Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 374

Lu Xingye nodded. He was very satisfied with Tony's answer, because the enemies fell around the hive, and there was no way to cause damage to the hive.

To put it simply, the hive is no longer in danger.

"Very good, I'd like to find someone else to come over and give it a try."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.

"You don't need to find anyone else, I can try it myself. Before you came just now, I have done many experiments with my own body. But I have never tried to directly set the spatial dimension inside the hive. Now let me try it." Look at Lu Xingye and said with a smile, and then without waiting for Lu Xingye to agree, he walked towards the particle conveyor next to him.

Immediate transmission started.

It is to set the spatial dimension inside the empty hive.

Space fixtures have been activated here.

In other words, if there are no accidents, he will be teleported around the hive instead of inside the hive.

296. The test was successful and the lunar rover returned

No accidents.

Just like normal, the particle teleporter converted his body into photons and electrons and fired them out.

But the result did not appear inside the hive as expected.

Tony's photons and electrons were intercepted by the space fixture.

He could only land on the outskirts of the hive.

At this time, on a main road outside the hive, various small bosses were shouting hard, and high-tech talents were eating at a nearby hotel snack bar.

The streets outside Fengcheng are so lively.

But what they never expected was.

At this time, a mosaic blur suddenly appeared in the middle of the street. Then the outline of a man slowly formed, first the outer clothes, then the musculature and bones underneath.

About 4 seconds later, a complete human appeared.

This person is Tony.

"Who is this person? Why is he in such a mess?"

"Aren't you surprised? Why did this person suddenly appear?"

"The sun was shining brightly at noon, but why did a messy man suddenly appear? Is it a supernatural incident?"

"No, no matter what, let's report it to the robot guards first."

"Do you still need to report to the robot guard?"

"There are sky-eye cameras all over the Bee City. Any slightest movement will be detected by the Hive's artificial intelligence. Maybe the so-called robot is already on its way here."

Pedestrians around were whispering and looking at the man who suddenly appeared with surprise. Because Tony was a top scientist in the hive and did not usually show his face in public, so the people in the hive city did not recognize him.

It was just as they expected.

About three seconds.

Rows of fully armed robot guards appeared around the Bee City. The guards were extremely powerful, and each guard was equipped with air guns and small air cannons. Each of them was a top individual warrior.

If the enemy appears here, facing these terrifying individual warriors, they will definitely not be able to get away with nothing.

What surprises people the most is.

The so-called reaction speed of robots around the hive.

This is not ordinary speed, but the kind that is faster than lightning.

This strange man suddenly appeared and within 30 seconds the robot said he was born. In this way, some warriors around who were preparing to commit rape sounded the alarm. The rapist in Fengcheng was caught and shot in minutes.

But to their surprise, these robot guards didn't do anything to the newly messed up man.

Instead, he respectfully greets men who are a mess in society.

"Dear Scientist Tony."

"I detected that you suddenly appeared on the street and had a certain impact on public order. Do you need any help?"

One of the robots scanned Tony and determined that he was a senior scientific researcher within the hive, so he did not embarrass the other person.

"Hello, robot guard."

"I was doing experiments inside the hive just now, and I accidentally showed up here. I don't need any help."

"If I have had any impact on public technology, please allow me to apologize."

The robot shook his head and gave a very official answer. : "It's okay. As long as your Excellency Shangguan, please pay more attention next time when doing experiments. Our hive is still very humane."

The other civilians on this small street were suddenly surprised after hearing these words.

They never imagined that the messy man in front of them was actually a senior scientific researcher in the hive.

"It's awesome that when I was shopping outside the hive, I actually met senior scientific researchers in the laboratory."

“Suddenly I saw something new.”

"Originally, I thought that senior scientific researchers would wear white coats and work in high-end laboratories with gloves on their hands. I didn't expect that they would look so messy, with tattered hair like a bird's nest."


"I think I'll win."

Tony ignored these ordinary people and followed the robot directly back to the hive.

About 5 minutes later, Tony grew up and I returned to the laboratory on the 108th floor of the hive.

He smiled at Commander Lu Xingye.

"Commander, the space fixture experiment was very successful."

"It's exactly as I expected. After the space fixture is turned on, it can only be teleported to the location around the space fixture, but not directly to the internal area protected by the space fixture."

"That's great." Lu Xingye nodded with a smile.

As long as space fixed sleeping towers are installed inside the hive, we will no longer be afraid of attacks from this alien civilization. Completed the construction of his entire rear area.


This is the real home front.

"Cooperate with Jarvis immediately."

“Install spatial fixtures throughout the hive perimeter.”

Maybe he thought of something.

Lu Xingye suddenly overturned his previous statement.


"We don't just have to install spatial fixtures inside the hive. We also have to install spatial fixtures throughout the bee city."

"Although all our important equipment is inside the hive. But we can't just take care of our hive. The bee cities surrounding the hive should also be included in our protection."

"After all, Bee City is also our base camp."

Tony didn't object when he heard this. He just liked Lu Xingye's character.

Extremely protective of one's own people.

As long as you are recognized by Lu Xingye as one of his own, Lu Xingye will do everything possible to protect you.

This is one of the reasons why Tony chose to leave the movie world and follow Lu Xingye into the real world.

"Okay Commander."

"I must coordinate with Jarvis and try to install space fixtures in all areas of Bee City within one day."

Tony nodded.

After Lu Xingye finished all this, he was about to leave when he suddenly heard a call from the person in charge of the spaceport.

"Hey, is there something wrong at the spaceport?"

"Commander, everything is fine here at the spaceport. There are no problems. There is just one thing I want to report to you."

Lu Xingye nodded: "Okay, you say."

"Half an hour ago, the lunar rover operation on the spacecraft came back, but the lunar rover made an amazing discovery on the far side of the moon." When the person in charge of the space port said this, his voice was a little heavy, and there was obviously something wrong with it. Good thing.

"Did you find anything?" Lu Xingye asked eagerly.

Suihuo technology has been developed on the mother planet before. It has never explored space or the moon. I have only heard that the back side of the moon has always been mysterious.

297. Traces of ancient life on the far side of the moon

Lu Xingye never expected that his lunar rover would find something on the back side of the moon. And this thing looks very mysterious.

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