Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 366

"At that time, I will bring the soil from the lunar surface back to my mother for testing to see if there are any microorganisms."

"Next, I will also examine the mysterious far side of the moon."

"At that time, it will also be broadcast live globally."

"It's just that the next work will be completed by the intelligent robot, so I won't waste time here anymore."

Lu Xingye shook his head to the left and faced the live broadcast camera, smiled softly, showing a pair of pure white teeth, looking a little naughty and a little serious.


The next step is to find a robot to maintain control and continue to complete the research work.

Lu Xingye was ready to return to the spaceship and fly back to his home planet.

After saying goodbye to all the audience and reporters, Lu Xingye returned to the spacecraft from the lunar rover.

Of course, the lunar rover is still working on the lunar surface.

Lu Xingye planned to drive the spaceship back to his home planet first, and after the procurement of the lunar rover was completed, he would then drive the spaceship to the moon and carry the lunar rover back.

After starting the particle transfer machine.

After the next stop came the distorted mosaic.

Lu Xingye successfully returned to the spacecraft and started warp flight.

After about a few minutes, he had successfully returned to his home planet.

Standing on the main stage of the live broadcast station in the Roman Forum.

Looking at the reporters and audience above, Lu Xingye had a very excited smile on his face.

No one knows what the successful test flight of the spacecraft means to him.

No one knew that the spacecraft's test flight was successful. He was far more excited than everyone present.

"Hello, dear viewers and reporters, we meet again."

"In just half an hour, I've taken a trip to the moon."

"What's it like? It's incredible!"

"We, Suihuo Technology, are an enterprise focused on turning miracles into reality. We are a high-tech enterprise."

"So don't think that we, Suihuo Technology, can't do things that you usually think are impossible. Our technology, Suihuo Technology, is far ahead of the world and far beyond your imagination."

As Lu Xingye's voice fell, he won a burst of applause from the audience. This kind of applause came from the heart and was not mixed with any false elements.

Bang bang bang...


"I'll announce it next."

"The press conference at the space port and the test flight ceremony of the spacecraft were completed perfectly."

"The next live broadcast will be broadcast by our artificial intelligence robot. You can still watch the dynamics of the lunar rover on our official website of Suihuo Technology."

After Lu Xingye said this, he turned and left.

At the same time.

The news, media and some major anchors will publicize this Tunhuo Technology Spaceport press conference.

Then write a press release and a link to the live broadcast.

Who would have thought that these live news broadcasts would be broadcast on major platforms, and featured on major portal websites with black and bold text.

Soon people all over the world knew that there was such an excellent company in the East.

That is Suihuo Technology.

Whether it is started or not, it not only completes the construction of the spaceport, but also completes the test flight of the spacecraft. This tool is a great achievement for mankind.

But not all humans are aligned with civilization.

There are many jealous monsters in Greater Nubia, especially some research centers and some universities. They can't do it themselves, and even the people they think they are can't do it for Jiuzhou's companies.

Niu Niu University: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. It is impossible for Kyushu to have such high-end technology. I can't accept that Suihuo Technology is so good all of a sudden."

Fofo University: "The technology of Oriental Tunnel Fire Technology is at least 100 years ahead of the parent star. I suggest exporting technology to open spaceship and space port construction-related technologies to the world, so that we humans can progress together and open up is the most important result."

Jianjian University: "Our school has a vocational high belief in life science and technology. We hope that Shuhe Technology can open some study courses to our school so that our students can study abroad and learn advanced technologies."

XX Research Center: "How is this possible? We only study flying rockets. We also use rockets for transportation when flying, but Suihuo Technology has actually developed a spacecraft?"

He found it incredible at a certain research center.

The technological gap is really huge. The use of rockets for transportation is like the ancient era of cold weapons, while the use of spaceships for transportation by Suihuo Technology is like the modern era of hot weapons.

Using hot weapons to fight cold weapons, isn't it accurate to use one hit at a time?

It’s just one day at a time.

The difference between cloud and mud.

A certain research center was so suppressed by Tunnel Fire Technology that he was afraid. He didn't know what the meaning of his research was.

Do we still need to continue research on our rocket research project?

It doesn't seem to be needed anymore.

Suihuo Technology has developed a spaceship, and the technology of the spaceship is hundreds of years ahead of its rockets.

Now there are only two paths to choose from before the research center.

Here’s the 1st way!

That is to give up rocket research and conduct a complete transformation into spacecraft research in the research center.

Try to develop a spaceship that is comparable to the Technology Enterprise within 10 years.

What about the 2nd way?

The second way is to lie down completely.

First, give up research on your own rocket project, then send outstanding scientific researchers to Dongfang Suhe Technology to learn the core technology of spacecraft, and then come back to build your own spacecraft.

Of course, this second path is not easy.

Because Suihuo Technology cannot spread the core technology of its own spacecraft.

If you select the 2nd record.

They will be controlled by Suihuo Technology.

No matter how they can buy some spaceships from Suihuo Technology, those spaceships must have been eliminated by Suihuo Technology, and some advanced spaceships will definitely not be sold to them.

And even if they bought the spaceship from Suihuo Technology.

It will also be controlled by others.

Just like in the past few years, Dongfang's chips were subject to our research center.

If their research center chooses the second path, in the future, the spacecraft will also be completely dependent on Dongfang's Suihuo technology.

If anyone in Suihuo Technology is unhappy, they will be cut off.

Choosing the second path in this way is also fatal.

288. Lu Xingye’s secretary is online

After Lu Xingye finished these things, he used the particle conveyor to return to the hive.

In the hive, the two women took care of him for a while.

Then Jarvis called him to inform him.

"The female secretary he recruited before, Zhu Xiaonong, is already online."

"Ask him to go to the Human Resources Department to receive it."

After hearing these words, Lu Xingye felt happy. That girl Zhu Xiaonong was so delightful. He had been looking forward to this secretary coming online for a long time.

Lu Xingye immediately turned around and walked to the Hive Human Resources Department.

The Hive Human Resources Department is on the top floor of the Hive.

Soon Lu Xingye arrived at the hive, and the intelligent robot handed Zhu Xiaonong over to him and left.

Two pairs of happy enemies met for the first time after a few weeks.

Both men showed different expressions.

Lu Xingye showed a kind of faint joy. He had always thought that his secretary was very pleasant and very pleasant.

With such a secretary, it will be very comfortable to work with you.

He was also willing to accept Zhu Xiaonong, but he was a little worried that Zhu Xiaonong would not be able to pass his company's rigorous training.

But what Lu Xingye never expected was that Zhu Xiaonong not only passed the company's training, but also passed the company's training with excellent results.

This made Lu Xingye feel very happy.

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