Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 376

Lu Xingye looked at Tony and smiled.

This sentence directly frightened Tony, because Lu Xingye was usually a busy man with 10,000 leftovers every second. Unexpectedly, he was now interested in leading a team to explore the moon himself.

This was something Tony never expected.

Originally, he wanted to lead a team to explore the back of the moon himself, because he had discovered such an exciting thing as a dragon on the back of the moon, and he didn't want to miss it.

But now Lu Xingye leads the team in person.

Basically nothing happened to him.

Leading a team yourself is a completely different feeling than leading a team led by someone else.

Tony's eyes were a little sad, and he was a little disappointed with Lu Xingye's decision.

Although I was quite disappointed that I didn't become the commander-in-chief.

But Tony didn't blame Lu Xingye, because Lu Xingye was the real helmsman of the hive, and he was just a flag under the helmsman.

Or that’s not quite right.

It should be said that Lu Xingye is the head of a family, and he is a member of the family.

Family members must listen to their parents. Only by working hard can we build a good family.

Tony understands this truth deeply.

This little deer's faint voice came late at night.

"Although I have decided to personally lead the troops to explore the moon, it does not mean that you can't lead the team yourself."

"What do you say?" Tony became interested immediately after hearing this.

"Who said that exploring the moon can only be done by one team?"

"When the time comes to explore the moon, I can lead a team and you can lead a team. The two teams will explore the back of the moon together without affecting each other. The results of the exploration will be shared by the two teams. Isn't this perfect? Yet?"

"Our two teams can even compete with each other to see who has discovered more secrets."

"in this way."

“Competition brings vitality.”

Tony's eyes became brighter and brighter when he heard this, and Lu Xingye proposed this best-of-both-worlds solution that was exactly what he wanted.

Adventure and excitement.

Plus the two teams compete against each other.


This is so exciting.

Tony felt his blood boil.

The heart is beating violently.

"That's best."

"Thank you, Commander, for giving me the opportunity to explore the moon personally."

Lu Xingye shook his head: "We are all family members, there is no need to be so polite."

At this time Tony's faint voice came again.

"But you have to be careful."

"Don't think you are my commander. I really don't dare to show my true abilities. I am the protagonist in the movie, so be careful in the exploration competition and don't lose to me. "ll

Lu Xingye was silent for a moment after hearing this.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"You may be the protagonist in the movie, but in the real world, I am the protagonist, so I will not necessarily lose to you during the exploration of the moon."

"on the contrary……"

"You should be careful that it's you."

Lu Xingye looked at Tony and joked.

I don't know when, Zhao Yinyun came behind Lu Xingye and Tony.

Zhao Yinyun spoke very generously.

"How can you two play such an interesting exploration project together?"

"I will also personally lead some teams to join you in the exploration competition."

When Tony heard this, there was some contempt in his eyes. It wasn't that he looked down on girls, but that he really didn't have high hopes for Zhao Yinyun.

It's okay for girls to do research.

But it is still weaker than boys.

When it comes to adventurous exploration, girls are even worse than boys.

This does not mean to look down on any girl, it is determined by the innate personalities of men and women.

Boys are generally more resourceful, adventurous and love fighting.

Girls are generally happy-go-lucky.

Girls usually find a quiet home or a plain and stable life, and live happily together.

Girls generally rely on boys.

Under this natural condition of nature.

Girls are indeed not as good as boys when it comes to adventure.

"You look down on me???" Xu guessed what Tony was thinking, Zhao Yinyun turned around and looked at Tony and smiled.

"No." Tony denied with a smile.

Although he looked down on Zhao Yinyun in his heart, he couldn't show it on the surface.

Because he and Zhao Yinyun were colleagues with level 9 authority in the hive.

Everyone is at the same level.

It's really hurtful to say something that looks down on people.

"No? That's what I meant when I looked at your eyes just now. I'm a biology major, and I've already captured your micro-expressions." Zhao Yinyun smiled.

At this time, Lu Xingye's faint voice came over.


"Although you are very good at scientific research, you may have less practice in exploration. If you underestimate Zhao Yinyun, you will be the one who suffers."

"I tell you."

"Don't look at Zhao Yinyun as a weak woman. But she is very experienced. Zhao Yinyun has experienced everything in the movie world."


"As a biochemistry expert, Zhao Yinyun has a natural advantage in exploring this ancient creature."

299. Three teams gather and target the moon

Tony smiled, a little unimpressed.

Although biologists like Zhao Yinyun have certain natural advantages, for adventurous boys, this advantage is nothing.

"Then let's wait and see. I still think I can win, and my only opponent is you, Commander. In this match, Commander, you have to be careful, I won't show any mercy."

Lu Xingye smiled. , I hope you can show your full energy.

"Honestly, I've never lost a game."

Lu Xingye raised his head and glanced at Tony before leaving immediately.

Now that the target has been determined, the two of them are going to go back separately, prepare to form their own teams, and then gather on the Enterprise.

From the home star to the moon.

There's a huge distance spanned, so they can't use particle transport directly.

They must first board a spacecraft, then fly to the moon in the spacecraft, enter low-Earth orbit, and then use particle transmission technology from low-Earth orbit to the lunar surface.

Although the process is more complicated, the time taken is about the same.

After Lu Xingye returned to Fengchao, he began to form his own team.

As for how to form his own team, he also has his own ideas. The moon is a space environment, so if there is an exploration team, it is best to be mainly robots, and then supplemented by some super soldiers. This way, he can protect himself to the greatest extent. Build team survivability and mobility.

After returning to the hive, he first found Jarvis, because Jarvis is in charge of the hive and some intelligent artificial intelligence. It has the highest authority of all robots.

"Jarvis, I am going to explore the moon and need a batch of highly systematic robots. Please prepare some robots for me."

"By the way, which model of robot do you think is more suitable for exploring the space environment?" "Lu Xingye thought for a while and asked again.

At this time, Jarvis answered without thinking. "It is enough to bring some multi-functional exploration robots and some T900 liquid robots on the moon. The multi-functional exploration robots are responsible for exploring the moon and the T900 liquid robots are responsible for security work around the moon. To put it simply, they are multi-functional exploration robots Responsible for exploration. It900 liquid robot is responsible for security."

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