Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 367

""On the other side, Zhu Xiaonong was a little angry, but also a little surprised.

What makes him angry is that Lu Xingye is the chairman of Tunhuo Technology. This involves pretending to be a student who has just come for an interview to deceive yourself.

There are some surprises:

He finally found the right job, and it was much better than he expected.

Suihuo Technology is a first-class company in the world, and she is now working as a secretary next to the chairman of Suihuo Technology.

This is a job that countless people can’t even look forward to.

And with this job, he can relieve his father's burden a little, and he can also treat his mother, Lian Mai.

Zhu Xiaonong desperately needs this job.

She once thought that if she couldn't find a job, she would go out to nightclubs and do some red-light work.

Because if she could no longer make money, her mother would be trapped in the disease and let the disease take her away.

But she didn't expect that she would be so lucky. She met the chairman of Tunhuo Technology and was appreciated by the chairman of Tunhuo Technology. This was a secretary job with a promising future.

"It's you?"

"Thank you. Thanks to you, I finally became a secretary."

Zhu Xiaonong saw Lu Xingye speaking angrily.


"It seems you like this job quite a lot." Lu Xingye smiled.

"I don't like it, but I really need this job. If it's not forced by life, who would like to do this kind of work." Zhu Xiaonong rolled his eyes at Lu Xingye.


"Well, I just like your candor."

Lu Xingye looked at Zhu Xiaonong and smiled, taking him under the hive at any time.

"Did I tell you this during the secretary training?"

Zhu Xiaonon: "Yes."

"Doesn't it mean that the Hive is a large research center? You can't talk nonsense about what you see outside, nor can you disclose it to others casually."

"In general, this is turning a blind eye. No matter what you see, it is normal. Don't feel weird. Is this right?"



almost. "Lu Xingye didn't expect Zhu Xiaonong to be so arrogant.

"Okay, then let me take you to familiarize yourself with your job first."

"My office area is on the 108th floor underground, and both my bedroom and office area and laboratory are on the 108th floor."

"As my secretary, if nothing else happens, your office will be on the 108th floor."

"You are not allowed to enter or leave the hive under normal circumstances."

"If you want to go out and seal the city, you must have two intelligent robots following you."

Zhu Xiaonong: "You restrict my freedom in life?"


Lu Xingye was almost shocked by Zhu Xiaonong, the secretary.

"It's not restricting your freedom, this is your bodyguard."

"Didn't Jarvis tell you during the training? Our Hive is not as simple as Tunnel Fire Technology, it is an arms company, so there is a certain risk for you to be my secretary. I will arrange two for you. Intelligent robots are also designed to protect your personal safety,"

"Bodyguard?" Zhu Xiaonong was stunned for a moment.


"Thank you very much. I have a bodyguard for the first time in my life. But why are you not allowed to enter and exit the hive at will?"

Listening to Zhu Xiaonong's questions, Lu Xingye almost wanted to curse.

He originally thought that he, as a secretary, was a bit dangerous, but he did not expect that he could gather people in such a stylish way, and even he, the chairman, was not intimidated at all.

But that's exactly what it is.

Only Lu Xingye would like this woman as his secretary.

If he is the kind of secretary who is submissive and only takes orders from the chairman in everything, although he is well-behaved, he is not the type that Lu Xingye likes.

"If you don't understand anything, I'm going to make you go back to the drawing board and pull you back for another round of rigorous training."


"don't want."

"I know, I won't go in or out of the hive unless necessary."

Zhu Xiaonong nodded seriously, then seemed to think of something, hesitated for a while, and finally said it to Lu Xingye.

"I can do everything you say."

"I promise to be a diligent secretary and arrange all your work properly. But can you advance me some money first?"

"Because I'm really short of money."

Zhu Xiaonong saw that Lu Xingye had a hint of pleading when he said this. His mother was lying in the ICU of the hospital and was seriously ill.

And nanorobot gene therapy is not on his list.

There was no way his mother could treat it.

He has already owed money to the hospital for a week. If he fails to pay the medical bills, he may be kicked out of the hospital and then be gone...

So Zhu Xiaonong just needs some money.

"Good guy!"

"You haven't even started working yet, and you've already started asking your boss for money. It's no exaggeration to say that you are the number one employee."

Lu Xingye laughed dryly, but instead of embarrassing Zhu Xiaonon, he asked with concern.

"Why do you need money so badly?"

"If you can give me a legitimate reason, it's not impossible for me to advance part of your salary in advance."

Clerk Zhu Xiaonong was silent for a while, hesitated for a moment, and finally told what happened about his mother.

"You mean your mother has cancer and no one is willing to treat her?" Lu Xingye asked.

"Yes." Zhu Xiaonong nodded.

"Then why don't you try the nanorobot treatment developed by our company? Nanorobots treat from the genetic level and can cure your mother's disease in half an hour."

289. Other companies would not dare to hire employees fired by Suihuo Technology.

"Director Lu, it's not like you don't know. I come from a rural area, and there is no nanorobot hospital at home. Therefore, if I want to treat myself with nanorobots, I can only go to a big city. But in a big city, basically I can’t wait in line, so I can only choose traditional treatment methods.”

Zhu Xiaonong spoke angrily, and his voice seemed to be a bit complaining about this big boss.


Dr. Lu Xingye from the cadre school had not authorized gene therapy to them since those traditional medical treatments did not give him good face.

Therefore, it is normal for many hospitals to reject nanotechnology.

But he didn't expect that the gene therapy hospital he built had not yet reached rural areas.

It seems that I need to build more new hospitals to improve people's livelihood.

"Okay, I understand. I will see more hospitals in the future."

"But forget about the salary advance and all that."

"You don't agree?" Zhu Xiaonong's eyes turned red, and tears kept rolling in his eyes, as if he was about to cry in the next second.

His mother is everything to him. Now that his mother is in the ICU ward, if he can no longer get money, he may not be able to support himself.

"Of course I don't want to. There are no employees who have to pay their wages in advance before they start working."

Lu Xingye looked at Zhu Xiaonong and smiled.


"You bully people."

"If you keep doing this, I will die."

I wonder if every girl has mastered one essential thing, and that is acting like a baby. When she meets a boy, she will use her necessary skills, and few boys can resist acting like a baby.

At this time, Lu Xingye smiled, and the faint voice came again.

"Although I am not willing to advance your salary, I can help you treat your mother."



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