Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 373

Those who have not been at the top of their speaking skills for a long time will not be able to speak.

"Hello. Who is this?"

Zhao Dawei's voice came from the other side of the microphone.

"Hello, I am the bank president of the bank."

"I read your company's announcement. You intend to build community hospitals and hope primary schools in remote mountainous areas of Jiuzhou, right?" the bank president asked suicidal.


Zhao Dawei smiled slightly. He did not expect that the bank would already come to his door before he went to find it. It was really a leek delivered to his door. If not, who would you cut?

There was a slight pause.

At this time, Zhao Dawei's faint voice came again.

"Our chairman Lu Xingye told me about this matter and asked me to take full responsibility for the construction of this Hope Primary School and community hospital. However, we may have a shortfall in funds. I wonder if you have fulfilled your obligations to help us? "

"We will definitely help if we can. Our bank is also a good company that is responsible for people's livelihood. I don't know what kind of help you want."

After listening to Zhao Dawei's words, the bank president of AA Bank suddenly had an unpleasant feeling in his heart. He felt that he had entered the other party's mouth directly. He was the leek, waiting for the other party to harvest it.

"It's very simple. We have a budget of 100 billion, but the money on our books is no longer enough. It would be better if your bank could lend me a little bit. Of course, you can't calculate the interest with us, because we are here for We are responsible for people's livelihood. This is a matter of public welfare."

Zhao Dawei was smiling, but he was ready to harvest the other party with all his strength and see if he could loan out all 100 billion. Although Tunhuo Technology can also take out 100 billion in cash, if it can get a loan without interest, then why not take out a loan?

"I can help you calculate a little less interest, but if you want a loan, you will definitely have to charge some interest. I wonder how much you are prepared to loan?" asked the president of AA Bank.

"It's not much, just 100 billion."

"What?" The president of AA Bank exclaimed when he heard this.

Your own budget totals 100 billion, and then the loan also costs 100 billion?

How can this be the case?

What do you think our bank is?

Chinese chives?

Or a cash cow?

Zhao Dawei ignored the bank president's exclamation and instead spoke in the past.

"Yes, that's right, we are going to borrow 100 billion yuan from your bank for public welfare projects in our country."

"And we're not going to give you any interest."

"The loan period is 10 years in total."

"You go back and think about it carefully. I hope you can lend us a loan. If you can't lend us a loan, that's okay. It's your bank's reputation and other subsequent consequences that you have to bear yourself."

"Although we, Suihuo Technology, are a technology company and have never been exposed to the banking and financial field, we may not be able to enter the banking field."

"You'd better think about this issue carefully, because I have already reported this issue to the superiors, and the superiors agree."

296. Successfully developed a space fixture, making the honeycomb impregnable.

The president of AA Bank thought for a moment and finally agreed to Zhao Fangwei's unreasonable request.

Because Suihuo Technology has grown into a towering tree, no one dares to mess with him. Even if he is the president of a bank, he would not dare to go against Suihuo Technology easily because Suihuo Technology contacted him with the above address. Some ants are as simple as that.

Just because he is the president of the bank, he knows more than the average person.

Suihuo Technology is a commercial company on the surface, but secretly it is a feared arms dealer.

that's all.

Zhao Dawei took care of everything easily.

Whether it was cooperating with banks or cooperating with Long Yingtian, Zhao Dawei completed it very easily.


Lu Xingye also returned to his laboratory. It must be said that after having a secretary-general to take care of his schedule, his life became more regular.

No matter what happened, Zhu Xiaonong helped him arrange it clearly.

For example, what should I do in the morning, what meetings should I have, what should I send in the afternoon? If you need people in the evening, you will have time to relax and have a nutritious breakfast, all of which have been arranged properly.

Lu Xingye didn't need to worry about anything.

Lu Xingye fell in love with these things instantly.

Someone has to take care of everything. This is the life of the rich, so simple and unpretentious.

Lu Xingye also felt that the life he lived before was like a dog.

Don't know how to enjoy life at all.

Now that I have met the secretary Zhu Xiaonong, I can worry about everything for myself.

This is the life of an uncle.

That afternoon, Lu Xingye received the news that Tony was coming.

Tony said that his research on space fixtures produced a huge breakthrough, and he asked him to go to the laboratory to witness the results together.

When Lu Xingye came to Tony's laboratory, he saw that Tony's laboratory had changed drastically.

Tony's originally neat high-tech laboratory has now been converted into something similar to a grocery store.

All kinds of experimental equipment are scattered all over the place, and the surroundings are in a mess. There are even some tools that are still working, and I don't know what their specific functions are.

Tony stood in front of a piece of equipment in the center with disheveled hair, his entire clothes were in tatters, and his face was filled with stains from various engine oils.

Sweat beaded on his forehead.

Just by looking at him, you can tell he is a mad scientist who spends all day doing experiments in the laboratory.

Lu Xingye felt a little lucky when he saw the other person's appearance. If he didn't have the other person's help in researching and developing technology, he would definitely be too busy. Moreover, the other scientists in the hive were not as good as Tony, and key projects could not be carried out alone.

"Tony, great scientist, thank you for your hard work. Now I heard that you have successfully developed a space fixture, right?"

Lu Xingye looked at Tony and smiled.

The eyes were full of relief.

"Yes, Commander, I was inspired by the particle conveyor. Through reverse reasoning, I finally came up with the space fixed device."

"In the end, I found that it was really possible to fix the space."

"This is the experimental data that I have carried out many experiments in the laboratory. Please check it out."

With that said, Tony handed a tablet to Lu Xingye.

Lu Xingye was also very excited and took the tablet and checked it carefully.

It's all full of time experimental data.

Includes success and failure data.

Lu Xingye pulled it all the way to the end, which was the experimental data of the latest space fixtures. When he saw the experimental data above, he was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly brightened.

100% success.

The results of this experiment are really amazing.

You must know that the space fixation device is simply to fix a space so that the particle conveyor cannot transmit it.

To put it simply.

This is a defensive weapon.

Why did Lu Xingye insist on developing this space fixture before? I am just worried that the enemy will directly send some biological weapons over, and then I will have no defense at all.

But what about after having space fixtures.

You can prevent others from teleporting some biological weapons or death squads.

in this way.

In this way, the base camp of the Hive Headquarters can be impregnable.

Especially when there are threats from alien civilizations and Saiyan companies outside, having space fixtures can really make people feel more at ease.

"Scientist Tony, I suddenly have a question. If the space fixture can prevent others from teleporting over, the teleporter on the opposite side inputs the corresponding space dimension."

"Aren't the two contradictory to each other?"

"If the space on our side is fixed and the other side cannot be teleported, then where will the other party teleport? Is it near the air conditioner? Or can't it be teleported directly?"

"Or if they are transported to the air conditioner, those people will be fixed in the space. They will die directly if they cannot convert photons and electrons into living things."

Tony was silent for a moment after hearing this. He then studied the fixing principle of the space fixture. After a while, he finally figured out the answer to Lu Xingye's question.

"I just thought carefully about the principle of the particle conveyor and the principle of the space fixture. They are all realized by photons and electrons. The particle conveyor converts the human body into photons and electrons. And the space fixture It is to prevent photons and electrons from being fixed in shape, which means to repel photons and electrons from this space."

"What does it mean?"

"To put it simply, even if the enemy sets the teleportation location within our hive, our space fixtures will repel the opponent's electrons and photons."

"The enemy can only regenerate into adults near our hive."

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