Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 372

Make the whole announcement simple and unpretentious.

At first glance, you can see that it is a practical enterprise.


I no longer hesitate to send this article to my personal official account.


Lu Xingye synchronized the plans for Hope Primary School and community hospital to Zhao Dawei.

Zhao Dawei is the general manager of Suihuo Technology, and he is responsible for all affairs. The reason why Lu Xingye synchronized this plan with Zhao Dawei was because he wanted him to help him find a bank and discuss loan discounts and other aspects with Nong Yingtian.

Suihuo Technology has established such a huge public welfare project.

It's impossible that they won't give a little subsidy.

Although Shunhe Technology can now come up with 100 billion in funds.

But save a little if you can.

This is a rare opportunity to allocate some money from Long Yingtian and the bank.

Jarvis, there is a saying that goes well, the money earned by Tunnel Fire Technology should be used wisely.

After about a moment, Lu Xingye's phone vibrated.

A message is sent to your mobile phone.

Lu Xingye picked up the phone and saw that it was sent by his roommate Zhao Dawei.

The other party said that he had received his infrastructure plan and he would make every effort to arrange it.

At the same time, he will also apply for discounts from Long Yingtian and the bank.

Lu Xingye finally felt relieved after reading this message.

Although Zhao Dawei is his roommate and graduated with him, his ability is not bad at all. They have been working at Suihuo Technology cautiously over the years.

Nothing ever went wrong.

Every task Lu Xingye assigned to him was completed perfectly, better than some outside executives.

All are much better.

If Huo Technology didn't have Zhao Dawei as general manager, Lu Xingye might be much busier than he is now.


Lu Xingye decided to find an opportunity to thank his roommate.

For example, let the Hive Laboratory create a potion of immortality.


He gave his roommate a longevity potion to extend his life.

After all, Zhao Dawei has been working with him for so long, and he deserves all these longevity potions without any credit or hard work.

Lu Xingye could be very cruel to his enemies.

But Lu Xingye will be very kind to those who stand at the top of the world with him.

Will do everything possible to help each other.

About half a minute.

The article posted on Lu Xingye's official account was discovered by countless netizens.

Now Lu Xingye had different thoughts.

There are tens of millions of fans on the public account.

As Suihuo Technology has grown to this point, Lu Xingye has become something like a technology star, and everyone regards Lu Xingye as their idol.

There are also people who pay attention to what is happening late into the night all the time.

So basically as soon as Lu Xingye made some winter melon tofu through his public account, the whole internet would know about it.

"Oh my God!"

"Everyone, come and see."

"Our technology idol Lu Xingye, his personal official account just updated an article."

"And the news is absolutely breaking news."

294. The bank president personally called, Suihuo is a responsible company


"Suihuo Technology actually wants to build Hope Primary Schools and community hospitals in poor areas?"

"Sure enough, I was right about Suihuo Technology. We have always supported Suihuo Technology from the very beginning."

"Now Tunhuo Technology has grown from a small grass into a towering tree. I originally thought that Tunhuo Technology would become a big company and would forget the suffering in the world. Unexpectedly, He Technology not only did not forget the suffering in the world, but , and also fulfill social obligations very responsibly.”

"A responsible company is not judged by how much money it makes, but by how much social responsibility it can afford."

"Can the great love be me from now on? Technology is our national enterprise."

In addition to netizens who saw the message posted by Lu Xingye, some well-known anchors and major media platforms also saw the message sent by Lu Xingye. They instantly swarmed in like sharks smelling blood and gathered Screenshot of Lu Xingye’s first message.

Then break the news.

And he used many words to describe Lu Xingye's greatness in the press release.

You are truly worthy of being a reporter.

Sometimes what they report is not necessarily what people want to see.

But reporters from major media outlets enthusiastically welcomed it.

This paragraph of Lu Xingye also quickly became popular, directly reaching the top of the hot search list.

Keywords Lu Xingye, Hope Primary School, gene therapy community hospital.

Entries related to these three keywords instantly rushed to the top of the list, and they remained high, becoming popular.

"Shocking Shenghuo Technology is worthy of being a national enterprise, and it has made another move that shocked everyone."

"Suihuo Technology has invested a huge amount of 100 billion yuan to build community hospitals and Hope Primary Schools. This is an example for all of us. Apart from Suihuo Technology, which other company can do this?"

"I would like to call Tunhuo Technology the strongest national enterprise."

At the same time, the president of AA Bank.

He also saw the message released by Suihuo Technology.

I was instantly moved. What is a sense of responsibility? This is called a sense of responsibility. What is a national enterprise? This is called a national enterprise.

The president of AA Bank looked at the dazzling 100 billion funds. He hesitated for a long time and finally made up his mind.

Tunhuo Technology, as a private company, can still do this. Spend huge sums of money to build hope primary schools and community hospitals.

Without even blinking.

A private company can still do this, but what about their state-owned banks?

Should we do something?

The president of AA Bank felt that he should also do something.

Otherwise, your reputation will not be good in the future.

Thought of this.

The president of AA Bank immediately called his secretary's phone number and asked him to give him the phone number of the person in charge of Suihuo Technology.

His secretary only found the phone number of Zhao Dawei, general manager of Tunhuo Technology, who was also the person in charge of building a community hospital and a Hope Primary School.

Although the bank president didn't find Lu Xingye's contact number, he found the side effect and the phone number was almost there.

after all……

The bank president knows it too.

Now Lu Xingye, the chairman of Tunhuo Technology, can make about 100,000 words per second, which is no longer something ordinary people can see, not even him, the bank president.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Zhao Dawei's number.

After the phone beeped, the call was connected, and a vigorous middle-aged man's voice came from the other side.

I have to say that Zhao Dawei has changed a lot now.

Zhao Dawei had just left campus before. Although he took the position of manager Dong, he spoke with a childishness, or lack of confidence.

But now, he has strong self-confidence.

He also sounds like a company boss.

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