Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 361

"At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we will hold a test flight ceremony of the spaceship. Please don't leave, and be sure to come back here on time. After all, the test flight ceremony of the spaceship is more important than the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the spaceport,"

After hearing what Lu Xingye said, the audience lowered their heads and whispered.

"Is there really a spacecraft test flight ceremony this afternoon?"

"I can't wait."

"I really want to sit inside a spaceship and see what a spaceship looks like."


"If you still want to get trapped in a spaceship, just think about sleeping."

"In such a large-scale test flight ceremony, usually only pilots and some high-level officials can enter. We reporters should not even think about entering the spacecraft."


"Well, why are we talking so much! Let's go have a meal first, and then come back and queue up after finishing the meal. There will definitely be more people here in the foreseeable afternoon. If we can't occupy a favorable position by then, we'll have to take control Without first-hand information, it would be a bit of a waste.”

Lu Xingye ignored the fact that these things were true, but left directly after saying that.

He hadn't held any of these large-scale press conferences for a long time. Now that he had just held them for a while, he suddenly felt a little exhausted, and he had to go back and take a rest.

When returning to Lu Xingye's rest room.

Long Yubing was already waiting nearby.

"Are you tired?" Long Yubing saw Lu Xingye approaching, quickly stepped forward and asked gently. Then those soft, boneless hands pressed down on Lu Xingye's shoulders.

She wants to give the man she likes a massage.

at the same time.

He also very considerately handed Lu Xingye a bottle of water that had never been boiled before. This bottle of water is called Life Potion, which is a series of longevity medicines produced in the hive.

If you take life potion for a long time, it can not only increase the life span of an individual within a certain range, but also enhance your physical fitness.

"a bit tired."

"But when I'm tired, I can lie in your arms and enjoy your tenderness, which makes me feel less tired instantly."

Lu Xingye smiled.

Feeling the tenderness brought by Long Yubing's massage, Lu Xingye gradually closed his eyes.

The opponent's strength is neither too strong nor too weak, just right.

It gave Lu Xingye a very comfortable feeling.

His body and mind instantly relaxed.

About half an hour later.

Long Yubing finally finished her massage, and she took her beloved man to the special canteen to eat.

This special canteen in the spaceport was specially built for Lu Xingye.

Lu Xingye is the founder of the spaceport.

Pioneers of the interstellar era.

Although he has to have some privileges that ordinary people don't have, in order to show his status.

The dishes here are very rich, and they are all the type that Lu Xingye likes to eat.


Lu Xingye acted coquettishly today.

He had just finished the press conference and was tired. As an excuse, he forced Long Yubing to feed him.

At first Long Yubing refused.

Because she is Lu Xingye's bodyguard, but not a nanny.

She was a little embarrassed to do the nanny thing.


Long Yubing only hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly agreed. Because Lu Xingye is the man she likes.

There is nothing shy about feeding the boy you like.

Even if this is just Long Yubing's unrequited love.

283. Spaceship test flight successful

Time passed quickly, and soon the afternoon test flight ceremony began.

The test flight ceremony was still held at the space port, and the leaders of the event were still the same people.

Jarvis is the host.

Lu Xingye is the main speaker.

Lu Xingye stood on the stage, holding a microphone in his hand, with a faint smile on his face, facing the crowd, very amiable.

He tried his best to show his kind side.

Let everyone know.

Lu Xingyao smiled faintly and went straight to the topic. He no longer talked a lot like he did in the morning, but directly entered the most intense and exciting part of the game - the test flight ceremony.

"Dear viewers and journalists, good afternoon."

"I am Lu Xingye, the chairman of Best Technology. I will hold the test flight ceremony this afternoon. At the same time, our Tunnel Fire Technology will also broadcast the test flight ceremony worldwide."

"So it doesn't matter if you don't have friends who can come to the scene. You can just watch the live broadcast of the test flight ceremony."

"That's when you can see through the video whether I'm bragging or not."


"I just heard someone say that it doesn't matter if you don't have time to watch the live broadcast. We will record and broadcast the whole process. You can watch our recording and broadcast whenever you are free in the future. You can also see whether I am bragging by watching the recording. force."

Lu Xingye's humorous voice spread throughout the entire audience, making the reporters burst into laughter.

Bragging or not.

These words have always been popular language on the Internet.

They didn't expect that as the chairman of Tunhuo Technology, he would be so down-to-earth, even using Internet buzzwords.

"Ha ha……"

"Director Lu, you really know how to joke. How dare we watch you brag? Even if you really brag, we can only help you brag."

"Director Lu, you are joking, we all believe you are not bragging."

Lu Xingye smiled slightly and started the test flight ceremony directly without talking to the reporters.

"The test flight ceremony officially begins."

"First, I'll summon the spaceship."

"The spaceship is definitely not docked here, but docked at the spaceport base. It will take about half a minute to fly out from the spaceport base. Please wait patiently."

"Okay, now I press the start button, and the spaceship will fly over automatically."


With the whole world witnessing, Lu Xinyue pressed the start button. This picture has also been seen by humans all over the world.

Especially the descendants of the dragon from Kyushu.

Their hearts boiled instantly. This is the first spaceport in Kyushu and the first spaceship in Kyushu. If the spaceship test flight is successful, it will symbolize that Kyushu has entered the interstellar era.

This is a source of great pride for countless children.

Their hearts were beating violently, their hot blood was flowing throughout their bodies, and their bodies and minds were excited.

An indescribable excitement rose up from his body.

The classmates are united like never before and can gather together.

"Finally launched? Test flight of our first spaceship home."

"What should I do? I feel like I'm suffocating."

"I have no regrets in entering China in this life, and I will be the descendant of the dragon in the next life."

"Being able to see a successful test flight of a spacecraft in my lifetime is a big event for me and a pride for me."

When everyone fell into an exciting atmosphere.

Lu Xinyan had no idea. He took the microphone to everyone and began to briefly explain the principles and some functions of the spacecraft.

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