Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 377

"The multifunctional robot and T900 perform division of labor and the two do not interfere with each other."

"Then we also considered that there are some places that are not suitable for robot exploration, so we also have to lead some cloned super soldiers."

"In this way, our exploration on the moon will become foolproof."

Jarvis's words were similar to what Lu Xingye thought, which was to send multi-functional robots and T900 liquid robots to explore, plus superpowers as assistance.

"Okay, you have pretty much what I think. You can help me configure some teams of overtime soldiers, liquid robots and multi-function robots. It will cost about 1,000 yuan."

Lu Xingye thought about his answer.

"sure no problem.."

Jarvis smiled.

Then use the highest authority to call robots and super soldiers.

In the end, Jarvis deployed the exploration team in a ratio of 2:2:1.

Lu Xingye felt very satisfied after reading it.

Meanwhile on the other side.

Tony is also choosing his team.

It's just that the team chosen by Tony is a little different from the team chosen by Lu Xingye. He focuses more on the robot army.

Not only did they choose a large mechanical army, but they also brought a lot of equipment, such as robotic arms, lunar rovers, and other things that are useful for exploration. It can be said that Tony's team is a completely intelligent and fully automated team.

It’s not surprising that Tony had this choice.

Because Tony himself is a technology enthusiast, he is very good at playing with technology. Robots and steel suits were both Tony's first inventions.

So it’s not surprising that Tony chose a fully intelligent army.

What about the other side.

Zhao Yinyun's team is even more strange.

Although the team Zhao Yinyun chose also has an intelligent team. However, the intelligent team and the mechanical army are not the main part. The main part is the biological army.

some modified biological dogs

bio cat

Spirit monkey.

As well as some modified small animals, they were all formed into an exploration team by Zhao Yinyun.

Zhao Yinyun is a biochemist, biologist and medical scientist.

His area of ​​expertise is in biochemistry, so it is not surprising that she chose a biochemical team to explore the moon.

But what made Lu Xingye feel a little strange.

Zhao Yinyun actually brought most dogs and some modified animals with sensitive sense of smell.

Later, Lu Xingye understood just by thinking about it, what Zhao Yinyun's intention was to transform animals with a sensitive sense of smell. If you want to find ancient creatures like dragons on the moon, it will be difficult to find them with just some mechanized troops.

Because the bones of ancient creatures are usually buried underground by huge storms on the moon.

If you rely solely on the mechanized army, it may be difficult to find the skeletons hidden underground. But those little animals with a keen sense of smell are different.

Those small animals with a keen sense of smell have a huge sense of smell. They can smell abnormal smells 10 meters or even several 10 meters below, thereby knowing the location of ancient creatures.

After figuring this out.

Lu Xingye suddenly felt a threat in his heart. He originally thought that he would definitely win the championship in this lunar exploration.

Although this guy Tony has some strength, as a supporting character, he cannot compare with himself at all.

What Lu Xingye didn't expect at all was that,

Zhao Yinyun actually chose the path of the animal biochemical army, which made him feel very threatened.

Lu Xingye decided that after going to the moon, he would go all out and explore as quickly as possible. Otherwise, if Zhao Yinyun found the bones of ancient creatures in advance, he would be embarrassed.

Morning of the 2nd day.

After they settled everything, they went to the spaceship.

A spaceship can accommodate 100,000 people to survive inside, so Lu Xingye and the others only lead three to five thousand people in the spaceship, so their minds are very spacious.

The captain of the first team is Lu Xingye.

The one he chose to lead was a mixed force of mechanized armies and super soldiers.

The captain of the second team was Tony.

The team he chose to lead was a fully intelligent army with some supporting auxiliary equipment.

The captain of the third team is Zhao Yinyun.

The teams she and he chose to lead were some biochemical teams. That is, the biochemical army.

The biochemical army is entirely composed of some modified organisms.

Some of these creatures have been genetically modified, and their attack power is no less than that of the mechanical army.

300. Zhao Yinyun leads the hunters, invulnerable to weapons, fire and water.

To be fair.

These three teams are led entirely by the three of them, without any outside command.

Jarvis serves as remote technical support.

But he is not directly involved in the competition between the three captains. He just handles some emergencies on his home planet.

. . .

So the final outcome of this trip to the moon depends on these three captains.

Lu Xingye, Zhao Yinyun, and Tony are now on the deck of the spaceship. Everyone continues to be full of popularity. Going to the moon to explore is a very exciting thing, and everyone is eager to try it.

Lu Xingye stood in the center of the three teams and took a step forward, appearing in front of the two captains. He raised his head and glanced at the two captains, then a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Both captains, give your team a resounding name. After you pick the name, our three teams will head to the moon. Whether we can find ancient creatures depends on our trip. Come on, everyone."

Tony lowered his head and thought for a moment.

Tony has always been bad at choosing names. He didn't pay much attention to the naming aspect. He quickly wrote a random name and called it "Mechanical Enemy".

Mechanical Enemy.

Mechanical Enemy, the name comes from a movie.

The reason why he chose this name was that he was full of yearning for some of the technologies in Mechanical Enemy. He hoped that he could lead this mechanical army to achieve great achievements like Mechanical Enemy.

"The name of my exploration team is Mechanical Enemy."

Lu Xingye paused and nodded, then turned his head and looked at Zhao Yinyun again, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident. That's asking what name did the team you led choose?

Zhao Yinyun thought for a while and answered.

"The name of my team will be Biohazard."

Zhao Yinyun also had a certain intention in choosing this name.

He is a biologist himself, in charge of biochemistry.

Zhao Yinyun was not interested at first.

Adventure exploration, these things are generally more interesting to boys. As a girl, he is not very interested in these things, but he is very interested in the biochemistry project that he specializes in.

When he saw the lunar rover transporting the skeleton of an ancient creature back from the moon.

Her mind suddenly came alive.

Why is the attack power of biological modification weaker than that of the mechanical army?

The biochemical army is actually not weak at all.

It’s just that the mechanical army is too strong.

Zhao Yinyun would not admit that she was weaker than Tony.

Therefore, he urgently needs to transform some creatures with powerful attack power to prove himself.

However, after a period of research, Zhao Yinyun discovered that it was difficult to transform more powerful genetic organisms using the original biological gene pool on the home planet.

Unless he uses some overdevelopment.

For example, the T-virus in Resident Evil, and some deadly viruses. Transform the creatures on the home planet into zombies and some powerful monster collections.

But this is not what Zhao Yinyun wants.

In the theater, I want a harmonious and normal mother planet.

Rather than a strange, deformed person. Zombies are everywhere. 's home planet.

Therefore, she would not choose to use the T virus to transform organisms.

So he chose another path.

Expand the gene pool.

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