Can you reach into the movie? I created technological immortality

Can you reach into the movie? I Created Technological Immortality Chapter 378

Find ways to introduce some powerful smoking and fuse it with some modified creatures to create more powerful biochemical creatures with your own hands.

This is Zhao Yinyun's purpose.

Originally, he didn't have high hopes for his goal, because the mother's space is only so big, the business circle is only so large, and there is no way to expand the gene pool, and there is no way to create something out of nothing.

There are no genes for some powerful creatures on the home planet.

This resulted in Zhao Yinyun having no talent but nowhere to focus.


When he saw the lunar rover transporting back the bones of an ancient creature, the dreams that had been shattered in his heart were suddenly rekindled.

This ancient saying is a bit like the dragon from ancient times.

You must know that the divine dragon in ancient times was a destructive existence in the history of Kyushu.

It is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas that Shenlong is a mythical beast and an auspicious beast of Kyushu in ancient times.

People believe in dragons.

Legend has it that the dragon has the power to destroy heaven and earth.

This legendary ancient creature is Zhao Yinyun's key research object.

If this biological gene.

Just imagine.

If this biological gene is integrated into some animals, how big will this animal be?


Breaking gold and cracking stone?

Moving mountains and reclaiming seas?

Or. . . .

Zhao Yinyun didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Now the hope is in front of him. If he can find more Shenlong genes on the moon, then he can try to fuse the Shenlong genes into some other creatures on the mother planet, so that the biochemical army he leads can escape beyond The mechanical army led by Tony.

Zhao Yinyun felt happy just thinking about it.

About two or three hours later.

The spacecraft successfully arrived in low-Earth orbit near the moon. The spacecraft orbits the moon in low-Earth orbit, constantly spinning and spinning.

However, the Shanzhi exploration team in the spacecraft has used particle transmission technology to log in directly to the moon from the spacecraft.

Lu Xingye fell to the east on the far side of the moon.

Zhao Yinyun landed on the north and south sides of the moon.

Tony fell to the northwest on the far side of the moon.

The positions of the three people form a triangle.

The order and distribution of the triangles are very reasonable. Avoid three teams exploring the same place repeatedly.

In this way, the three teams separated into different places, and then went to the center of the far side of the moon to explore. It can prevent everyone from repeatedly exploring some useless places.

As for fairness.

The locations where the three of them landed were all random.

Therefore, although fairness cannot achieve absolute fairness, it can still be relatively fair.

Among the three teams, the landing point is closest to the ancient creature skeleton, so it depends on their luck.

. . .

at the same time.

After Zhao Yinyun landed on the moon.

Then she began to group her biochemical army.

The biochemical army led by Zhao Yinyun is mainly divided into three types. The first type is a new type of creature genetically modified using biological dogs, named the Hunter.

After the transformation of the biological dog, it not only has sharp claws.

And the biting force of the teeth became extremely terrible.

Ordinary biting claws have a biting force of more than 1,000 tons.

And it's very fast.

The speed can reach 200 kilometers per hour.

In addition, she added defensive genes to the biological dog.

Predators have become invulnerable to fire and water.

So this is an extremely terrifying biological killing weapon.

301. Jarvis, the sixth person, broadcast live on the home planet, and the whereabouts of the three teams on the moon

. . . .

The second type of biochemical creature is also transformed from a biological dog. It's just that this kind of biological dog was not modified to be aggressive, but to favor the sense of smell.

Zhao Yinyun gathered together all the excellent genes related to smell that could be found on the home planet.

Such excellent genes.

He named it Hunter.

Hunters are fast, have a keen sense of smell and are good at digging.


Among the biochemical army led by Zhao Yinyun, the hunters are responsible for exploring ancient creatures.

And the vigilantes.

Among the vigilantes of the creatures transformed by Zhao Yinyun.

The Vigilant is the creature he has transformed most successfully.

What about the vigilantes?

The vigilante transformed by Zhao Yinyun was transformed from a small animal. Including but not limited to bees, insects, cockroaches, ants and other small creatures.

He transformed this small creature into a vigilant biochemical army.

A vigilant transformed from a bee, responsible for controlling the air.

A vigilant transformed from an ant responsible for long-range reconnaissance.

This is a bit like the scouts in ancient times. Before the army moved, the scouts were sent to the front to explore the situation.

There are also some small insects that are also responsible for various scenic spots.

It can be said.

With the three biochemical army types of hunters, hunters and vigilantes, ordinary things couldn't get close to Zhao Yinyun.


There are spacecrafts in space for support.

As soon as there is danger, the particle conveyor can be activated immediately to transport them back to the spaceship.

It can be said that their exploration on the moon is completely non-threatening, and they can teleport back to the moon at any time.

To put it simply.

It’s just like traveling.


at the same time.

Jarvis was very bored on his home planet, and he also came up with a crooked idea.

That is to conduct global live broadcasts of these three teams during their lunar exploration.

Because Suihuo technology has now developed to the point where it doesn't need to be afraid of anyone. Although they have made a huge discovery on the moon, they don't have to hide it. No one dares to snatch it from them anyway.

Suihuo Technology is a world leader in both military equipment and scientific and technological strength.

And this lead is not just a little bit ahead, but a big lead.

In addition, Suihuo Technology is the most powerful arms dealer in the world.

Therefore, no one in this world dares to underestimate Suihuo Technology.

No one else dares to steal what Tunhuo Technology likes.

All this comes from the powerful strength of Tunhuo Technology.

Whether Jarvis is an ink-blot, he can do whatever he wants.

Now that he had decided, he immediately took out the most excellent live broadcast equipment inside the hive.

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