Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 375

"It seems to be traces of some kind of creature. I can't say the specifics. Commander, you will know after you come and see for yourself." The calm voice of the person in charge of the space port came from the other side.

When Lu Xingye listened, he nodded quickly to show that he already understood, and immediately prepared the teleportation room to teleport to the space port.

Although he has always been an atheistic scientist, he is still very interested in this kind of mysterious things, especially since they have seen alien civilizations in the deep sea, and now they have discovered something established on the moon. , he had reason to suspect that there were alien civilizations in the moon, so Lu Xingye had to take a look.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Xingye didn't hesitate anymore and rushed directly to the space port. About two minutes later, he arrived at the conveyor and arrived at the space port control room.

However, Jarvis and the others had already arrived here first.

Even the chief scientist Zhao Yinyun is here.

Zhao Yinyun has always been the most senior scientist here.

He is very authoritative in the field of biology and medicine, and is the inventor of the elixir of life. Therefore, Lu Xingye still has great trust in the little girl Zhao Yinyun. ,

A group of them.

After chatting with each other and roughly knowing the purpose of the trip, they boarded the spaceport directly.

It was the first time for many of them to board the spaceship in the spaceport, but none of them had much curiosity about the spaceship.

Because they are more or less the inventors of spaceships and more or less involved in the research and development of spaceships, they are not very interested in the products they have developed.

Once on the spaceship.

The intelligent robot inside came out.

One of the robots named Wall-E is the top robot in charge of the spaceship.

He was responsible for the previous exploration of the moon.

Seeing that the supreme commander had arrived, Walli was very excited, his eyes flashed red, and he quickly walked to Lu Xingye's side to welcome Lu Xingye's arrival.

"Commander, you are here."

"I made a huge discovery on the far side of the moon."

Lu Xingye: "What did you find? Tell me in detail."

"It's like this. Since you left, Commander, I have driven a golf cart to continue my exploration mission on the moon, and broadcast it live around the world."

"I have been exploring on the moon, but I have been exploring for about two or three hours without finding anything. I suddenly thought that there might be some mysterious things discovered on the far side of the moon."

"Then once this idea was born, it was like a fire that kept shining in my mind. I couldn't put it out. I had no choice but to follow my curiosity and explore the back of the moon. As a result, this exploration was incredible. Guess what I discovered? What?"

At this point, Wall-E Robot paused and seemed to be giving it a try.

But at this time, Lu Xingye was already a little impatient.

"If you find anything, tell me immediately. Don't be like that Jarvis, who keeps everything under wraps."

"Otherwise I'll make you go back to the drawing board and recreate it."

The lawyer looked aggrieved after hearing this, but in the end he did not refuse and slowly reported the details of the far side of the moon.

"That's the case, Commander, please come with me."

"It's hard to describe it in words. I'll take you directly to see the finished product I discovered, so that you can have an understanding of the wonder."

Lu Xingye followed the Wall-E robot and walked through the life-sustaining chamber of the spaceship to the very biochemical chamber of the universe.

The scene before him shocked him deeply.

It was the skeleton of an ancient creature.

From its slender, small head to the tip of its huge tail, Diplodocus's body is connected by an axial skeleton, known as the vertebrae. The neck is relatively long and consists of approximately 16 vertebrae. The chest and back are relatively sparse, with only 11 pieces. There are about 70 tail vertebrae in the tail. The tail vertebrae in the middle of the tail can touch the ground and easily support the body.

The skeleton looks like the most classic dragon image.

The head is like a camel, the horns are like a deer, the eyes are like a rabbit, the ears are like an ox, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a carp, the claws are like an eagle, and the palms are like a tiger.

There are eighty-one scales on its back, with ninety-nine Yang numbers.

Its sound is like a clanking copper plate.

There is a beard beside the mouth, a bright pearl under the chin, and reverse scales under the throat.

There is Boshan, also known as Chimu, above its head. A dragon cannot ascend to the sky without Chimu.

"This skeleton??..."

"Why does it look a bit like the ancient dragon from Kyushu???"

Lu Xingye looked at the skeleton in front of him with his eyes wide open. He looked at the scene in front of him, which was very incredible.

Zhao Yinyun next to her looked at the skeleton, and her reaction was no different from Lu Xingye's.

"This creature seems to be some kind of ancient creature."

"I've never seen a creature with such a skeleton."

"It's just a little bit incredible."

"It looks a bit like a dinosaur from ancient times. But it is very different from a dinosaur. A dinosaur can be classified as a living thing, but what about this skeleton in front of you? It doesn't look like a dragon at all."

"It also looks a bit like a creature from a mythical novel..."

But do the creatures in mythical novels really exist in reality?

Zhao Yinyun didn't know whether to believe it or not.

Logically speaking, as a scientific worker, one should not believe in myths, but the skeleton of this giant ancient creature in front of him was like iron-clad facts before him.

It makes people believe it.

"Jarvis, help me search using big data. Search the entire network for things related to this skeleton and see if you can find some useful information."

"Received, Commander." Soon, Jarvis completed the nationwide search.


Jarvis responded calmly.

"Report to Commander. We have completed a nationwide search before and found something related to the skeleton in front of us. It is all related to the ancient myths of Kyushu."


"The skeleton we found before our eyes is that of the mythical dragon."

Dragon skeleton? ? ?

hiss! ! ! !

When everyone heard this, they took a deep breath. This was really incredible.

This is a creature from a mythical novel.


Originally this was just a mythical novel.

But now it appears in front of you alive.

A creature from a mythological novel appears on the back of the moon. Does this mean that the dragon from ancient times in Kyushu really existed?

Or that it has visited its home planet?

298. The exploration team points directly at the moon, and Lu Xingye conquers it himself

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.

"No matter what, the discovery of a dragon skeleton on the back of the moon is a very mythical thing."

"The discovery of the Shenlong skeleton represents that our Kyushu, or our home planet, is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

"So we have an obligation to conduct a comprehensive exploration of the moon."

"How to explore?" At this time, Tony's eyes suddenly showed excitement. Although he is just an ordinary scientist, he is also an atheist worker. But he was still very interested in this mysterious thing.

So when Lu Xingye said that he would go to the back of the moon to explore the footprints of the dragon, he was already eager to try it.

"Of course we sent our robot army to crush it directly. No matter what ghosts and monsters are on the back of the moon, we believe that with our current technology, we can still explore the moon."

Lu Xingye spoke calmly.


Tony shouted.

Although he is a scientific researcher, he is more violent than anyone else. If they were to fight on the front line, Tony might be the first to go to the front. And he was full of interest in the adventurous things of war exploration.


"Can I be the commander-in-chief of this lunar exploration? I really want to witness what's so special about these mysterious things." Tony asked expectantly.


Lu Xingye shook his head.

"No, I can't let you be the commander-in-chief."

"Why?" Tony asked confused.


"Because I am going to lead my own team to conquer the moon."

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