Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 360

After finishing speaking, Lu Xingye looked at the other party with a slight smile. He was very much looking forward to the other party's answer.

Zhong Yongfeng attached great importance to this question, so after listening to Lu Xingye's words, he closed his eyes and thought silently for two seconds before the faint voice continued to come.


"I believe that tunnel fire technology can create spaceships and lead us all into the interstellar age."

"As for the reason!"

"I think there are two points."

"One of the things I think is that Tunhuo Technology has this strength. Tunhuo Technology is the number one company in Kyushu and is also a very famous company in the world."

"He has a lot of patents and cutting-edge technologies in various fields. The most important thing is that Suihuo Technology is not short of money at all, which is the prerequisite for manufacturing spacecrafts."

"As for point 2!"

"Suihuo Technology has been an enterprise good at creating miracles since its establishment."

"From the release of the Kunlun system to the energy revolution of nanobatteries to the power revolution of robots, everything is full of miracles."

"To give a simple example, if Suihuo Technology has not released the Kunlun system, would any of you believe that a company in Kyushu can develop a domestic system that is better than iOS?"

"If Suihuo Technology had not invented the nano-battery, would any of you think that a small Shunhuo Technology could develop such a powerful battery that it would trigger an energy revolution?"

"And the Ark Reactor...robot companions, nanobots."

"These are things that humans have never dared to think about, but Suihuo Technology has done it step by step. This shows that Suihuo Technology is a company good at creating miracles, so I am willing to believe that Suihuo Technology can also create Out of the spaceship."

Lu Xingye nodded slightly in agreement. After Zhong Yongfeng finished speaking, he suddenly roared and clapped his hands.

"Well said."

"What you said, reporter, is very good."

"First of all, I want to thank you for your support of Tunhuo Technology

""Thank you for your continued support and your trust in Tunhuo Technology. "

"Now the answer is officially revealed."

"The answer is that our Tunnel Fire Technology has the ability to build a spacecraft, and has already successfully built it."

"Before the ribbon-cutting ceremony, we, Suihuo Technology, had promoted it to the world. Our press conference today is not only a ribbon-cutting ceremony, but also a test flight ceremony of the spacecraft in addition to the ribbon-cutting ceremony."

“But many people don’t want to believe that we are

""Why wouldn't I want to?"" Fire Technology. "

"Maybe our Suihuo technology is too rubbish!"

Speaking of this, Lu Xingye smiled to himself.

"" Lu Xingye's humorous words instantly amused the audience, who burst into laughter again.

"Director Lu, please stop joking. Your Suihuo Technology is already the number one company in Kyushu. If you are the trash of Huo Technology, then there will be no powerful company in the world."

"Yes, Director Lu, you are really good at joking and describing yourself as the most rubbish company."

"Chinese culture is broad and profound, low-key and subtle. Director Lu, you are really low-key."



Immediately afterwards, Lu Xingye raised his hands again. He made a pause gesture toward the audience below.

Within a moment, the audience fell silent.

At this time, Lu Xingye's magnetic voice spread throughout the entire press conference.

"Okay, no more nonsense, let's officially carry out the ribbon-cutting ceremony."

"By the way, before the talent ceremony begins, I want to explain one thing to you first."

“That’s the workflow today.”

"Today's space port press conference is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port, which will be held this morning. The other part is the test flight ceremony of the spacecraft, which will be held this afternoon."

"Fuohuo Technology welcomes you to participate in these two events that will go down in history."


“Without further ado, let’s go directly to the first ribbon-cutting ceremony.”

As soon as Lu Xingye finished speaking, a row of robots came out from behind holding giant scissors.

Look like that.

I am going to use that pair of scissors to cut the red cloth.

In corporate press conferences, cutting the red cloth is usually equivalent to completing the ribbon-cutting ceremony, followed by dining and other business talks.

"Reporter Zhong Yongfeng."

"I invited you to come over and join us for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Are you willing?"

Lu Xingye looked at Zhong Yongfeng and smiled.

This was the gift he was going to give to Zhong Yongfeng for answering the question. This gift made him famous throughout the ages, far beyond any material reward.

"Of course I am willing."

"Why wouldn't I want to?"

"That's good, you hurry up and get on the stage." I will cut the ribbon with you and witness the birth of the space port.


"But, Director Lu."

"I am a news reporter and I am currently broadcasting live around the world, so please allow me to bring the live broadcast equipment up so that audiences around the world can witness this ribbon-cutting ceremony."

Song Yongfeng felt that his request was a bit excessive. After all, Lu Xingye could invite him to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony, which was already smoking from his ancestral grave.

He even wanted to bring live broadcast equipment to the stage.

Then live broadcast around the world.

However, what he didn't expect was that Lu Xingye actually agreed.

"no problem."

"You bring up the live broadcast equipment and adjust it, and then we start the ribbon-cutting ceremony."

"Your live broadcast of Suihuo Technology all over the world is equivalent to helping us promote it. It's too late for us to thank you, so why would we mind?"

"Then I'm not welcome." After saying that, Zhong Yongfeng put away the long guns and short cannons in front of him.

pick up.

However, he did not turn off the live broadcast. Instead, he held the live broadcast equipment in his hand and walked to the stage step by step.

After arriving on the stage, he placed the live broadcast equipment on the stage, and then began to manually install the long guns and short cannons, without any anxiety during the entire process.

With this sentence, he is called Brother Stable by his fans.

That is to say, when he saw the richest man in Kyushu, his hands did not even shake.

"Director Lu, I have set up the live broadcast equipment. We can now conduct the ribbon-cutting ceremony. I am at your command at any time."

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment. : "Then let's get started."


He and Zhong Yongfeng each took a pair of scissors, started cutting from the scary end, and then slowly cut upwards.

Of course, they only talked about a small part of it.

The remaining oversized red cloth was handed over to the robot to complete the subsequent ribbon-cutting ceremony.

After about two or three minutes, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was completely completed. .

As the red cloth was lifted, the true face of the spaceport was revealed.

It was an oval building.

It looks very sci-fi, covering an area of ​​almost half of the Qingtian Plateau.

The exterior is a military sub-building wall that can protect against nuclear explosions.

What about inside?

It involves a large complex integrating military defense, space and airport.

There are not only docking bases for spacecrafts, but also docking bases for aircraft, as well as some arsenal weapons and so on.


"Next, I would like to announce that the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the space port this morning has been successfully completed. Please come to the restaurant to have a meal."

"After you finish your meal, a smart robot will take you to a nearby hotel to rest."

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