his question.

This is a fashionable reporter dressed in a very fashionable style. You can tell from his appearance that he must be a Kyushu native who worships foreigners and favors foreigners.

"Do you think it's possible to build a spaceship with suitable technology?" Lu Xingye asked with a smile.

After hearing what Lu Xingye said, the fashionable reporter shook his head and spoke loudly without even thinking about it.

"I don't think tunnel fire technology will ever be able to build a spaceship."

"We are developing. Alas, those who are developed are not sure of building a spaceship. What confidence do we have?"

"Just like what your smart assistant said just now, we need technology but not technology, we need talents but not talents, and we need technology but not technology."

"In such a difficult situation, tell me, how do we build a spaceship?"

"It's simply impossible, okay?"

"I think the spaceport in your city is just a gimmick. There is no spaceship in it at all. Even if there is a spaceship, it is still a continent. People on the other side built it first, and then we can imitate it."

After hearing what the fashionable reporter said, Lu Xingye was stunned for a moment.

Even he didn't think that he had randomly selected a reporter.

He actually clicked on an angry young man.

Moreover, this angry young man said such arrogant and belittling words. Isn’t this a way of boosting other people’s ambitions and destroying his own prestige?

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment, thinking about how to teach this young reporter a lesson.

did not expect.

Before he could speak, a burst of obscene curses broke out from the crowd.

"Who do you think you are?"

"You don't want to see the descendant of the dragon, right?"

"We don't have technology or talent. But we can work hard to make breakthroughs. We still have firm faith and believe that none of this will be a problem."

"And why do you look down on our Kyushu so much?"

"If you are like this, I can even say that you are not worthy of being a descendant of the dragon."

The fashionably dressed reporter's face changed a bit when he heard the unbearable curses from the audience around him, turning blue, red, and white.

But he still didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

He was just telling the truth.

Fashionable reporters really don’t believe that Suihuo Technology can develop a spacecraft.

282. The spaceship rises and the interstellar era begins.

At this time, Lu Xingye waved his hand.

"Everyone, please be quiet."

"Although what this fashionable reporter said is slightly wrong, we cannot attack him personally."

"We are a friendly company and we should have a friendly attitude towards journalists who come and go. Please be sure not to use offensive language when chatting."

Lu Xingye spoke very kindly.

He didn't blame the fashionably dressed reporter because now there was freedom of speech and everyone had a chance to express their opinion.

The fashionable reporter looked down on Jiuzhou Technology and even Tunhuo Technology, but he didn't blame him either.

The performance of Tunhuo Technology has always been leading the world.

Perhaps this concept has not yet taken root in people's hearts, leading some people to have a deeper understanding of tunnel fire technology.

But time will tell.

Lu Xingye always believed that as the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the spaceport progressed, the fashionable reporter would correctly understand the power of Suihuo technology.

There is no need to explain it yourself at that time.

Slap him in the face with the facts.

Isn't this more enjoyable?


After Lu Xingye calmed down the mood at the scene, he prepared to ask a reporter at the end.

If the reporter answers what he wants to hear.

Then he will invite the reporter to hold the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port and invite him to visit the spaceship in the space port.

This is a supreme honor worthy of being recorded in history.

It depends on whether anyone at the scene can seize this opportunity.

"And the reporter in the hackney suit behind you. Yes, that's right, it's you,"

Lu Xingye glanced around the scene, and suddenly his eyes fell on a reporter wearing simple clothes.

He saw a kind of fanaticism in this reporter

And an obsession with Suihuo technology.

So he chose him as the last reporter to answer questions.


Zhong Yongfeng stretched out his finger with his right hand and pointed at himself. His eyes were wide open, looking like he was in disbelief.

Originally, he wanted to come to the spaceport just to host an excellent live broadcast.

He is very happy to be able to present the live broadcast of mankind's first spaceport to audiences around the world.

Zhong Yongfeng never expected that he would be the lucky audience to be directly named by the chairman of Tunhuo Technology to answer questions.

"Yes, that's right, it's you. I've been paying attention to you for a long time."

"You always seem to have a fanatical attitude towards our spaceport's ribbon-cutting ceremony."

"I want to ask your opinion."

"Do you believe that our Suihuo Technology has the ability to build a spaceship?"

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