Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 371

Now Suihuo Technology has grown up.

As the largest enterprise in the country, they have the responsibility and obligation to fulfill some of their due social responsibilities.

Therefore, it is very necessary to build a gene therapy hospital.


Lu Xingye suddenly thought of another problem. After solving people's medical problems, there was now another problem of education.

There are some students in remote mountainous areas who have not been able to receive education for a long time, or the place of education is very far from their homes.

Education is difficult.

This is also a major problem that troubles countless farmers in remote areas.

Countless people hope to change their lives through reading and education, but in remote mountainous areas, they do not have educational conditions.

This is undoubtedly a very sad thing.

Now that I have established both the community and the gene therapy hospital. ""

Then why don’t I build a Hope Primary School in every rural town?

If everyone can read and get a good education, then the IQ level of the whole people will be raised, and everyone in Kyushu will become like a dragon.

This will also have certain benefits for Suihuo Technology in recruiting high-tech talents in the future.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Xingye made the decision directly.

He is not a hesitant person, if he wants to do it, he does it.

And he has the ability to do it.

Although Suihuo Technology will spend a huge amount of money in a short period of time, this is understandable.

Tunhuo Technology must fulfill certain social responsibilities.

"I have decided to be my teacher again. I will build community hospitals in every town and town, and also build hope primary schools in every remote area. You can help me make statistics on building a big data model across the country and see how much it will cost me in total. Money, so I can make a budget.”

Lu Xingye gritted his teeth and spoke to Jarvis.

He made this decision after careful consideration.

After all, it is just a private company, and it is already amazing to be able to do this.

The realization of this kind of thing should have been done by Long Yingtian, but now it is done by an individual company.

Jarvis was silent for a moment, and displayed lines of code on the computer host next to him. It took a moment to build the model after the lines of code flashed by.

after all.

Establishing data nationwide is not a simple matter. Although Jarvis is an excellent artificial intelligence, he had to process such a huge amount of data. He thought carefully for several seconds before establishing it.

"Commander, I just completed the detailed establishment mode."

"If hope primary schools and community hospitals were built in all remote areas across the country, our budget would reach an astonishing 1,000 billion."

"And this trillion is basically wasted."

"We cannot earn 1 billion by relying solely on Hope Primary School and community hospitals."

"Commander, I advise you not to do such a thankless thing."

Clerk Lu Xingye was silent again.

He originally thought that 500 to 600 billion would be enough, but he did not expect that the construction of community hospitals and Hope Primary Schools would require such a huge cost, which actually reached 1000 billion.

1,000 billion is a very, very huge number for him.

It was so huge that he couldn't afford it.

Even paying in installments is difficult to complete.


Probably a moment later.

Lu Xingye finally gritted his teeth and decided.

"Isn't it just 1,000 billion?"

"Although I can't get so much money in a short time, I can get a loan from a bank or Long Yingtian."

"It is impossible for Long Xingtian and the bank not to give some support to such a huge public welfare project."

"Even if it doesn't work out."

"He can also pay in installments, for example, how many hope primary schools will be completed in the first year. How many hope primary schools will be completed in the second year. How many hope primary schools will be completed in the third year"..."

“Broken a big goal into countless small goals, and then complete these small goals in stages, then things will be countless times simpler.”

If you think about it carefully, it is not that difficult to establish community hospitals and hope primary schools across the country.


"What's going on, I have decided. We will build community hospitals and hope primary schools in all remote areas across the country. The total cost is 1,000 billion. Now you can generate corresponding plans for me and have already established plans."

293. Hope Primary School? This is a righteous act that benefits all people

After hearing what Lu Xingye said, Jarvis frowned, as if he didn't agree with the Hope Elementary School plan.

"Lord Commander."

"As your most loyal intelligent assistant, I have only one suggestion. Although you don't like to hear it, I still want to explain it."

"I suggest you not to build so-called hope primary schools and community hospitals. This is a thankless task."

"If you want to build community hospitals and hope primary schools at will, it will inevitably affect our development progress."

"Although life science and technology now has a lot of revenue, it also has a large expenditure. There is no such a huge fund to do such a thankless thing."

"If you insist on doing such a thankless thing."

"That will inevitably affect the development of our life science and technology, or even stagnate."

"There are Saiyan companies and alien civilizations outside that are eyeing them. Once the development of specialization stagnates, it will be fatal to both our tunnel fire technology and our human civilization."

"So I think you must not build something as thankless as Hope Primary School."

"The money we earn from Suihuo Technology should be used wisely."

"For example, scientific research projects. And some large-scale biological and military projects."

"It just makes more sense to spend the money on these places."

"Although the establishment of community hospitals and Hope Primary Schools will help the development of people in remote mountainous areas and help them improve the quality of education and quality of life, these will have little effect on us."

"Jiuzhou needs an enterprise that can support the development of the entire civilization."

“Rather than alleviating poverty.”

"Perhaps in your eyes, poverty alleviation in remote areas is a good thing and it is the obligation of our enterprises. But we must also do what we can."

"Now we simply won't allow such large-scale construction projects."

Lu Xingye thought about it for a while.

I think Jarvis is right.

Finally, he discussed it with Jarvis for a while, and then came up with a reduced version of the plan.

This plan directly cuts the cost from 1 billion to 100 billion.

The cost is directly reduced by 10 times.

Lu Xingye will build community hospitals in all remote mountainous areas across the country, instead of only building hope primary schools and community hospitals in particularly difficult places.

What does it mean?

To put it simply, before the plan was revised, Lu Xingye planned to build community hospitals and hope primary schools in various towns and villages across the country.

But what about after the plan is revised?

Lu Xingye will not build hope primary schools and community hospitals across the country.

It will be particularly difficult to change across the country.

What does it mean to be particularly difficult?

The particular difficulty is that there is no hospital or primary school in the entire town. This is in line with the standards for the establishment of a nanogene therapy hospital and a hope primary school mentioned by Lu Xingye.

There are very few towns and villages across the country that meet this condition.

Almost 1/10 less than before. .

As a result, the cost came down.

"Let the matter be decided like this."

"Jarvis, please help me write an announcement. I am going to publish this information on my personal official account."

"Okay, as you wish." Jarvis said calmly, then used the huge artificial intelligence database to generate an article and sent it to Lu Xingye's mobile phone.

Lu Xingye glanced at the announcement sent to WeChat and felt that there was some exaggeration in it. After all, he was a low-key person and did not like such exaggeration, so he revised it and deleted the exaggerated part.

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